How good was it? Let me put it this way -- The amount of traffic generated last April was the most in this blog EVER. It even dwarfed the traffic generated by the Super Bowl coverage.
But I have to hand it to you contributors - you all played your repective roles in the process, stayed true to your commitments, and thus provided the most in-depth and up-to-the-minute coverage of the Seahawks draft pics ANYWHERE.
Seriously. Some sites did very well providing current lists of the draft picks. Some sites provided excellent depth about the players, but it was the next day before we saw the article. This site had the best of both worlds, because everyone did their job, and the resulting content was easily navigated by visitors as well.
So, here we are in 2006. What is in store this year? Much of the same. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
- We will have a completely open and free draft day chat blog set up - no registration, signup or fees required. It's as fast loading, footloose and fancy-free as can be.
- On the main site, we will have a topic posting for each draft pick, with links to scouting reports and background information for each draft pick as they become available.
- The main topic on the site will serve as 'welcome screen', and a constantly updated index to all the other draft pick topics.
But the success of this year's coverage depends on you, the contibutor. Here is how you can participate:
First of all, I would like for contributors to place "dibs" on a draft pick or picks to be responsible for featuring. Do this on the comments to this thread. No ifs, ands, or maybes, just commit concretely to the pick you'd like, so the other contributors see clearly what picks are left and respond accordingly.
Here is what you have to choose from:
1 (31) ADP
2 (63) ADP (will announce Darry Tapp?)
3 (I forget the number) JoSCh'Contingency' position and cover trades and resulting picks: OPEN
Maintain welcome post and links to pick threads: OPEN
4 (128) Gumbostu
5 (163) Gumbostu
6 (200) JoSCh
7 (239) ADP
7 (249) Bokonon'Contingency' position and cover trades and resulting picks: OPEN
Maintain welcome post and links to pick threads: OPEN
Once you know what picks you have, your respective jobs is to be alert to the Seahawks' turn to make their pick and announcement for your selections, and post a new thread reflecting this announcement with the players' name mentioned. You might even have a new post ready, so all you have to do is type in the name of the player and immediately post. This way others can comment immediately on the pickup. Don't get caught up in commenting on the selection just yet, you have more work to do.
Next, you need to go back and edit your post. Add a picture, and a brief comment if you like. Repost the thread. Go back and edit the post again.
Now, go surf the net and find good information on the new Seahawk and copy the links over to the post you are editing. As soon as you have some good stuff, publish it again. As long as you keep finding good information about the new pick, keep coming back and posting it to the official thread. Feel free to comment at this point as well.
The whole objective in this organization is to keep topics contiguous, double posting to a minimum, all the while keeping the information as up-to-date as possible. It will enable visitors to get information and comment in real-time.
We also need a volunteer to maintain a thread "always on top" that serves as the introductory 'welcome screen' with links to chat and other features. Most everyone on the Seahawk universe will be looking for draft info, so *please* keep off-topics to an absolute minimum.
If you guys can help with this it will be ABSOLUTELY COOL. Last year, draft coverage put this site on the map. Not to mention it's a whole lot of fun.
If you are a new contributor, and a little rusty on posting pic and links, don't worry about it. Check out the "How to Blog" in the Nav menu, and dive in anyway. We help each other around here.
I can't wait. So which pick(s) do YOU want? Please use the comments area to volunteer for specific picks and/or duties. This post will be updated to reflect your commitments.
Thanks again, and GO SEAHAWKS!
(to comment, click the green number to the right of the title above)
As an avowed Draft Neophite, I find that I have nothing to bring to this party, so I will elect to stand by the wall and watch the rest of you Draft Mavens boogie down!
ReplyDeletePlus, Saturday is my daughter's birthday, so I won't be online much. (which for me means only 23 hours!)
Unfortunately, I may not be around for this. I would love to do this again like last year, but it looks like I will be too busy.
ReplyDeleteI too have a birthday commitment. Also, we don't have the 95th pick, we chose Nate Burleson with that pick. Pretty good value there I think. So I'll have taken that one come to think of it, me, Alba, and Monkey can do a collaboration on it. Here is my input... good pick, I think he'll be pretty successful.
