A Seahawks fan, refusing to let go of the season, lies in front of the team's charter bus at Boeing Field after the team's return from Chicago. Police removed the fan.
41 roster changes. 42 roster line-ups. Man we had more player changes than Carter has little pills. I saw more new faces than I ever saw on Pink Micro-dot. Even my double vision had double vision. We pulled guy's off the street who were accountants the day before and NFL players the next day. We took a man who played for Dallas one week, and used him to beat Dallas the next week in the play-offs. We took them out of diapers and tossed them into play-off games and still managed to win against Dallas and nearly pulled off the impossible in Chi-town.
I hear the kids at the rec center yamering on about how bad the Hawks suck. I know the truth. the Hawks were, simply put, bad ass this season. Many have no clue just what this team battled thru this season. Our humble, tough as nails leader, Matt Hasselbeck had been playing with two broken fingers since the Packers game. That was 8 games he played in people. Now it appears that he has a torn labrum in his left, non-throwing, shoulder that will require surgury. Add to that his four game hiadus due to his shreded knee. I for one did not hear one complaint. Not one excuse. Just "We had to be better" Critics who have no clue to the sheer toughness of this man, playing on the toughness of this team, will undoubtably say that this was just another choker season for the Hawks. In the 12 games that Matt played he was sacked almost three times a game. that means he was hit likely 5 times more per game. Sack or no, those are serious amounts of hits to take. Doing the math with those numbers, they may have layed the Wood to Hass 96 times. On top of that we are losing Robbie Tobeck to retirement. leaving the Rookie, Chris Spencer to fill his position. The shoulder surgury could keep Matt out for 6 months, meaning that he will likely miss spring and summer training camps. Time he wanted to work on timing with Nate and Deion. High priority for Holmgren this season is to bring back the Seawall of defense for Matts offense. We can nary afford another season like this one where Hass suffers four more injuries, or worse, the unimaginable. Seems the better a QB is, the harder they come after him.
Under all the afor mentioned circumstances, I am not disapointed in this season. Our guy's did us proud. Show me one other team that has fought as hard thru this much adversity and never folded it up. There was absolutly no quit in the team all season, none. Not by players and fans alike.
It is now time for us as fans and writers to start deciphering just what moves we need to make. Who, if anybody, has to go. Who need to be picked up. I am getting the feeling that somebody in Hawks management may be listening to us. I, for one lambasted Mo Morris as the absolute worst RB we had ever fielded, and the entire rest of the season, Ole Mo, started whippin' up on the field impressivly for the remainder of the season. Maybe I'm wrong but we are the 12th. This is the official site of the 12th. Somebody has to be paying attention.
Lets see if we can spend these next, agonisingly long, 6 months stirring up enough havok so they have to take notice of us. They said that we matter. Well let us just see how much we matter. Maybe it's time for some player interviews online. The rest of the NFL hears us. Lets make damned sure that our team hears us, the 12th, this offseason too.
MaxHawk... 12 Street Writer.
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Stirring up havoc, huh? Well, after last year's Super Bowl, I got the idea that I should hang up a dummy outside of Qwest Field, wearing a ref's uniform with Terrible Towels in it's pockets, and then burn it in effigy. Never had the balls to do it, let alone videotape it. After this season, anything like that seems a touch extreme. But I am willing to lend my voice, and other choice parts of my anatomy, towards helping the Seahawks win next year.
ReplyDeleteAs for moves this team should make in the off-season, I am in favor of anything that will give us A LOT more size in the offense and defensive lines. I grew very tired of seeing out boys get pushed around. If we could get some guys to start ahead of Chris Gray and Chuck Darby (no matter how much I respect them), that would make our team better.
I don't care what anybody says we were and are the best team in the NFC, this year was just awkward, we will be back next season.
ReplyDeleteIf we can fix the o-line and d-line (it doesn't take much) we will be playing in Arizona twice next year.
You're right that we need to groom a new Right Guard, now that Spencer and Sims seem to be the heir apparents to the Center and Left Guard slots respectively.
ReplyDeleteGetting a little more girth on the D-Line won't hurt, but let's not forget we played the toughest part of our schedule without big Marcus Tubbs in the line up.
Chuck Darby may not be big, but the guy is an X-factor and I'd rather have him on the field than on the bench.
Pork Chop is the RG replacement at this time fellas. Although I suspect they draft a O-lin backup on the second day. As far as a fatty for the d-line, I don't think that is in the plan, although I think it's a good idea.
ReplyDeleteI think it's pretty clear that healthy this is the NFC team to beat next year, unless NO really kills Chicago this weekend, or beats NE in the SB.
