So, Mr. Tynes, you think missing clutch kicks is your thing? HA. I had that shit pegged years ago. You only missed two. I could have missed three.
You know what power is, Mr. Tynes? Power is giving everyone in the largest city in America a heart attack. Not even Superman will try to go up against that. My foot has a deathly ability not seen in this city since the Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters. Hell, here's a spoiler from you. Jay Feeley's leg is the Cloverfield Monster.
So, Mr. Tynes, you think you're all that? I laugh at your miserable attempt to reproduce my reign of terror.
[Tynes kicks game winner in OT]
Wait...setting it up so that you can miss field goals in the Super Bowl. This will finish off New Yorkers for sure! The force is strong in you Mr. Tynes. I'll see you in Arizona. You still have much work to do, but together we can rule the world!
LOL...Feeley was almost vindicated!