Mike Sando is reporting the KRob is in trouble, AGAIN...from his site thingy:
Three days after pleading guilty to a DUI charge, former Seattle Seahawks receiver Koren Robinson was in jail Thursday for allegedly violating a court order to abstain from alcohol.
Kirkland Police accused Robinson of being intoxicated when he showed up Wednesday morning to serve a one-day jail term on the DUI conviction.
Police confirmed Thursday night that they were holding Robinson in jail on a $25,000 cash bond, and that Robinson has an Aug. 4 court date in Kirkland Municipal Court.
Robinson denied the allegation Thursday in Kirkland Municipal Court, his attorney said.
The attorney, Jon Scott Fox, explained that the Aug. 4 hearing is to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the allegation. Two officers said they smelled alcohol on Robinson's breath when he reported to jail.
If guilty, Robinson would likely face additional punishment. The DUI conviction carried a 365-day jail term, with all but one day suspended.
The Seahawks released Robinson last month following a series of off-field incidents.
Robinson, 25, was a first-round draft choice in 2001.
Two officers said they smelled alcohol on Robinson's breath when he reported to jail.
ReplyDeleteWhat a JACKASS! I wonder if they will reverse the suspension of his sentence.
This is beyond belief. Really, the stupidity of this is beyond words. I am completely stunned.
(Luckily, I regained coherence long enough to add a picture. Hope you don't mind, ayedeepee.)
of course i dont mind
ReplyDeleteim just in shock...the audasity...im so shocked im using school words!
its always funny to make fun of KRob's stupidity, and especially his drops...but its starting to get sad...what is with him?
and note, that until the next hearing its pretty much hearsay on the officers part...celebrities usually get it easier, so why would the police lie?
i hope for his sake, he will get more help...this is getting serious
ReplyDeletesome people are wondering if he is on the edge of his life
That picture makes me want a nice cold beer.
ReplyDeleteTho had I been sentenced to a day in jail, I'da been tempted to put back a few before I went into the poke..
I think he needs to take his money, what ever is left of it, and move to one of those Carribean islands where they only have golf carts and just waste away... in Margaritaville. Thats what I would do, anyway. The guy is a lost cause, but you can live with a drinking problem on the islands mon.
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
And people laughed at me for my I smell a contract year post! Some people will never learn, and KRob is clearly one of them. Ten years from now, I expect someone will report that he was seen on a street corner, rushing out with a dirty squeegee washing peoples windows for change.
ReplyDeleteis that a shot?
ReplyDeleteLOL, good one, ayedeepee
ReplyDeletePosted by Bluefoot
i didnt know i made a joke, lol...
ReplyDeletei was referring to 'And people laughed at me for my I smell a contract year post!'
Posted by ADP
I am with ADP on this one. While at first i found this funny, I'm actually worried for the guy. He may not officially be a Hawk anymore, but in my heart, it's once a Hawk, always a Hawk. I really hope he gets help.
ReplyDeletePosted by PaulieP
"I expect someone will report that he was seen on a street corner, rushing out with a dirty squeegee washing peoples windows for change."
ReplyDeleteLol, ADP, I thought you were saying this was a shot, like he was making fun of your way of life or something. Tee hee.
Yeah, in my gut if feel that no-one that can be intentionall that stupid. That kind of action, coming from a grown man, can only be because he is under the spell of a horrible addiction. I find it very sad, too.
Posted by Bluefoot
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ReplyDeletehey what i do at the street corner is noone's business
ReplyDeleteunfortunately, im desperate enough for money to sell my body to chicks that arent over...dfdjsfahferhfrfhreoifhri450poundskjdfsiohdfsiof
Posted by ADP
That's too bad, KRob is a good kid and a great talent, I just hope he can get his life in order.
ReplyDeletePosted by Geoff Smock
Pray for the man. There are much more important things in life than football. This guy needs real help.
ReplyDeletePosted by citizenkaye
Testing the new siggy..