To hear the media pundits tell it, Stevens "guaranteed" a Seahawks victory, and in doing so, stuck the collective head of the Seahawks into the Lion's mouth.
To hear Joey Porter's reaction, you'd think that Stevens raped their cattle and rustled their women.
Here's what our brash and outspoken tight end had to say:
"It's a great story that he's coming back home. But it's going to be sad when he leaves without that trophy."
That's it.
No trash talk. No guarantees. No disrespect.
He just refused to genuflect at the alter that his Jerome Bettis in the temple of Detroit.
No, if I'm not mistaken, at the Steelers pep rally before leaving for Detroit, Mr. Bettis himself said something to the effect of "..and when we come back, we'll have one for the thumb!"
Putting aside the obvious fact that with this being Mr. Bettis' FIRST appearance in a Super Bowl, he seems to be under the impression that he'll be receiving FIVE rings should they prevail, but how is THAT not a "guarantee" of a victory?
Where's all the media outrage and coverage over those remarks?
Personally, I don't have a problem with what Stevens said, as he's got to be twice as sick about all the Jerome Bettis Homecoming hoopla as we are. And I like the fact that he's not backing down.
"If he still wants to act like he doesn't know who I am, then I guess it's going to be a big surprise to him on game day," Stevens said. "I wasn't trying to rile them up, I was just telling the truth."
So while everyone in the media is going to use this as additional fuel to prove why the Steelers will win this game, I like the fact that Stevens now has just a little extra incentive to raise up his level of play and take it to Joey Porter and the rest of the babbling bumble bees.
I have always found it interesting what athetes consider "disrespect" and "trash talk"
ReplyDeleteExample, ast season when we played the Patriots and some one said we wanted them to be undefeated going into the game, because we would love to knock them off.
The Patriots viewed us wanting the challenge of playing an undefeated team on the road and wanting to succeed as disrespect.
I figue that anytime a player expresses his desire to win that he is somehow disrespecting the other team. If another player's motivation is what Porter needs to get ready for the friggin' NFL Championship then he has issues.
What was Stevens supposed to say? "He's a great player and when he hists the trophy it'll be a great day for the NFL."? NO! As alba points out, he just isn't doing the trendy thing by dropping to his knees and worshipping Jerome Bettis.
Stevens did show respect to Bettis, and admitted that was a special story. He did anything but disrespect the Steelers.
Just once, I'd love to see a Super Bowl where neither team claims that they're being disrespected. The favorite, the underdog, everybody. Just come in and play the game. Just because 100% of the world isn't voting for you in those retarded "who will win polls" and just because the other side wants to win the game doesn't mean your disrespected.
And if you didn't like that rant, I'll feel disrespected!
Posted by Alan
I had no problem with what he said as well, but anyways...
ReplyDeletePoor Pittsburgh can't take it? I thought they were tough...it would take YEARS of trash talk to make up for the crap we had to take this year, so they can shove it up their asses.
Sadly, I talked to my friend Ryan for the first time in awhile (high school friend who looked like one of those perfect model types...and wasn't a player either!)...and he is currently in college in PA...and said everywhere is Steeler fans.
He said they are psycho...and hes not big on sports whatsoever, but said they are the types to stay inside the next couple of days if their team loses...I told him to TP some of their houses, but he declined saying these guys are psycho and seem like theyre in a trans.
Oh well, again, like the toughness stuff...no amount of pain they have felt could be as much as the crap Seattle has gone through...so again, SHOVE IT PITTSBURGH.
Besides...I would use the Terrible Towel the same way I use a regular towel---wiping my ass and crotch dry after i get outta the shower
Im guessing they're thinking 'the jerkstore called...they're running outta you'...well guess what Pittsburgh?...'our LOGO slept with your wives!!!' (if you know seinfeld, and read monkey's funny article thingy, you'll get it)
I also like how the media shoves a microphone in every player's face and asks "are you being disrespected" and then on Mike Greenburg on M&M this morning says "the Seahawks are whining and moaning about being disrespected!"
ReplyDeleteIn any Seahawk interview I've seen (and read my I LIKE HYPE post, I've seen 'em all!) the player always deflects that question and says "they're a good team, they beat the #1, #2, ad #3 seeds on the road, they deserve to be favored", so it's not like they're whining and moaning.
Posted by alba
The amazing thing to me is how the media continues to rally around Porter and the Squealers. This morning on ESPN, they were talking about Joey's comments this morning, like sharks to chum, and they actually had the gall to say that Stevens needs to learn to keep his mouth shut, becasue he's firing up the other team.
