It seems weird, but does anyone else get the feeling that Shaun Alexander's 40 carry, 201 yard performance is being overlooked?
The reigning MVP absolutely tees off on the Green Bay defense and the main topic of discussion has been on whether or not Jerramy Stevens can catch a football or not. To me, this makes no sense what so ever. One of the best players to don the Seahawk uniform announces to the league that he's ready to go, possibly adding "Come get some" and we talk about Stevens (who, if I may go old school, is a lucky hooker....he doesn't catch anything. Please tell me you got that reference to last year)
As I thought about this game, does this shut up those yuppies that seemed overjoyed that their beloved "Madden Curse" would carry on for one more year.
**We interrupt this column for a quick rant about "curses"**
Curses do not exist in sports, or anywhere else for that matter. Why do Super Bowl losers not make it back? Injuries, mostly. Its not some voodoo curse. Why have the Cubs not won a World Series in 100 years. Some tin-can eating goat? No, its called fielding a terrible team for 100 years. Why do Madden cover boys go down? Its a physical game, injuries happen. There is no black magic coming out of the EA Sports laboratory. So please, for your own sake, please stop believing in curses.
**Resume not as angry portion of column**
When the player gracing the cover of Madden goes down, SportsCenter barely has enough time to sweep the confetti off the anchor desk before air time. For at least the past three seasons, the demise of these players has been the most anticipated story of the year.
As you might tell, this annoys me just a bit.
So, Shaun goes down with a broken foot, struggles before that, and it seems like the "curse" lives on for another year.
Then Monday night happened. And, I have to ask those who believe that Trip Hawkins is dripping sheep's blood on a #37 jersey, does this one game change your perspective? Perhaps if he'd scored a touchdown it would seem more jinx breaking, but Alexander's performance seems like a good way to start.
For a night, he was himself again. He was the MVP we remember, and its impact was immediately noticeable. And if he can put up these numbers again for the remainder of the season, I think we can finally bury the Madden Curse once and for all.
And then salt the Earth so that it never comes back again.
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If he keeps that up for the remaining 5 games he'll be in the hunt for the rushing title!!
ReplyDeleteI had an annoying conversation about thisw last night with my brother, who is a Ravens fan. (Hes only been watching seriously for this season).
ReplyDeleteI said I was excited about how Shaun did and our blocking did. He says 'Andrew...you played the Packers'. And the Ravens played who?
He said he did ok. Ridiculous. Proves he didn't watch the game like he claimed because Shaun was amazing, whether he got 200 yards or 100 yards. I say 200 yards is just ok? He says...'yeah on 40 carries'. More horrible logic. Thats 5.0 YARDS A CARRY! Thats still great. In the snow, too. 'But Andrew, its the Packers'.
I have spent my entire life following sports at a severe heavy clip. I watch literally thousands of games each year from any sport you can imagine. Hes watched 12 Ravens games. Even had the nerve to say refs prevented the Ravens from blowing everyone out. This to a Seattle fan, after I showed him a personal highlight clip I have on tape with the refs hurting Seattle teams. So you can tell im frustrated. Hes clearly a product of ESPN.
Nonetheless, either way you look at it, Shaun was awesome. Im happy about our near future. WHEN you get hot matters in this league...The Madden Curse can shove it. The playoff curse can shove it. And just think, we're not even healthy yet. But we're close. At the right time.
As for the Ravens, I watched a ton of their games on CBS, and they barely beat several bad teams, and if anything, have been bailed out several times by refs. So screw them.
Seattle rules! (Needed to vent)
Back to The Shield.
Yes we should have praised Shaun. But if you believe that there is no curse, why do you/we take the blame for our teams loss when we put our football cap on during half time? Or we spin it around signaling a rally? Shit I put my jersey on at halftime and the Hawks lost, My fault buddy, my fault. It's just bad Juju.
ReplyDeleteI think its easy to get cuaght up in a moment. You know, "I turned my hat sideways and we scored! It must be related!" So you do it every game, or during certain points of the game, and you hope it has an influence, but do you reall believe it does?
ReplyDeleteWe all have superstitions, but in my case I don't think they have much of a facotr in the game...other than superstition about yelling as loud as I can at the game!
The reason Stevens gets so much conversation right now is because there is a polarity of sentiment about him, differing opinions resulting in a lot of conversation.
ReplyDeleteThe previous couple of seasons, Shaun was the polarizing figure. Take a look at some of the old posts from '04 about him, with about 3000 words following in the comments. We nearly all agree that Shuaun kicks ass now, especially after his return performance. Now we will put him on the "outstanding consistent performance" mantle that Hasselbeck and Big Walt reside, where we will love them, but not talk as much about them as they deserve.
