And so we begin again, this ritual of what ifs and will bees. It’s Genesis of the long and agonizing, just plain dull, off-season. We have but one game left to see that most of us will only watch half hearted. The Super bowl just won’t be the same, to us, anymore.
When the 2006 campaign started, we stepped into a new realm of what we expected and deserved. We have new demands of our beloved team.
Demands we didn’t know how to make at the start of the 2005 season. Now we, as fans, have grown into an entity that knows how to unite and contribute to the quest that we have faced for over thirty years. Now we know how to get our team to that next level.
As fans, we have always been feared. The Temple of Doom was revered by many. Even the meanest and nastiest couldn’t hold a candle to what we held. Still we, back then, didn’t know how to finish what we started, much like our team. Now my friends, we as fans have matured and are learning to finish the deal. In earlier years when the team fell, we fell with it. But alas, we have learned the secret of fighting until the very end, never letting the face of defeat slow the pursuit.
With our education, it slowly dawned on all of us that we are an intricate part of this team. When we falter, so does our team. We have re-written the rules on what it means to be a true fan. We are not attending the stadium flinging bottles and other debris onto the field in disgust, literally making fools of ourselves with wild Mayhem. Oh we scold, as should be to a certain extent. We let our troops know when they need to get with it and drop the damn Hammer.
We hold ourselves to the highest of standards as the Seahawk faithful, refusing to lose composure and maintain class and dignity. Simply put, we are the best fans a team could ask for. It is, after all what we, as fans, receive in our team every year, class and dignity. That’s what our team has taught us since the beginning.
This is a new era for all of us. We approached the season as if we, were Hercules, yet we departed wounded Warriors. All of us found out how many things have to go right just to get to the big show, let alone make it back. We entered 2006 with a squad chalked full of quiet Superstars, with one to be added in week four. We all found a new confidence that that most assured us to be the new, never ending dynasty. We were wrong, maybe. As the new begins again, we must twist and tweak players and fans alike, with solid health, hard work and a good, old fashioned dose of luck we can be that team of dreams. We have tasted the promise, we need that blood again.
It starts with us. Take responsibility, take charge and be heard again. This time we need to be louder, we need to do better, need to do more. Be heard like every down though out the season is the Super Bowl winning drive. Never let down your guard against the opposition. Not just at the stadium, but everywhere. At work, local Pub's, at home with the buds. When the buzz floats around the city, even in the off season, it affects us all. Including how our team may perform due to positive energies that are created by it.
Always, be a part of the team. Good things happen when we are heard and we believe, in the form of bad things against our rivals. We create havoc on the field that will confuse and confound. We put in our element and they get out of theirs. When our team doesn’t beat them down, we will, every time. We make them not want to be here, ever!
The new radios that they will try to instate won’t easily solve the problematic menacing number 12 rampantly running wild and unchecked with reckless abandon. False starts are like Td’s to us. Every one we get says the fans just subtracted ten yards from the enemy. We own the NFL with 50 since 2005. That’s 500 yards that “WE” pushed them back. Seems to me, we got ten of those babies against the Giants in the 05 playoffs. I think that’s an NFL record fella’s (Ladies too).
If they do, solve the problem of us as Hawk freaks, if they do, we, like the team, will find new ways to contribute in the game.
It’s what we do. It’s what the team does.
MaxHawk…12 Street Writer
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