NEW YORK -- Shaun Alexander set an NFL record for touchdowns, led the league in rushing and ran away with The Associated Press Most Valuable Player award Thursday.
And with free agency on the horizon, the Seattle running back could parlay his sensational year into unprecedented riches...
* * * UPDATE 1/6/2005 * * *
Shaun also named Offensive Player of the Year!
Boy, who could have guessed this would happen as we were all trying to figure out what he was going to do in the off season??!!
ReplyDeleteI think this is great for the team and for Shaun, but it just made Mr. Ruskell and Mr. Reinfeldt's jobs that much harder.
This too should help Seattle shed some of that "most overlooked franchise in the league" mistique.
That all being said, I can't believe that NFL.com and Seahawks.com were not poised with images and articles for the 2-3 top candidates.
NFL.com still has Tiki freaking Barber on it's main NFL page, and Seahawks.com has no mention of it yet.
Posted by alba
This is cool - I was patrolling for info on the MVP announcement to see who won, went to NFL.com, Seahawks.com, and where do I find it first? RIGHT HERE, BABY!
ReplyDeleteThanks, alba. Where did you hear?
Man. that is a good point - Who would have predicted in the off season that Shaun would get this? Unbeleivable. And it confirms to me that holdouts are a bad idea for running backs. I could dig it up, but when the possibility was out there for a SA holdout, I was ranting about how that would be bad for HIM, becauue the running game is all about conditioning and an establishment of power and timing with the blocking, which needs to be developed as early as possible.
IMHO Shaun realized this, and did what he needed to do to get in camp.
Posted by Bluefoot
BTW, The way the voting went:
ReplyDelete1. Shaun Alexander: 19
2. Peyton Manning: 13
3. Tom Brady: 10
4. Tiki Barber: 6
5. Carson Palmer: 2
6. Bluefoot: 0
For the record, Peeter King announced earlied in the week that his vote (yes, he's one of the 50) went to Brady. The week before, he admitted he was a sack-licking Pats fan.
I first saw it on The News Tribune's site, and practically leapt out of my chair.
ReplyDeleteNow, about that cap room...
Good for Shaun, but I'm not sure it's good for the 'Hawks...
Being MVP is over-rated.
ReplyDeleteAnd the statement "And with free agency on the horizon, the Seattle running back could parlay his sensational year into unprecedented riches" by the AP writer is possibly the dumbest thing I've ever read, unless he's talking about unprecedented riches for Shaun himslef, not unprecedented for anyone. Even if Shaun was a 21 year old rookie he wouldn't get a bigger contract than P Manning, and even his $$ isn't unprecedented in the case of all men. I dispise sensationalism from a journalist. This guys lack of talent could be unprecedented if it weren't for the likes of Peter "Puffer" King and his bretheren. Not that I'm bitter or grumpy today (must get beer soon... GRRRRRR!!)
Alba, are you sure its Tiki on the front page, could be Ronde or Shaun, as they all look alike. One of my favorite Shaun stories ever.
I find it funny that at the beginning of the season I figured Shaun would pull a 25 mil contract, and now I'm up to thinking 37 mil. Wonder how close I was on both accounts. I hope he has been honest about his wanting to stay and won't fight over 1.5 mil here or there, and I hope they pay him. GO HAWKS!!!
Posted by JoSCh
The MVP announcement must really bring embarassment to those who are contributors here that bashed and disrespected Alexander all last year on the PI Hawks blog. I'd take our MVP over Chokebeck anyday. Nice to see the egg on your faces.
ReplyDeleteHey, FH! I hadn't heard from you in a while!
ReplyDeleteAnd who would those contributors that bashed Alexander be? The only person I recall that I felt slighted SA was Vinny. But I guess that depends on your definition of bashing and disrespecting. Your list may be broader.
You know, I missed you in a strange, perverse, masochistice sort of way. Good to see you in the blog.
Posted by Bluefoot
Hey, FireHolmgren, Since you're visiting... What do you thing of this, regarding Holmgren?
ReplyDelete"But parts of that 2004 failure seem to have stayed with him, and he has seemed mellower since leaving the team for a brief period in June after experiencing chest pains. It's hard to know whether that has played into his coaching acumen, but his players have been the first to point out his sharpness.
"Mike's humbled himself in so many ways," said Alexander, whose 28 touchdowns set a new NFL single-season record. "When they talk about great coaching, sometimes people say it in passing, but we really do have a great, special coach in Mike.
