OK, There are certain things that we can count on as this season unfolds, that will be a sure bet 10 times out of 10.
Mike Holmgren will not realize that
Mo Ain't Gettin It! I don't give a rats ass what that young man did in Quacker-Ville, he ain't got squat in the NFL. Nada. Ain't happenin fella's. He is, plainly put, the single worst starting RB that the Hawks have ever put on the field. Period. Chump Stats are as follows; 249 yards in 85 attempts for a 2.9 yard average. He racked up an astounding 25 yards against KC fer crysakes. 2.1 yards average. Thats the Mendoza line, Bud. What is there to think about Mike? Drop In Marquise Weeks and shoot the Damned Gauntlet! 148 yards in the last three games for Slo-Mo. Get a Clue Mike.

Tru, as in Marcus Trufant. Its one thing to be a little slower that the speediest of recievers, it's an entirely different thing being beat by them time and time again through stupidity. I could out plan and juke Tru. This is his 4th season, Guy's and he hasn't got one FREAKING INTERCEPTION! What does it take? He has had, get this, 13 ever loving Tackles in the last three games, 13. Hmmm... In his first season, he had 69 solo tackles. Year two, 83, last season, his Superbowl season, he had 55. Ken Lucas anybody? this season, he has 26. Shawn Springs had more killer instinct in his rookie year than this Clown. Bu-Bye!
Losing our Left Gaurd, Steve Hutchinson, Was a mistake that will be a long time in over coming, and it likely cost us Matt Hasselbeck for the next three games, and maybe more. Even if he does make it back on schedule, he will take additional weeks to get to full speed.

Shaun Alexander will not be the rushing TD and or yardage leader for the 2006 season. Not by a longshot. He's expected to miss a fifth week due to his cracked bone in his money maker. His tootsies are healing slower than expected. As well expected, he to will take additional weeks to get up to Shaun-ville speed.
Our Killer defense is getting killed. The one legged,(pulled groin) Damion Huard led, Chiefs lit our asses up for a paultry 499 yards of offense. This is primarily the same defense as last years Superbowl defense and a year older adding key pieces like, Julien "the freak" Peterson to give us on paper, a top five defense. I'm here to tell you that paper is real thin. Our defense has a soft belly and can't stop the run to save it's Kiester. A secondary that is sharp, yet flailing, at the safety spot, and dead at the corners. How we could not depict any portion of that game defensivly is beyond me. We would tease Blitz, they'd burn us with the long ball. We would play cover, they would slap 193 yards rushing on us. I can't remember the last time the Seahawks won at Arrow Head Stadium. Have we?
Maybe this thing is real. The Superbowl losers are playing like they wont see a playoff game. Like many teams before just fall to attrition. Fortunatly for the Seahawks, The Pittsburg Steelers look really pathetic right now at 2 up an 5 down.If we do make the playoffs, Home feild looks as gone as gone can get unless we miraculously sweep the season an the Bears faulter a bit. Damn Guy's, the seasons half over and I don't like the looks of it. In the last first 11 quarters, the Seahawks allowed 19 points. about as good as it gets for nearly three games. In the past 17 quarters, the Hawks have allowed 153 points, with the same group of guy's. Somewhere, they have lost their edge. Where the hell is Grant? Bobby Engram is out and there once was a lil' reciever from Minnisota, that is a bust (name deliberatly withheld to save what little grace is left).
We drop this one to the Raiders and I'll be thinkin, we're gonna be stinkin.

My question is, do we cash it in? Is our Superbowl aspirations over? Will we even make the stinkin Play-offs? The die hard fan in me say's, Hell No! We've got nine games left. The realist in me say's that with the way that our D isn't playing, Mo isn't running and the only two solids are Darryl and Deion, it's looking like we'll be 4 up and 7 down by the time that Matt get's back in the saddle.
MaxHawk, 12 Street Writer.(to comment, click the green number to the right of the title above)