I'm getting more than a little pissed off over the NFL favoring the New York Giants over the whole crowd noise debate. In case you just crawled out from under a rock, here is the latest information:
- Someone (the Giants) is accusing the Seahawks of piping in crowd noise
- Tom Caughlin denies knowledge of the accusation
- Mike Holmgren politely tells them they are full of crap and the the crowd will be louder now
- Roger Goodell has an interest in shutting us up
I plan to write something on AOL to hopefully stir up a crapstorm about how egregious this favoritism is... no other team has garnered this much attention when playing at Qwest.
What do you think?
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Anyone know where I can download that audio feature KJR did where they spliced together the Giants Radio feed.
ReplyDeleteI say the Seahawks get a hold of it and pipe that through the stadium speakers.
I say, give the Giants black helicopter treatment. The crowd needs to be jacked up for this game so much that the NFL decides to play all of its games in a sound proof bubble.
It's on!!! Bring in the Giants...they are going down. Goodell can have a front row seat and watch as we dismantle his team. If our fans scream loud enough no one will know if the noise is real, artificial, or from the kaw, kaw, kawwing of that mascott hawk. Let their ears ring from the noise. You can't tell me that the New Yorkers don't scream for their team too?!!! Come on, now. Tough teams don't make excuses.
ReplyDeleteNo sh!t... How many false starts did Carolina have? How about Washington? You can't tell me that it was any quieter at the Q in the playoffs. The other teams were just more prepared, and in the end, they weren't so freaking jumpy.
ReplyDeleteI agree... now properly motivated, this Sunday the 12th man will be the loudest crowd the NFL has ever seen! F the Giants! F Roger Goodall! F the stupid Giants linemen! F Eli' squeaky little voice that only digs can hear in a library! F the lame NY crowd that wants to sit and have tea and crumpets with their football!
We all need to leave posts on their AOL blog about them whining to the league about the crowd noise.
ReplyDeleteI was just coming here to write a rant about this very topic after reading the newest most ludicrous comments about this issue. Guess I won't have to now that Blue is.
ReplyDeleteBTW, in case anyone doesn't understand what the NFL is doing here, let me put it in plain English. They are telling the Seahawks fans to shut the F*ck up, because the Giants are a more popular team and are supposed to win.
That's the bottom line of what the NFL is saying, they don't like the Seahawks, they like the Giants, because it's an east coast N.Y. market team, so the NFL doesn't want Seattle to win, and if it takes telling you Seahawks fans to shut the F*ck up already to make sure that happens, they will.
ReplyDeleteYou have called me out for the last time. How many blatant FU's do we need to take before we fight back. It's time for the Seahawks and the 12th MAN to take the first step to XLI.
Let's send Eli and the latest media darlings back to the East Coast with a Space Needle sized message up their ass.
319 row A seats 9&10 LOUD AND PROUD!!!
We've been fighting back. We've taken a ton of crap over the last couple years, but the media, along with other fanbases who both really speak out their asses, are spinning it into Seattle is 'whiny'. I hate when that word is used to associate with us. WE're not allowed to defend our team? The players cant say anything, or they lose money. Although Holmgren has been doing it for a couple years, on about 7 or 8 occassions in that span, since we were put on the map last year, he was finally noticed and was in trouble for pointing out the apology letter---ironically, after the Giants game. So now he cant say anything.
ReplyDeleteThe league doesn't like us. I dont know if conspiracy is right, but there is definitely something going on now. Now...it is personal. They called us out. ITS PERSONAL.
Calm down ladies... mega commish is on the muthajoka.
ReplyDelete"I love the 12th Man," Goodell said. "I love the fact that home fans can influence the game. I'm not trying to take that away," Goodell said immediately after he began his term replacing Paul Tagliabue three weeks ago."
My opinion, he's telling the truth here, but is going to investigate if the noise piping issues are true. So what?
NFL favoring the New York Giants over the whole crowd noise debate. Proof?
They are telling the Seahawks fans to shut the F*ck up, because the Giants are a more popular team and are supposed to win. Proof?