ReplyDeleteThis is UNFATHOMABLE to me. If you look at Steven's comment vs. Porter's, which one are more inflammatory? Which one has given the other team more to rally around?
Has the media lost ALL objectivity?
Here's to Big Walt "waking up". Here's to him giving Joey the "Ultimate Shut Up" - 0 sacks, 0 hurries, 0
OK, the zero tackles is a stretch, but as near to zero as possible is in order.
I'm pissed. I can only imagine what the Seahawks OL it talking about this morning. I bet they're pissed, too. Helmets are gonna be crackin' on Sunday.
Posted by Bluefoot
you know whose fault all of this is???
ReplyDeletemichael jordan's.
it was jordan who made playing the disrespect card fashionable in the mid-90s. he was famous for taking almost anything as a perceived slight or disrespect and using it as motivation.
my sincere hope is that this finally becomes the year that playing the disrespect card becomes passe. enough already. what is this... professional wrestling?
Posted by dave crockett
Preach on brothers. Preach on. Joey Porter's mouth is his own worst enemy. At least one media person (Michael Irvin) thinks that Joey Porter was the one who was being disrespectful, and not Jerramy Stevens.
ReplyDeleteGo Hawks.
Posted by John
I used to kind of enjoy Porter's outspoken attitude. Now I think he's just a jackass. Did you hear his comments? It's like he was excited to finally have a reason to shoot his mouth off -- and when he did, he seemed to think Stevens only got on the field as a special teams player. WTF?
ReplyDeleteI'm so sick of the media trawling for stories to hype up, and I really hate Porter's excessively manicured goatee.
On the flip side, I'm happy that I finally hate our opponent in the Super Bowl.
DUDE #1 to DUDE #2: Hey, go ask Rosco how well his sister dances.
ReplyDeleteDUDE #2 to ROSCO: I understand your sister is quite a dancer.
ROSCO: What's wrong with your sukkah? I'll kill you. Everyone knows my sister ain't got any legs!!!
Guess who is DUDE #1, DUDE #2 and who is ROSCO in this little viniette??!!
Posted by alba
It's "vignette," Mr. Correct Everyone Else's Posts! ;-)
ReplyDeletePosted by Grammar and spelling nazi
LOL - actually, knowing that I'm a well documented feedback whore, how do you know I didn't intentionally misspell it just to generate more comments to my topic?
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
I also know that you're not clever enough to do that... ;-)
ReplyDeleteJust kidding, alba. I was quite amused by your "viniette." I'm not exactly sure who Dude #1 and Dude #2 are, but I'm guessing "Rosco" is Ray Lewis.
Posted by Grammar and spelling nazi (AKA Citizen K)
Heaven forbid that one of the Seahawks actually has the attittude of WANTING TO WIN A FOOTBALL GAME.
ReplyDeletePosted by gumbostu
I knew you were kidding and it was HYSTIRICOL!!!
ReplyDeleteYea, it seems that if the Seahawks do anything but surrender at the opening kickoff, they're disrespecting the Steelers, the League, Jerome Bettis, Chunky Soup, Skip Bayless, and Steven Jobs.
Posted by alba
Let's play a fun Super Bowl Week Version of Hangman!
ReplyDeleteSkip Bayless can
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Winner gets to be the next person to tell Joey Porter to Shut up after saying the steelers would play so hard that the Seahawks would "tap out".
Posted by Alan
I saw the teaser on sportcenter and they made it seem like Stevens had started talking about Jerome's mother or something. When they showed the quote I couldn't believe they were making that big of a deal about it. All the guy said is that he thinks his team is going to win. Should he think they are going to lose? What does any of that have to do with Bettis. I'm so sick of hearing that story so I was glad someone finally said something. Nothing against Bettis, he seems like a good guy and all, but this has got to stop. I think this will be good because hopefully this will spotlight Stevens a bit more and maybe they won't forget about him in the offense like they seem to at times. I think he'll will have a huge game and then maybe Porter will realize that he not just a Special Teams player.
ReplyDeleteMark my words, put it in the quote bucket "I GUARANTEE THE SEAHAWKS WILL WIN THE SUPERBOWL" Those were the first words i said after Bobby Engram dropped the game tying touchdown in last years playoffs.
ReplyDeleteGotta read this guys take on this hissy fit, it's funny.