I don't know, I'd like to see some more of that Mo Morris, he seems like a "better fit for the WCO".
ReplyDeleteI believe MH has said he prefers Morris' running style. I guess he's seen the one not described as suck-tacular.
ReplyDeleteWow, nice use of the SUBTLE sarcasm, JoSCh. That is so unlike you!
ReplyDeleteThis is not about the Madden curse because I don't believe in curses and if you do you need to listen to Mr. Wonder's Superstition. This is two questions I have for the Seahawks management (because we all know that they definitly read 12SS). #1) Can Darryl Tapp please just start in place of Grant Wistrom from now on, I know you guys gave that jakovasaur a fat pile of cash but for the good of the defense, like Weird AL says; just eat it. #2) Can the Seahawks please wear their old uni's just for a game, I love the powder blue Charger throwbacks and IMHO the Seahawks throwback is one of the best uni's in the history of the NFL and I love to run with 'em on the Madden and I have yet to lose in them on Xbox live, I'm like 30-0 when I rock those jerseys (see how I tied that in? Yeeeeah boy). Please. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteBigFoot, that was very lucide. Don't ever do that again......
ReplyDeleteSorry BigO. Grant has motor Tapp does not yet posses. Some truely believe that Grant isn't living up to his hype or contract. A closer eye reveales that he and Lofa are combining a left side blocade that forces runners right or middle. it's the right side that isn't being covered contributing to the abundance of runnere hitting us up the gut or to the right. Grant goes nowhere, he is hell on wheels for an offensive line and QB. Everytime he is in the line up.
Biggie, I don't see any players of color on your bust list. Just sayin', ya freaking racist.
ReplyDeleteMy bust list??? I'm sorry it's been a long day please elaborate.
ReplyDeleteThis is a sincere question: Of what race is Stevens?
ReplyDeleteI don't know, his hands might be from Greece...
ReplyDeletePerhaps hes part Cherokee like myself?
ReplyDeleteI don't know, his hands might be from Greece...
ReplyDelete-- CitK
Instant Classic!
Curses are for retards and teenage girls. Now, I'm as superstitious as any other fan, got a lucky Seahawks cap and everything. But Karma is one thing, calling a bunch of predictable injuries a curse is another. If Shaun can put a stake through the heart of the "Madden Curse," that would be almost as awesome as him leading the Seahawks to a 1st Round Playoff bye.
ReplyDeletePS: I wore my lucky Mack Strong jersey for both the NFC Championship and the Super Bowl last year. Is it lucky or unlucky? Does it actually fucking matter?
Exactly my point there J.L. It doesn't matter.
ReplyDeleteJL White = Urkel?
ReplyDeleteMy "luck story"......
ReplyDeleteMy first Hawks games to attend was the game in which T.O. whipped out his "sharpie" in public......during that game I went to the Pro Shop and purchased a Dilfer #4 jersey (he was the starter at the time), I walked up to my compfy nosebleed seat only ot endure, two plays later, Dilfer going down for a career in Seattle ending injury. Matt stepped in and the rest is history, then a few weeks ago I broke down a bought my Hasselbeck jersey on Saturday afternoon only to watch Matt go down with his knee injury.....curse, jinx, whatever it is, I believe.....
And as for the Madden curse....wouldn't you consider the Mack Strong injury to fall under that too, being a huge part of Shaun's running game?
And I hate to say it, but I agree on the earlier point made....it was after all "the Packers run defense" (what's their ranking on run defense?
Better hope Matt and the recievers get it together as well as the defense, if we have to depend on Shaun again this season we're screwed IMO.
But hey, what do I know.
Big O
ReplyDeleteOn your evaluation of Grant, sack totals are telling the entire story, did you ever consider many of the other player's sacks and tackles are coming as a result of his play against the opponents LT?
He has a lot of hurries as well, yes he's losta a step, but he still has plenty to contribute, because of what he brings to the table as far as experience he's still the second best DE the Hawks have.
His days are numbered, but not over.
ReplyDeleteIs that really you?!?!?
Yup, Vinny's back, the Hawks can now procede to the Super Bowl.
ReplyDeleteSorry Bears fans, but the Hawks they face in the Championship game won't be the same team they kicked around back in October.
Man it feels GREAT to be back!!!!!
Elaboration for the O of substantial size... do you really need it? I'm just busting balls. Don't be hatin'.