Seattle is 'whiney' See most of the above... in fact, in this instance someone (who knows who, guessing GM Accorsi (sp?)) in the Gints organization was "whiney" because they are complaining about an alleged breaking of the rules. Having another team complain about our Hawks cheating is a breath of fresh air IMO, particularly when it is as bogus a claim as this one. Just an opinion, backed by the above Goodell quote.
I think you have to ask yourself who has the most to gain by making the accusations? I think there are 2 prime candidates: The Hawks and the Cowgirls.
ReplyDeleteThe Hawks couldn't have scripted a better story leading up to this game, or could they????? Jumpstart the crowd for the rest of the season. Screw with a young QB who got sacked 8 times, and threw a bunch of lame ducks that his receivers bailed him out of. If they did it, my hats off to them. Absolutely brillant. They could annouce the entire team is on steriod and nobody would notice.
The Cowgirls...they're in a brutal division and NYG dropping one in Seattle only helps their cause, especially when you consider that TO is a disaster, they're in a QB controversy. They need all the help they can get.
All that being said...I'm fortunate to be going to the game and I KNOW it's going to be deafening...like Raider games in the Kingdome. Everyone will leave with ears ringing like they just went to a Who concert.
Personal story from last years game. We usually sit in 2 different locations during the game. A half in the Hawk's nest and a half in the lower bowl. I spent the first half in the Hawk's nest last year and it was ridiculously loud. Endless yelling, no organized cheering, just people randomly yelling...and banging the bleachers.
In the second half I went down into the lower bowl. It was the same story. What I didn't anticipate was feeling the noice. In the nest you're fairly isolated from the other sections. In the lower bowl, everytime the folks above us erupted at a good play, you could literally feel the sound fall down onto you as it went to the field. You could feel a vibration move past and through you as the sound went to the field.
The city is already at a fever pitch to crush this rumor. It's Saturday anticipation on Thursday. I can't imagine what it will be like by Sunday.
You're missing the point, JoSCh. Out of one side of his mouth (what you quoted) Goodell is saying he loves the 12th man, loves the fact that fans can affect the outcome of the games, but out of the other side of his mouth he is saying he wants to take away that effect, by:
ReplyDelete1. Wiring the helmets of more offensive players (he explained this at the Giants HQ, in direct reference to the 12th man)
2. "Monitoring" the game, as a response to allegations, playing to the interest of the Giants.
Th problem is that he is so blatantly responding to the Giants in these issues. He SAYS he loves the 12th man, but his actions say something else.
"I love the 12th man" is just a smokescreen.
Exactly Blue, it's that big BUTT in the middle of his statement that tells you what he's really thinking.
ReplyDeleteThat and the fact that, now the NFL will be monitoring the game, AND there is now bitching and moaning about how fast our offense gets out of the huddle and to the line of scrimmage. All of these things are specifically designed to take away the advantages we have against a team which plays very undisciplined. Last week they gave up 8 sacks, and now they go to Seattle where they had 11 false start penalties, so the new commish is sweating big time, and decides that they need to crack down on crowd noise and on the quick pace the Seahawks offense runs. Coincidence? I think not.
I can't believe that Yahoo story completely misreprented the Commish's words out of context like that. Read the whole article that's linked within Bloof's AOL piece and you'll see that the "I love the 12th man" statement made by the Commish had an Aretha Franklin sized BUT attached to it. That's exactly the type of journalistic hanky-panky they use to "prove" that Seattle fans are whiney.
ReplyDeleteThe bottomline is...
ReplyDeleteSomething stinks, and I just took a shower...so...
The hawk fans are HUNGRY....I am HUNGRY and let them come monitor the Giants game...cuz they will only here us yelling our asses off!!