ReplyDeleteWoops link didn't work try this
ReplyDeleteThank you. Good post. I actually got angry watching ESPN hyping this story and proclaiming that Stevens' comment was going to actually impact the game because he had woken up Joey Porter.
ReplyDeleteThat statement implies that Joey Porter was asleep leading up to that statement, which means that, if Stevens had not said that comment, Joey Porter would not have been hyped about playing in the Super Bowl.
That's ridiculous.
Posted by colin_hesse
Although that is EXACTLY what Porter himself SAID! He said, "I've been asleep all week, but now I got woke up,"
ReplyDeleteSo I guess that since Joey "bipolar" Porter himself said that he was sleeping, ESPIN had every right to print that he was.
Guess it's not really that ridiculous since Porter confimed it with his own XL mouth.
Joey Porter is just an attention whore like TO and other morons like that. He's a talented guy, but likes to hear himself talk and knows if he says something they'll play it to death on ESPN. I saw a clip where they were asking Matt about it and he actually said "I'm sorry, but yes we are going to try to win this game". Man I hope we crush them so the media will have to shove those heartwarming Jerome Bettis riding off into the sunset stories where the sun don't shine. I wonder then if we'll get any credit or if Peter King will still think the Chargers and Patriots should be ranked higher than us.
ReplyDeletehey, what's so wrong about being an attention whore??!! :-)
ReplyDeletewhen we win, the media will be armed and ready with excuses for the Pittsburgh loss, mark my words.
Posted by alba
Amen, alba. They're already talking about how IF, in their eyes that the earth opened up and swallowed the Squealers, it will be the game Pittsburg lost, and not what Seattle won.
ReplyDeletePosted by Bluefoot
"I imagine Joey Porter would have gotten outraged if someone told him the sky was blue. "Hey, that's the color of the Seahawks uniforms." ... If this is what he needs to get himself psyched up, fine. But this hyping on the Sports Bleater of the "war of the words" is ridiculous. Too much time to fill on two many networks, boys?"
ReplyDeletePosted by Larry Weisman
This just in: Newsflash...Joey Porter is reportedly angry at a no parking sign in Detroit for telling him what to do.
ReplyDeleteApparently, while trying to park near a trendy retauraunt in the Greek section, he couldn't find an open space, and according to sources close to the situation, called out the no parking sign, and the city of Detroit for disrespecting him.
Porter was overheard saying, "Dat does it now baby, da gloves are off now. Who does dat sign tink he is telling me where I can and can't park. Dat sign is soft, da whole stupid city of Detroit an all da peoples what put up dat sign is soft. Now ahm hunry fer blood, dey is gonna feel MY WRATH on gameday."
Porter then went on to call into question the ancestry of the sign and also to question city's traffic signals, which were apparently sending him subliminal messages that were disrespectful.
Just keep running your XL mouth Porter, all this talk about soft this, and tap out that...good stuff man. I just can't wait to see you try to get around Big Walt on Sunday, methinks it will be you tapping out first loudmouth, due to a sever as$beating.
ReplyDeleteThat sign needs to learn to keep it's mouth shut.
ReplyDeletePosted by Bluefoot
BTW, has anyone watched the DJack video on Seahawks.com? It's all good natured, but he talks some good trash in the direction of former Seahawk Willie Williams. How'd the media miss that?
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
Here's my hope. On a pass play, where Stevens stays in for pass protection, and Matt rolls out. Here comes Porter coming on a blitz chasing Matt from behind. Then, when Porter is about 2 yards from paydirt, Stevens flies in like a bat our of hades delivers a resounding Locklear on Porter, sending him flying 7 yards upfield on his backside.
ReplyDeleteThen Stevens can ask Porter what he meant by "soft".
Posted by highwatermark
I will not rest until everyone reads the hilarity of this Porter link (click my name).
ReplyDeletePosted by Uff
That's funny. If I thought Joey could type, I'd believe he actually wrote it, it sounds just like him. That guy sure sounds educated doesn't he? Musta played for Neauweasel.
ReplyDeleteI like the TO comparison. I just hope Walt flattens him early and then flaps his hand at him like "keep talkin!"
I loved Walt's quote about if you weren't already pumped up to be here than you shouldn't even be here. My guess is Joey's gonna wish he wasn't by the time the left side of the line gets through with him.
Posted by Mike K.
ReplyDeleteLocklear as a verb is delicious. Well done!
Posted by Citizen K