And as he sat upon the camp in Cheney, the 12th man came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of the Lombardi trophy, and of the end of the championship drought?
This Seahawks dude answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
For many shall troll in the forums, saying, The Seahawks suck; and shall deceive many.
And ye shall hear of division rivals and rumors of rivals: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the championship is not yet.
For rival shall rise against rival, and conference against conference: and there shall be injuries, and bad calls, and East coast bias, in power rankings.
All these are the beginning of challenges.
Then shall they deliver you up to be disrespected, and shall mock you: and ye shall be hated of all rivals for Shaun Alexander's sake.
And then shall many be offended, and shall behave like trolls to one another, and shall lay smack to one another.
And many false power rankings shall rise, and shall deceive many.
And because bandwagoners shall abound, the love of many shall wane erratically.
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall see you in Miami.
(to comment, click the green number to the right of the title above)
"For many shall troll in the forums, saying, The Seahawks suck; and shall deceive many."
ReplyDeleteAh yes, I've seen Steelers fans invading the forums of my Seahawks group on MySpace, leaving incoherent ramblings about how bad the Seahawks are and how good the Steelers are in their wake. The Super Bowl XL debate has raged on ... until the California power outages screwed up the MySpace servers.
Thankfully, it hasn't hit too hard here... the SS!FN network is pretty much troll free and the SBXL conspiracy theorists have given it a rest.
ReplyDeleteNeedless to say, I'm VERY glad we're beginning a new season today!
And let us all say...AMEN!
ReplyDeleteLombardi is capitalized cobag... funny ass post though. Amen!
ReplyDeleteNice post, it reads like something straight out of Monty Pythons' Life of Brian. Pretty damn funny if you read it in your head in one of the crazy english accents in that flick.
ReplyDeleteBigO: What are you talking about? I DID write it in a British accent.
ReplyDeleteJoSCh: lombardi is only capitalized when we are talking about THE divine Lombardi, right? Or maybe that's the difference between 'coach' and 'Coach'.
Anyway, no, you're a Cobag.
Divine or not, Lombardi is a proper name, therefore capitalized, so the distinction of cobag is once again yours. BTW, cobag is not capitalized, unless we're talking about "The Cobag", which I'd guess is the king of all cobags? Could be me, could be you, but most likely it's a Kitty fan... I kinda miss those guys.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, if you'd like to battle, we can take this over to blue, since it's way quicker to post and you can do pictures and whatnot, but only if you can keep those douchebags on a leash. They're like Ram fans up in there, no substance, just lots of bluster and misspellings. And I want some street guys on the panel if there were to be any voting. I'll lose graciously, but not if it's because I'm the new kid. Maybe they didn't like my avatar? I found it HI-LARRY-US!
(Note to self: Don't use tongue in cheek humor with JoSCh. He'll throw down.)
ReplyDeleteI'm not bored enough to go toe-to-toe with you right now. Maybe soon, but maybe not. Actual Seahawks stuff starts happening today, and I'm too giddy to bust your chops anyway.
And, uh, you're right, there has been no content. But that's pretty much the offseason for you. It'll change right quick. And your avatar is fine. Close to the line, but fine.
Did I just say, "right quick"?
It's ok, right quick is easily understood by a redneck South Carolinian like me. Sorry, been innernit fighting on the fantasy football message boards, lately, so I got a short fuse I guess. They are also packed full of substandard challengers and folks who can't figure out sarcasm unless it's followed by a series of smileys... besides, should be plenty of trolls this year I think, what with the noteriety of the 'Hawks and the fact that this website has been up for a while now.
ReplyDeleteI don't hate the Steelers, but did the S'hawks ever get hosed. Also, what's his name needs to not be a friggin cobag about clock management. Fight the power, cobags!
ReplyDeleteWay to mis-type your own screen name cobag.
ReplyDeleteYeah, what he said.
ReplyDeleteOk, that link you guys had up the other day didn't work where I work. WTF, is a cobag???
ReplyDeleteBlue? This is the single funnies thing you have ever written. THIS WAS AWESOME!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks monkey, I was 'feeling the spirit' last night.
ReplyDeletegO: Does this link work?
Cobag installation
ReplyDeleteIs that really YOU??!!
Answer your email!
Bloof, nope, but thanks for tryin.
ReplyDeleteThat was really, really funny. Great post!
Good to see a lot of old familar names coming out of the woodwork! Welcome back gentlemen...the season will be starting soon.
ReplyDeleteI hate bandwagoners and they are all cobags unless they start off as a bandwagoner and refuse to get off.
ReplyDeleteGood piece blue. Lets get this season started baby.
With all the passion we throw into the Hawks during the season, it's tough to keep it up during the offseason. All the residents of the street will be back, I assure you.
ReplyDeleteWow Blue, you've given me a spiritual awakening...if i can invest so much faith into the Seahawks...I should be able to do the same for God...afterall, without the Almighty, who knows what woulda happened last year...some kind of divine intervention happened during the season...
ReplyDeleteAlright back to the topic...amazing what perserverence can do for someone. Im very curious as of whether or not im gonna be nervous before every single game again. God knows I was last year. Im a very scared person thanks to the anxiety/worrying. Hopefully we stay united through the season, as thats what helped me through last year.
I also hope everyone remembers every move they made last year...call me superstitious, but cant take chances...
Btw, great picture Blue...I hope that Seahawk dude becomes a staple for the entire DYNASTY. In fact, it would be cool if you made one after every game mocking the opponent...just an idea...
ReplyDeleteSorry, I sKimmed the main post. Woot training camp--wake me when the opponent is wearing some other team's jersey. Jennings--get your @$$ signed and into camp. Didn't you notice Babs failed his physical? You've got at least a #3 spot waiting for you, and since Herndon sucks, #2 is more likely. But you've got to sign to take it! We don't need no Walter Jones crap, especially from a rookie.
ReplyDeleteI just found a vintage SI with the Boz and Jim McMahon on the front at the recycling center. It's awesome! (And so is the magazine.)
CitK - cut that out...skimming is MY job!
ReplyDeleteLeave him alone Alba, that's his way of complimenting but also saying Jesus is mad at me.
ReplyDeleteNice to see Jennings didn't skim HIS post though. Twiggy signed today!
Blue, you read me like a book. Exactly correct!