Wonder if Sam Adams is available. I know, I know, He's getting on in years but he could still be an awsome run stuffer.
ReplyDeleteJoSCH, Ruskell dsays the areas of focus will be the Secondary, D-line and TE. In this weekend's Times or Post, don't recall which.
ReplyDeleteOk, I can talk Hawks again...I shoulda read this thread before going off in the flooble thing.
ReplyDeleteRANT TIME!!!
Hackett, Babs, Brown are musts. Brown is already in serious negotiations, so that should happen soon. The others will prolly get decent tenders, and most likely a match if anyone offers them something. Id say the 1.85 tender on Hackett. Babs should get the next level, but I think he is risky. Babs was this year's Manuel.
Hamlin is important considering options at safety are bad in FA...and you cant rely on the 2nd round, especially considering we dont have a 1st...
The wild card in terms of RFA is Sean Locklear. Gotta have continuity, but what do you tender him? The 2.35 mill tender? (get a 1st and 3rd rounder should you not match an offer)...
The FO once to work on the secondary and dline, obviously...and it sounds like dline is a bigger priority right now. If we were in a lesser financial state, I could see Wistrom being asked for a paycut...might still happen, but this camel is not in the desert right now. We're stable with plenty of 'water'. I still think they make a run at Freeney is Indy doesnt pull it out their ass. Its easy to say theyll keep him, but I dont see unless they use the Tag. No way they can sign him long term after the contracts they gave out to the rest of the crew. Freeney is a good fit for our slash style, speed defense. I know some say hes overrated because he relies too much on speed, but the bottomline is, hes not a one trick pony. Hes got a variety of moves, which also could help Tapp out through his growing process.
No matter what, we need a big DT that we can rely on. Tubbs is injury prone, and its become obvious now to those who read Sando's site, that a DT opens the door for the DEs. While true, I still think Wistrom has become containable. Not saying he sucks, or anything, its just we can upgrade there. I think Fisher was prolly the most unnoticed guy on our team last year that deserved some praise. He was pretty good. But a BIG DT whether we upgrade at the ends or not, will help us no matter what.
I also think being Leroy Hill will be healthy, they will start using him more off the edge, when they dont use Peterson. People forget that Hill disappeared in the season because his stinger was bothing him...he also had another injury (surprise) but I dont remember what it was.
The FO says their priority on offense was depth at the line. Who knows what is going to happen to Gray, but we do need some backups ready to go. Porkchop would be a great backup! Too bad hes an UFA. Can always add depth from the draft, but should someone go down, can you trust a rookie? Im already paranoid about refs, and now im paranoid about injuries.
What about Tim Rattay, or Damon Huard? UFAs, could be a nice backup QB to have...but with our receivers, I dunno if it matters now about Wallace converting. Engram will prolly be back, too. Hes too valueable with Hass. Hass would prolly sign him to a contract with his own money if he could.
Finally, Darrell Jackson. those who wants him gone need to lay off the crack. HES THE BEST RECEIVER ON THIS TEAM. Hes one of the best in the entire NFL (I have him in the top 8...would be top 5 if he stayed healthy)...hes been a slightly lesser Torry Holt statistically over his career, which could be held back because of injuries, our offense style, our better overall depth, or whatever...who knows. He knows the offense, and we have him locked up. Why trade when the two biggest needs are available in free agency? You think the Panthers would give us Peppers? NO. So let DJack chill. Hes better than he gets credit for. Turn off the sports channels and watch the Seahawks all year without hearing outside analysis. Youll notice hes better than Branch has EVER been. I love Branch, but theres no comparison until he puts up a 1000 yard season. Not bashing him, just defending DJack, so dont get sensitive on that, either.
Oh and for TE...
ReplyDeleteI think Stevens needs to stay. If we had a decent to good TE still on the roster, I would say just sign someone else. But no, he knows our offense, hes underrated, so I think he needs to stay. Graham will cost alot, so I would think getting Stevens to return with the addition of my favorite FA TE this year...Eric Johnson.
Johnson could fit in nicely, cost a little less because the overall TE market, and could be a headache for the 49ers next year when they try to grow. Johnson and Stevens would be a great duo to have. Sign Heller back to a pity contract.
Hellers a big boy, tho the Jury is still out on him whether he'll produce the way we need a tight end to. Not sure why they cut Mili mid season. Hell, all he did was catch balls and produce.
ReplyDeleteMili got conked on the coconut and missed several game to a concussion. I believe he sustained another injury as well, and Sando speculated that he'd probably retire.