ReplyDeleteActually, he said "The league is looking at the possibility of wiring players other than quarterbacks so that there will be fewer false starts by visitors in noisy stadiums. "Don't get me wrong," Goodell said. "I love the 12th man. But keeping the game moving without so many penalties is also very important." here on September 6th, and then said "I love the 12th Man," Goodell said. "I love the fact that home fans can influence the game. I'm not trying to take that away," Goodell said immediately after he began his term replacing Paul Tagliabue three weeks ago." here on September 20th. Is he flip-flopping, politicing, or outright lying? Or are all three of those the same? I personally don't have a problem with them looking into artificially produced or team sponsored crowd noise that is created outside of the rules.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to point out that "the NFL favoring the New York Giants over the whole crowd noise debate" and "They are telling the Seahawks fans to shut the F*ck up, because the Giants are a more popular team and are supposed to win." and "The league doesn't like us." says to me that "conspiracy is right" if you throw a theory in there. The crack black ops CSI team "investigating" the crowd noise is going to make sure the rules are followed, they are probably at every game anyway...
Alba, two separate articles, two separate quotes, not misrepresentation, flip-flopping on the issue by commishistud. You know, like a I support the war democrat... that is exactly the type of skim-tastic reading I use to "prove" that you are a skimmer, ya big hippie.
Monkey said "there is now bitching and moaning about how fast our offense gets out of the huddle and to the line of scrimmage." There is actually a rule that says the O cannot rush to the line specifically to cause a D penalty, such as too many men on the field or offsides. If the refs are holding us up for that, ok, if they are slowing the O for nefarious reasons, then I agree, but I'm not fully ready to jump on the conspiracy theory bandwagon just yet. If the team bitches about it again, maybe.
I read the 2nd quote in my local paper this morning, but it said that it came from the press conference three weeks ago, which is the same conference that the first quote is from. It's obvious to me that the reporter ascribing the second quote thought it necessary to eliminate the "BUT" and the following words, because he was not writing about wiring helmets.
ReplyDeleteIt's still the same quote, the writer omitted the relevant crap.
Personally I think the whole thing is pretty hilarious. If it's the Gints that complained about possibly piping in artificial noise it's just going to back fire on the whiney bastards.
ReplyDeletejoSCH is right, Having another team complain about our Hawks cheating is a breath of fresh air .
And on that fine old issue of no respect, the Fox NFL team will be broadcasting live from Seattle for the pregame. That's pretty cool and says something about the year we had.
Don't get me wrong," Goodell said. "I love the 12th man. But keeping the game moving without so many penalties is also very important."
ReplyDelete"I love the 12th Man," Goodell said. "I love the fact that home fans can influence the game. I'm not trying to take that away,"
It's obvious to me that the reporter ascribing the second quote thought it necessary to eliminate the "BUT" and the following words
Bluefoot, conspiracy theorist.
ReplyDeleteYou win, JoSCh! That's pret near the funniest thing I've ever seen!
I think all of you guys are missing the big picture. Due to your limited, victim's mindset, you're not thinking outside the box. Luckily, Citizen K is as exobox as they come...
ReplyDeleteInstead of getting all angry and reactionary—how dare those New York City suits tell us how to cheer for our team?!!—how about rising above the scrum and instead figuring out a way to counteract the impending interhelmet communication? Seattle's the home of lots of techie minds, right? Why couldn't someone invent a jamming device that would intercept all of the opposition's radio banter, run it through an algorithm that randomizes the terms, and then feed a different output into each player's headset? Confusion would reign, and no one would be the wiser.
Imagine the look on the face of Eli Manning as he audibles to what he thinks is a dumpoff to Shockey, but his blockers all peel to the outsides, leaving the center wide open for a host of Hawks to stroll in for the team sack! It could happen, Hawks fans! Just accept what is to come and deal with it in a logical, proactive manner.
Citizen K - You've been watching Disney movies with your kids again, haven't you?
ReplyDeleteThe Seahawks aren't the only team accused of piping in artificial noise. The NFL's beloved Colts were also accused (http://www.colts.com/sub.cfm?page=article7&news_id=3367) so I think we need to stop with the conspiracy theory and victim mentality already, right?
ReplyDeleteI agree that it will suck if they take away the home field advantage, but when it comes down to it the players still have to win on the field so they will just have to adapt.
I don't know I guess I'm just tired of the complaining about how we are not treated fair. Yes the super bowl was horrible, but lets let it go. It's a whole new year. I hate hearing how whiney seattle fans are all the time.
Regardless it's not going to help the Giants this week anyways, it should have the opposite affect. I'm sure the crowd will be even more jacked up.
Go Hawks!!!