Why do we need reporters from all over the world asking football players either the same question they've answered 1,000 times already, or irrelevant questions such as "if you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be."
But I'm here today to tell you that I'm a changed man, because I LIKE HYPE!
It took 30 years for the Seahawks to finally make it to a Super Bowl, and the same amount of time for me to really appreciate, absorb, enjoy and completely wallow in the hype surrounding this big game.
Not to mention the serendipity of choosing THIS season to break down and get DirecTV and the Sunday NFL Ticket, which also provided me access to the NFL Network, or as my wife refers to it, "that bitch you're sneaking around with after I go to bed!"
I'm not only TiVo-ing the games and watching them again, but since the playoffs began, I've been recording and rewatching the pre-game shows, post-game shows, Seahawk appearances on NFL Total Access, special programs like Game of the Week, Sounds of the Game and Birds of Prey, and just about everything else related to this event.
Like one of Pavlov's dogs, I begin to salivate every time I hear that violin intro to the NFL Network catch tune "10% Heart, 20% Skill, 15% Overwhelming Power & Will...". Being tragically un-hip, I'm not sure if this is an original ditty or a reworking of some classical rap song, it's having the same effect on me as a full frontal report from Melyssa Ford*!
Hell, I even totally enjoyed Tory "Big Flame" Holt's interviews with both teams, especially when he asked Matt what was the best thing about this season, to which Matt replied, "beating the Rams twice and winning the NFC West!"
And as somebody else already mentioned, I find myself getting teary eyed every time I see/hear that ESPN Super Bowl promo spot to the tune of "You can't always get what you want", because as a life-long Seahawks fan, no truer words have ever been sung.
So as long as I've got a clear view of the Southern horizon, room on my TiVo, and waking hours to burn, BRING ON THE HYPE!
Because to paraphrase Mick and the boys, "if you give it enough time, you might find, you get what you need!"
* again, being tragically un-hip, I never heard of her before media day, but will now go home and find BET on my DirecTV dial!
Some people need a pet or a wife, or something to occupy their free time.
ReplyDeleteI love that little song on NFL Network. Sometimes i switch the channel to NFL Network just hoping to hear the song. I especially like it when all the players are putting up the signs that say what you need to win. Heart etc.
ReplyDeletePosted by meezy
alba do you have the full lyrics to the song. I would love it.
ReplyDeletePosted by meezy
meeze - I love that version of it too. Reminds me of that classic video of that Dylan tune.
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, near as I can tell it's:
10% Heart, 20% Skill, 15% uncontested? Power and Will
5% Luck, 50% Pain and 100% reason to remember the name!
Posted by alba
Uncontested = concentrated. And there are more lyrics, that is just the chorus. I don't know them.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the hype, maybe I watch too much NFL network, but I'm sick of it. Play the game already. At least they are practicing again. And Stevens rattled Porters cage, that was moderately interesting. I thought Porter overreacted a bit, all but saying he's gonna eat Stevens' children.
Anybody see Bradshaw on NFLTA last night? Basically said the only reason he's picking the Stillers is because he's a homer. Nice.
Posted by JoSCh
hey, I'm over 40 - short term memory is not my strong suit anymore!
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
thanks alba. I just wanted the chorus anyway. I sing along when the song comes on but for some reason i forget all the lyrics after that
ReplyDeletePosted by Anonymous
who's that fine thang next to 12:30
ReplyDeletePosted by Anonymous
That would be the aforementioned Melyssa Ford from BET. Who's the skimmer now?
ReplyDeleteAnd since I'm addicted to the hype,here's the full lyrics to the NFL Total Access tune:
10% Heart, 20% Skill, 15% concentrated Power and Will. 5% Luck, 50% Pain and 100% reason to remember the name!
He doesn't need his name up in lights
He just wants to be heard whether it's the beat of the mike
He feels so unlike everybody else - alone
In spite of the fact that people still think they know him, but no
He knows the code - it's not about salary - it's all about reality and making some noise
Making stories, making sure his click stays up
That means when he puts it down - tock's ticking it up
10% Heart, 20% Skill, 15% concentrated Power and Will. 5% Luck, 50% Pain and 100% reason to remember the name!
Posted by alba
Click HERE for more of Ms. Ford, aka That Fine Thang!
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
My fault alba i guess i'm the skimmer even though i read the whole article and just missed that. I ususally read everyword on this site. Its the news articles etc. that i skim.
ReplyDeletePosted by meezy
no problem, brother.
ReplyDeletebelieve me, I enjoyed EVERY minute of research I did finding those pictures of the lovely Ms. Ford. Let's just say that she "builds excitement" and Quality wouldn't the the first job I assigned to that Ford!
Posted by alba