I saw this during my normal NFL news search and on Sandos blog. As I said on Sandos, I find it interesting that Mr. McGinn is reporting that the Packers are tampering to a degree that even the supposed contract number has been agreed on, and then he reports that that is indeed what is happening, and nobody has a strong opinion on that, particularly the NFL. Especially in light of the rumors, wild or not, that the NFL officials tampered with the integrity of the game during the StealerBowl. Now they are tampering, or allowing tampering, during the offseason? Between these issues and the labor talks between bazillionaires, multi-millionaires and mere millionaires I'm becoming more and more disillusioned with the NFL. At least there is yard work to do now so my weekends aren't totally ruined by the No Fair League. I may have to go back into my self imposed exile...
Oh, and I hotlinked that picture from JS online, I know that it is essentially stealing their bandwidth, but if I've learned anything from the the article, its that I can do whatever I want when I want with no regard for rules, written or implied. Thanks Mr McGinn, way to report "just the facts" with enough intrigue to piss me off. "In reality" had I not stolen the picture and bandwidth, "I would not have been doing my job".
JoSCh is back...with a VENGENCE!
ReplyDeleteI love this piece, and the last paragraph just puts it all in perspective and pushes it right over the top!
Posted by alba
This is CHEAP, and I have lost respect with the Packers organization, and I will tell you why.
ReplyDeleteOne, tampering in general...I dont see the Seahawks doing that...but thats not the part that bothers me most
They gave a contract offer that big to a guy who isn't a FA yet, knowing damn well we don't know whats going to happen to Hamlin...they know we can't just give him a huge offer because Hamlin might come back...and you can't pay 2 mill for a backup safety...thats really cheap! So now our organization is in panick mode and needs to take a risk of losing him, and risk Hamlin not coming back...or keeping him, and pay 2 mill for a backup safety
Cheap move by the Packers, and it looks to me like they are taking advantage of our situation
Just for that, I hope Seattle signs Aaron Kampman...stupid pricks
Im mad damnit, I really wanted Manuel back.
"it's not the media's fault this is happening. " True enough, and while I don't know any specifics on Mr McGinn, whether he is a homer or an objective reporter, his article, for that matter nobodies articles, don't seem to be raising much of a stink about this. I think it's telling that the news media (read politics) would be freaking out about a scandal like this, while the sports media basically ignores it. In fact, on Sandos blog I expressed that I found this disturbing... nobody else there does, including Mike Sando. It makes you wonder how objective some reporters are, how much the NFL is controlling the message through the "free" media, and what other rules are as flexible. All of this casts doubt on the legitimicy of the league in my opinion, which was already on shaky ground.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the Pack wanting to sign the guy, hey, I can see that, taking advantage of anothers bad situation is how you win. And if they have the need and the resources, then by all means, out bid the Hawks. But having reached a deal in principle before the rules allow, that is straight cheating, and I call B.S.
If only the Okla-hizzle comparison were true... most of those still in Ok Sooners decendants are most likely living off my tax dollars... but that is a discussion for other blogs.
Posted by JoSCh
First, unless you strictly obey the speed limits, never over estimate deductions on your taxes, and/or claim gambling winnings as income, don't take the "high and mighty" road on this issue.
ReplyDeleteIt appears that this is a "soft rule" that is commonly trampled upon by the franchises and agents, and ignored by the league, much like driving 5 MPH over the speed limit on the highway won't get the State Trooper to pull you over.
How do you think all the free agent signings that are announced within hours of the period beginning acutally get worked out?
Now, if the Packers have a contract all but signed, then this may be more tantamount to driving TWICE the speed limit, and it may be time for Officer Tags to have them step out of the vehicle and start touching their nose!
(not that THAT'S ever happened to me!)
Posted by alba
Why don't you change the name of this blog to "pigeonwhinerstreet". You lost the Superbowl after a sorry performance and a gift-wrapped schedule; Go to a Dolphins or Giants site and you will see them discussing ways to win SBXLI not whine about history. Ooh, The Pack are stealing a third stringer...someone call the police.
ReplyDeletePosted by realist
ReplyDeleteummmm, I'm prety sure signing a 2ND STRING safety to backup a player that was injured all year is a definite way to get back to the superbowl. And just a hunch, but neither the Dolphins or the Giants will be in Superbowl XLI. The 'hawks schedule was just as easy as several other playoff teams, and they beat several teams in the playoffs that were supposed to stomp them because of their 'easy' schedule. They beat the steelers in every statistical category besides the final score, in a game where even the national media described as sketchy at best. If you look at the posts recently, there aren't any about the past season or the superbowl, its all about the offseason and the future. Signing Manuel is the future, and offering contracts before the start of free agency is a violation of the whole labor agreement deal. So please be more informed if you are going to criticize us, i.e. actually read the content and process it in your head before you decide to bash it.
Posted by gumbostu
Wow, awesome post realist, you clearly are a regular reader of the site. Good call with the Giants comparison; New Yorkers handled their loss to the Seahawks with the utmost grace. Hey, how'd the Giants and Dolphins do in the post-season?
ReplyDeleteMan, it's so hard to respond intelligently to complete douchebags.
Posted by Uff
I have to say that while what the Packer's did is officially tampering, to think that Seattle isn't doing it as well is just naive. Is it wrong? Yes. But every team does it.