ReplyDeleteHeller might be a good blocking TE, ala Ryan Hannam, but I don't see him filling the role of pass catching TE like J-Steve.
I think both will be on the Seahawks roster, with a nice 3rd or 4th round over-acheiver to push J-Steve to realize his full potential.
Hey hey hey, dont take it outta context :D...im saying sign Heller after we got the other two spots shored up. I want him to be our 3rd stringer at best. I was saying, perfect world, sign Johnson and Stevens, and throw Heller in afterwards to fill the last spot. Johnson is a good compliment to Stevens, and also provides a quality replacement when/if Stevens gets injured again. Johnson also has experience in WCO, has good knowledge of our division rivals, obvioulsy SF especially, AND he should be undervalued as opposed to the Daniel Grahams out there. I think we could easily lock them both up. I just think the combination of the two would be the best value in terms of money/production. Id take them both for a tiny bit more money over just Daniel Grahama and a couple Will Hellers.
ReplyDeleteAll I know isI think Stvens needs a kick in the ass, and perhaps a TE that could push for the top spot would help his focus. Seem's to me he's too comfortable in his #1 role. A little too cocky and confident.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm sorry, but Jackson in the top 8? Top 10 even? Really?
I'm not so sure he's even the best on the team. Seems to me he's simply been Matt's go-to-guy. Hence his numbers. If Stevens were a more reliable target he'd be getting a bunch of those looks and TDs. TE is Holmgren's favorite target, and with Stevens getting the number of touches he did tells me Holmgren's (and Matt) still not sold on him 100%. I just think Jackson's been the product of a "who else do I throw to" reaction by Matt. (no one else is open)
And I'm willing to bet that with D-Hack and Branch on the field D-Jack's numbers are gonna drop.
And who knows, perhaps Rusky's got a trade up his sleeve for Draft day. (Stevens, Jackson or Mo could get bites)
KRob and Engram dropped Jackson's potential numbers.
ReplyDeleteJackson has survived every test thrown at him from potential #1 receiver takeovers...if you point out DJack's drops, ill counter with TO who has just as bad---if not worse---history of them.
Jackson has been ridiculously consistent, to the point where you have to gameplan around him. If he stayed healthy, he is easily top 8. People say Branch is better, which I find laughable, as he had no real threat in his role, and still never put up a 1000 yard season...even with the great Tom Brady. On a season long ratio, he puts up similar numbers to Torry Holt...the only difference being health, drops, and the occassional freak catch.
Give me your top 10, so I can prove you wrong :D.
The only knock on Jackson that I can see is that he tends to let his mind wander in big game situations.
ReplyDeleteI can't remember the specific play, but do remember there was at least one play in the Bears playoff game where he did.
And we all remember his mental lapses in the Super Bowl, not getting both feet in bounds on that long pass, and the infamous push-off, but which would have lead to sure TDs.
I think you're both spot-on in regards to Jackson. Before he got injured he was playing 2006 in Pro Bowl form. He's obviously one of the top receivers in the game... or he would be if he could concentrate on making every catch. It seems to me that on shorter (WCO-style) routes he tends to look to make a big play before he catches the ball. On longer routes he usually makes the catch. Remember the drive late in the season (forgot the specifics) that was like 3 plays, 80 yards, with 2 of the plays being long passes to Jackson? That's the ideal Hasselbeck/Jackson script, one which I hope is repeated many times next year.
ReplyDeleteand let's not forget his YAC value
ReplyDeleteand his 80 yard TD off of a quick slant against the Vikings
ReplyDeleteThat would be 80 Yards After the Catch, wouldn't it?
ReplyDeleteI have a great Yak value......Oh... that's YAC...Got it.
ReplyDeleteDarryl posted 956 yards and 10 td's with 63 receptions... in 13 games had he played all 16, those numbers could likely be 12 td's and 1150 yards.
5 year pro, Deion, started 13 games, played 14. Had 725 yards and 4 homers with 53 receptions. Even when Branch played all 16 games with the Pat's he racked up 998 yards, (career high) and 5 td's with 73 receptions. Maybe a bit overrated. 7 year pro, DJack has 3 seasons with over 1000 yards and would be 4 had it not been for injury.
Side note: Hackett, 3rd year, had 4 td's and 610 yards with 45 receptions in 14 games.
One thing I forgot to mention about Jackson. While I do like him a lot as a receiver, he does have the tendency to do stupid stuff at least once a game, whether going backwards instead of forwards to pick up the first, or running out of bounds instead of picking up the first, or just running a route too short, in addition to the drops, his mind just doesn't seem to be in the game all the time. If he could get that problem fixed he'd be top-5, easy.