Is this game going to be a hot and spicy delicacy, or a sloppy mess of rice and beans? Will it be the Cardinals going down like hitch-hiking George Carlin in Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, or in their first trip to the Pink Taco, will the Seahawks wind up with a premature mess, like pimply-faced virgin on Prom Night?
There's a lot riding on this game for the Seahawks, and the Cardinals are playing with nothing to lose. Here's some links to enjoy while waiting for the kickoff, and don't forget to drop in at the Seahawk Blue GameDay Chat.
(Matchup-Breakdown, Seahawks Resigning Asst. Coaches, Pre-Game PodCast)
AZ Cardinal FanHouse
(Enemy Perspective of Offense, Defense and ST matchups)
Five Questions with Enemy Blogger
(Worth checking out if only for the picture!)
SeahawkBlue GameDay Chat
(to comment, click the green number to the right of the title above)
Another up and down start for the good guys. Fourtunately, they're only down by three and have momentum going into the second half.