ReplyDeletePosted by PaulieP
it hasn't been proven that we have done so...in fact, in the last few years, I don't remember the Seahawks doing anything immediately as if it were already agreed to before FA started...
ReplyDeleteevery team does it is not proof...if Seattle does it, I will retrack my statement...but I think they are too occupied worrying about their own players...
Posted by adp
Why is this not taken seriously by the league. I think this should be taken more seriously by the league. if a team is found guilty of tampering they should have to give up theur 1st round pick to the other team.
ReplyDeleteI have lost alot of respect for the Packers and especually Thompson because he was a Seahawk guy.
Now the Green Bay game will mean that much more to me. Boy do i hiope its a home game so i can go and cheer against them.
I truly believe that Manuel is a product of the Seahawk defensive style bend but don't break rather than his own skill. If Hamlin is ready to go by the training camp i have no problem with him leaving cause we can get a rookie back up. But if he isn't ready i'm gonna be pissed as hell and my guns are pointed at the Packers. Those dam Cheeseheads.
Is Realist even a real football fan or does he just really like to post stupid stuff. I would say somethin else but Gumbo handled him pretty well
Posted by meezy
Yes, we FINALLY get the Packers in Seattle next season.
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
These guys have had that privilege for years!
ReplyDeletePosted by Rude Rudy
" 'I feel good in the spot that we're at,' Ruskell said. 'We've talked to our players. Our coaches have talked to our players. They know how much we want them back.' "
ReplyDeleteDam, proof positive even the Seahawks are doing it! From the top man, too!
Posted by What's up?
Uh...What's up?...you're ALLOWED to negotiate with and resign your OWN players prior to free agency. You may have heard a little something about a deal the Seahawks just struck with their #1 free agent!
ReplyDeleteI liked that whole quote from Shaun in the ST story. I really saw him blossom from a superstar into a team leader last year:
"Hutch, Mack, Joe, Rock � I mean, we need them all," Alexander said, referring to guard Steve Hutchinson, fullback Mack Strong, wide receiver Joe Jurevicius and defensive tackle Rocky Bernard. Hutchinson is the team's transition player, and the latter three are set to be unrestricted free agents.
"Maurice Morris, you know, that's my little brother," Alexander said. "If we can't get these guys for some reason, I tell them they need to make a fortune somewhere. But unless it's going to be something that's just so much more that it just almost moves you, then come to your family."
Alexander said the Seahawks "have something special here" and added he would ask those players to stay if the Seahawks' offer is close to any other offer.
Posted by alba
"It appears that this is a "soft rule" " You freaking hippie! Or radical conservative! There are rules, or there are not rules, they aren't gradiated. Follow the rules or pay a price for breaking them.
ReplyDelete"much like driving 5 MPH over the speed limit on the highway won't get the State Trooper to pull you over" Drive in Washington State, the Staters will pull you over for 5 over, I know I can get an Amen from the locals.
"How do you think all the free agent signings that are announced within hours of the period beginning acutally get worked out?" Cheating, or sometimes Dan Snyder, he just offers up the biggest contract ever and the player has no choice but to agree in principle ;-)
Regardless, I'd like to see the Pack take some heat on this, lose a draft pick or whatever. My point was why is the NFL allowing cheating? If they don't mind "tampering" then allow it, don't have the rule. If they don't, then investigate. Thats all, I'm not particularly mad about it because of Manuel, or any Seahawk, I'm mad about it because it's breaking the rules.
Posted by JoSCh
in my best ghetto slang...
ReplyDeleteSee, now THAT'S what I'm talking about girlfriend! (snap, snap!)
JoSCh, good to have you back. Nobody has called me a hippie in over a month! But watch out who you're calling a radical conservative, bub...thems fighting words!
I too would like to see GB take some hits for this, mostly because it's GB, and not because i care so much about obeying rules!
Posted by alba
Folks, let's calm down on this. It has not been proven that Green Bay has done anything! A reporter announced that. Have we begun taking everything that any reporter says as fact?
ReplyDeleteI believe in Seattle's FO as much as anyone, but if there was a free agent we were interested in, Seattle would be talking to them right now as well. And it's highly possible that they are talking to someone right now. Believing they're not is much the same as believing that the Cougs are the only school that isn't committing recruiting violations.
Posted by PaulieP
Thompsons gone, Hawks rise to glory, Pack fades, Not sticking up for whitless but........
ReplyDeletePosted by ibboydb
Hey, Paulie, give me a break, I never once bithced (mis-spelled on porpise) about the Stealer Bowl. I get to raise hell on this one. C'mon?
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
You're right JoSCh, you're forgiven. I just want to be sure that we here at the street don't turn into the Patriots, looking for disrespect at every turn. We're finally looking at the stretch of good teams we've been looking for, and I don't want to be hated for whining the way NE fans are right now.
ReplyDeletePosted by PaulieP
Concerning the 5 MPH over comparison, if I get caught going 5 over, I accept the consequences of that. If the Pacckers get caught tampering with MM and the 'Hawks, then they should be willing to accept the consequences.
ReplyDeleteLaws, by and large, don't tell you what you can and cannot do. They just tell you what the consequences will be if youget caught, and let you make the choice. Same for rules. Well, mostly. Theyt do take away the play on some calls like holding...
Posted by highwatermark