ReplyDeleteAaargh. Unfortunately, I'll be helping my sister move, and listening in on the radio. Aaargh. I hate my sister.
ReplyDeleteHow about check? Paulie? ADP? JoSCh? (oh yeah, he doesn't post topics) Dave? Alan? C/K? Any noobs interested?
I'll be out of town for day 1, but I might be able to do some second day stuff.
ReplyDeleteI'll take the 7th round, 249th pick. I've been doing a lot of research and have it narrowed down to 3 possibles, assuming they fall to the seventh round.
ReplyDeleteYou're in luck, Boke. Your extensive research will not have been in vane, since we can't trade that pick!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to, but draft day is huge at my house, I'm always hosting a party, so my online time will be extremely limited.
ReplyDeleteI can step up to the plate and do a couple rounds, it looks like my services will be needed, I really have no preference which rounds, I can do both days.
ReplyDeleteGreat! It looks like we'll need you gumbo.
ReplyDeleteI already called the 2nd rounder about 4 months ago...and im not joking.
ReplyDeleteSpecifically the current one, assuming we may trade down...which I think will be the case.
3 days...
if you have trouble, ill take the 1st, too...im surprised noone called that.
ReplyDeleteim willing to go any round all the way to the 5th if needed...as long as
A) I get the 2nd pick
B) I dont have to do any in the 6th or 7th rounds
Again...3 days...
ADP ur still alive thank god i missed ya. Anyways my sister is celebrating her birthday and my parents there aniversary on Saturday so i am pretty busy. I am really excited though. I would have done the 6th round but it got traded so i am out of luck.
ReplyDeleteI will try to drop in dam parents and siblings i was lookin forward to the draft this year. Lets give it up for my fellow African Youboty
I was all set to cover the 3rd round selection, until we wasted it on this Burleson kid! :-)
ReplyDeleteI get it adp... you want to be the one to announce Darryl Tapp. I believe you called it first. I think I picked him 2nd, although not knowing of your pick. It should be interesting.
ReplyDeleteBTW, do any of you remember how SHONUFF nailed the Lofa pick last year? That was impressive.
I can take the first round and I'll do round 4 as well.
ReplyDeleteI'll take the 6th and add it to my 3rd. They've taken Mike Green with the pick, I expect at some point in his career (third year maybe?) he'll have 100 solo tackles. You heard it here first. Also, to expand on my analysis on the 3rd round pick, one Nate Burleson out of Nevada, you can expect him to have a breakout season his second year. I guarantee it. I'm an awesome draft analist. I need a huge ugly-ass hairdo so I can get a job doing this.
ReplyDeleteill take the 5th then...
ReplyDelete2 each, pretty much...long as it isnt some mountain man name like Jeb Huckabee
I think the 1st pick will be traded, unless Kiwanuka or Cromartie somehow fall to us...I would be happy with Joseph, K. Jennings, Marshall, Cromartie, Kiwanuka, or Youboty. Jennings, Marshall, Youboty, and Kiwanuka most likely will fall to us...otherwise, we're trading down...
ReplyDeleteSomething just came up and from 12-4 PST I will be without access to a computer. Which is probably right around when we'll make our 1st round pick, can somebody trade with me or something?
It's important to note that all contributors to this Draft Day thread need to be signed up with the Email Alert system, so that your posts will be distributed to the listserve.
ReplyDeleteBlogger automatically sends every new Topic from the 12SS blog to the 12 Seahawks Street yahoo group using the email address of the author of the topic.
That's why you need to be signed up on the 12SS Yahoo Group with the email address in your Blogger profile.
We also need to make sure that you're given access at Yahoo to submit to the list.
If you're not signed up for Email Alerts, do so by sending an email to 12SeahawksStreet-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
If you do not wish to receive email from Yahoo, we can mark your record as "no mail", but you still need to be subscribed to submit.
OK, after that whole post, I just went ahead and subscribed all 12SS Contributors to the Email Alerts thing on Yahoo.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't like getting the emails, let me know, and I'll change your account to "no email".
I thought I already was, alba
ReplyDeleteHey Gumbo...id be happy to trade you my 5th rounder for your 1st : )
sounds like a sweet deal ADP ;)
ReplyDeleteyou were...I just added the guys who weren't.