I'll admit it. That headline is just a thinly veiled justification for posting this picture. Anyone else smell fish?
Anyhow, the Seahawks are the only NFC contender who still does not know who they'll be lining up against in the playoffs. The suddenly resurgent Redslurs are the odds on favorite to be visiting the Pacific Nortwest, since they control their own destiny, but the Viking and Saints are still breathing on life-support, hoping their HMO doesn't pull the plug this weekend.
So who are you rooting for?
All the Redskins need to do is win and they're in. Some Seahawks faithful want to have the Redskins come back to Qwest field to lay another beat-down on them like we did in 2005, but even the most casual fan knows this year's version is nowhere near as dominant as that team. The Redskins seem to be peaking just at the right moment, and Todd Collins is playing more like a top 10 draft pick than someone who hasn't started in 10 years. Besides, there is that payback thing from 2005 for extra motivation.
Speaking of payback, the Saints are the only potential opponent that we already played this season, and the last time they visited Qwest, the came away with their first win of the season in a 28-17 Bushfest (I mean Reggie, not the graphic above). For the Saints to make a return trip to Seattle, they need to Redskins and Vikings to lose. As much as I'd like the Seahawks to get a chance to avenge their only home field loss, especially since they'll be without their two most potent weapons from that contest, Reggie Bush and Boone Stutz, this would force me to pull for both the Cowboys and the Broncos, which is way too much for any Seahawk fan to bear.
Which leaves us the Vikings. Yes, the Steve Hutchinson poison-pill sleezeballs that also came into Qwest last season and knocked out Hasselbeck for more than a month. Those Vikings. I'd love for them to get a sniff of playoff hope only to have the Seahawks dismantle and destroy their hopes and dreams, and since we've already exacted our revenge against the Bears, rooting for them to knock out the Saints won't turn my stomache too badly.
So I don't care who we play in the first round, because I'm not ascared of either the Redskins, the Vikings or the Saints.
But all that being said, there 'taint no way I'm cheering for the Cowboys.
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