com·pla·cent (km-plsnt) adj.
Contented to a fault; self-satisfied and unconcerned: He had become complacent after years of success.
Hopefully this drubbing at the hands of the Cowboys second stringers will knock the smug off the faces of any Seahawk still statisfied with what was accomplished last year, and get them refocused on the season at hand.
ar·ro·gant (r-gnt) adj.
Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance.
Marked by or arising from a feeling or assumption of one's superiority toward others: an arrogant contempt for the weak. See Synonyms at proud.
The missed assignments in camp, the lackluster performance in drills, and the other stuff that has Mount Holmgren ready to make St. Helens look like a 4th of July sparkler was evident in the mailed-in effort against a hungry Dallas squad looking to avenge a defeat snapped from the jaws of victory last season.
dis·trac·tion (d-strkshn) n.
A condition or state of mind in which the attention is diverted from an original focus or interest.
And while everyone else wants to talk about "curses", the true nemesis of this team is the newfound attention and time obligations for interviews, commercial spots and other media affairs.
pre·pare (pr-pâr) v. pre·pared, pre·par·ing, pre·pares
To make ready beforehand for a specific purpose, as for an event or occasion:
To put together or make by combining various elements or ingredients; manufacture or compound: prepared a meal; prepared the lecture.
To fit out; equip: prepared the ship for an arctic expedition.
Hopefully, losing, at home, in front of a near packed stadium will remind the 2006 version of the Seahawks what made the 2005 edition so special, which was a singular of focus, compulsion for preparation.
u·ni·ty (yn-t) n. pl. u·ni·ties
The state or quality of being one; singleness.
The state or quality of being in accord; harmony.
And while I don't think the team is that far off from where they need to be, they much acknowledge that there are a few replacement cogs in gears and wheels of this machine, so it may take a few test drives before all the kinks are worked out.
hun·gry (hnggr) adj. hun·gri·er, hun·gri·est
Extremely desirous; avid: hungry for recognition.
Characterized by or expressing hunger or craving:
And while the carryovers from the near championship team last season should still be left a little unsatisfied, being forces to leave the NFL End of the Year Banquet without gettind dessert, the new cogs should help feed that hunger and hopefully whip this team back into the myopic units of blazing efficiency on both sides of the ball again this season.
en·e·ma (n-m-ah) n. pl.
The injection of liquid into the rectum through the anus for cleansing, for stimulating evacuation of the bowels, or for other therapeutic or diagnostic purposes.
So while the Homeboys took the high-hard one this weekend from the Cowboys, much like a clinical enema, I hope it will clean out a lot of shit, and maybe a parasite or two in the process, and leave us feeling fresh, hungry, and ready to devour the next meal that we come across, like maybe a wounded Colt!
health·y (hlth) adj. health·i·er, health·i·est
Possessing good health.
Conducive to good health
And finally, in keeping with the medicinal theme of this post, while there may not have been much to cheer about ON the football field, there is reason for much rejoicing OFF of it, as in all our guys walked off under their own power, and no major injuries were sustained during this so-called "game". (knock wood!)
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Let's hope the players read this. I turned off the TV before halftime because it was obvious that the Seahawks didn't show up.
ReplyDeleteWhat a day of TV for me! I haven't watched a Mariners game in two seasons, or a Hawks game since the SB--(obviously.) I got to watch both on Saturday--and what a blessed experience it was! First I got to watch the M's get pummelled, while listening to the Hawks on the radio; then lo and behold, time warp!, as the Hawks game came on the TV. Not wishing to visify the utter trashy play I had already auditorized, I craftily decided an evening of bass playing and housecleaning would be far superior to a couple more hours of futility. I believe I made the right choice.
ReplyDeleteWow, I can't wait until the Hawks get some receivers healthy. Mann did seem to be doing pretty well, though. Now they have MoMo and MoMa (or MaMo and MaMa, as it should be, given the spelling of their first names.) The defense was, well, not bad. At least the healthy starters were. Mistakes all around, but every year it always seems to take the team quite ome time getting used to playing together. Again, let's get those guys healed up!
Nobody got anything to say about Kelly Herndon? I would, but my mother said if I don't have anything nice to say...
ReplyDeleteGood read!
ReplyDeleteYou're right about the complecency will be "checked" now that they did not look so good in that pre-season game. They will work even hard now that they had a barometer to measure themselves.