I must be the only one not pissed off by the Hawks game.
Let it be known, from this day forth, I have the absolute coolest daughter on the planet. You see, I am, was rather, a Qwest virgin.
I know, I know, you guy’s are thinking... WHA….??!
“The MaxHawk” has never been violated at the Qwest??
No my Com-padres, as hard as is to believe, the incredulous “MaxHawk” had, until Sunday, never gone into the military zone.
I was set to spend Seahawks Sunday “AND” Christmas Eve with my first offspring, which in it self is a double bonus for me. Bar hop’n Pioneer Square & hooking up with the girl and the Groz from KJR Sports Radio at the J&M. Sounds like a riot to me. I figure the brat can finally see what a nut case her father is at the “Suds House” when the Hawks are battling.
Oh she’d seen me watch the game at home many a time and tilted an Irish toast or two with me at the beer swillin’ meat market but hadn’t the chance to see the real deal when I’m stirring the patrons up at the local watering hole during the game.
When I arrived at the pub to meet my long lost girl, she slapped me…………………..
With two tickets to the Charger game.
Third row up, just below the Crows Nest in the corner of the end zone. Sir Alexander ran that TD right up my alley. Saw the hole open from around twenty-five yards out, saw him burn the turf right down our throat for the score.
Bitch’n seats.
Now how in Sam Shiester can I be the loudest guy at the bar, when I’m at the game getting snuffed by 68,000 screaming Maniacs? Damn it Man!
Guy’s… she doesn’t even like football…. And she took me to the house. She sat there, in the pourin’ rain for three and a half-hours, watching her freak father unload his terror, along with the rest of the Seahawk faithful, on the Charger offense.
THAT, is the coolest part of that, my friends.
That is why I am giving the MaxVP award to the fans for this game. We were a solid factor in giving the Seahawk defense 40 yards of offense. Tipping the scales of the NFL leading 50, count’m, 50 false start penalties against opponents with Minnesota trailing 2nd at a distant 37.
While I may have been a Qwest virgin, I have spent many a day in the Temple of Doom. I know what loud is.
EX Seahawk and KIRO play by play man, Steve Raible, claimed during that controversial “Can you hear us now” Giants game, “This place has to be as loud as the Kingdome”.
As much respect as I have for Steve, I was ever skeptical. I know first hand how loud a Jet engine was in the Kingdome. Heard it damn near every game I attended.
I don’t see how it could have gotten any louder in the stadium than it was on Sunday. It was, plainly put, nipple hard loud.
Was it as loud as the dome? No.
However, it was close. It just didn’t have the same snap in it that the old girl had in her. We are the loudest outdoor Stadium in the NFL, they all admit to that.
I’d say, “with 50 false start penalties, WE ARE THE LOUDEST STADIUM IN THE NFL!!
Pipe that noise out ch’yer Keister.
With fans like Heather, making sure that the loudest guy she knew was at the game, giving support to our boys in neon green and blue and helping to make us the best fans of all ‘cause my big ass mouth finally showed up.
It’s just one more in a long line of reasons, that that the fans won this game, even if the Hawks didn’t.
We kicked San Diego’s asses, plain and simple. The 12th man did not lose this game.
Punky, I’ve seriously got years worth of bragging right’s over that little stunt.
This is my best Christmas ever, I’m such a lucky dog.
Hope y’all have a MaxHawk Christmas like I did.
Thanks Brat, you just made a really great memory. How cool are you?
Oh and uhhh…. I’m still wearing the ticket.
A very humbled, MaxHawk, 12 Street Writer(to comment, click the green number to the right of the title above)