"When I first got here, he was always kind of distant from everybody and wanted to keep everybody in the same kind of boat. [But] he just realized we have a bunch of guys with different personalities. Some guys he's let in. Some guys he's been the discipline guy to. Some guys he's been the guy to pump them up.
"He's picked the right times to be calm with us. I think that's been the best thing. It's kind of like he's been on 100 percent with every player this year. "
This article must really bring embarassment to those who bashed and disrespected Holmgren all last year on the PI Hawks blog. I'd take our coach over anyone but Bellichick anyday. Nice to see the egg on your face.
Posted by Bluefoot
I was in the elevator coming into work this morning and saw the announcement on one of the little screens that they have in there. I unvolutarily said "way to go Shaun" and got some weird looks in the elevator. Apparently very few people in a downtown Los Angeles elevator know who Shaun Alexander is either. Guess it's not just a East coast bias :-)
ReplyDeleteShaun's got the MVP, Shaun's got the MVP i can say this all day and i won't get tired, i'll just annoy a whole bunch of people, but what thw hell Shaun's got the MVP.
ReplyDeleteHolmgens tha man.
Posted by o-meezy
Didnt expect this at all based sorely off of Tatupu's robbing of the DROY...I figured the media would be all over Manning and Barber...and Shaun would finish 3rd or 4th, give or take Tom Brady (IMO Shaun was the MVP, followed by Brady...then Manning)
ReplyDeleteI found out later this evening around 4pm EST...didnt feel good, was laying down dozing off and turned to ESPNNEWS with my last bit of energy and saw his name...sat up and read it at the bottom...and im still stunned.
This might not mean much to some, but to Seattle, its awesome...feels good to recognized in a good way for once.
The skies are mellow around me. Im not smiling, and im not shaking...I know there is still business to take care of. Normally a team like Seattle could run away to the Super Bowl, but its the Seahawks. I know there is one goal left. One demon to kill. One dream to realize. One shot.
Its All Or Nothing From Here
Posted by adp
This ones on check award goes to .... FireHolmgrem!
ReplyDeleteDoes it smell like poop in here?
Posted by check
From Sando's piece in today's PI, Shaun finds himself in good company:
ReplyDeleteFormer Seahawks Cortez Kennedy (1992) and Kenny Easley (1984) were defensive players of the year. Chuck Knox was coach of the year (1984), and John Thompson was named top executive (1978). Hall of Famer Steve Largent was the NFL�s man of the year (1988).
Also, John McGrath's piece is a must read!
Posted by alba
Sando works for the PI now?!?!?1
ReplyDeletePosted by adp
Good catch ADP, alba, your journalistic integrity has become worrisome. You are the Dr. Z of this blog! Ohhhh, snap, no he di'int.
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
Should we call him 'Dr. A' now?
ReplyDeletePosted by Bluefoot
Dammit! And you can't go back and edit these blasted comments either!!
ReplyDeleteMy brain just can't get around the TNT acronym, as I keep picturing Ernie whatever and Charles Barkley doing basketball coverage!
And god forbid ANY of you three make even the SLIGHTEST mistake in your posts and comments, cuz you've wakened the ire of Alba, and I'M WATCHING YOU!!
Posted by alba
I was really hoping for props spelling the ghetto-ese correctly.
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
ReplyDeleteAnd now Dr. A is making excuses?
Posted by Bluefoot
hey dont shoot the messenger...i tried to ignore it, but im compulsive with some things...it started driving me nuts
ReplyDeleteif it makes you feel better, whoever made the footer on the main page has Shaun as an 'MVP CANDIDATE'...it should be updated
Posted by adp
Good find... I think Dr. A originally posted that, and now we see another mistake of his. Wow. SI or FOXSports should hire him!
ReplyDeletePosted by Bluefoot
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
sorry Dr. A...guess that didnt help too much...my defense of you was Ram-like..well since I at least attempted to defend, but still failed...its more Cardinal-like
ReplyDeleteDr. A-ass, Dr. A-ass...dunno the rest of the song from the planet of the apes
Posted by adp
I guess I picked the wrong day to get out of bed this morning! Don't make me pull my Randy/Vinny impression and threaten to take my opinions and unique sense of humor and go home!
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
you're a DR...so you should have your medicine
ReplyDeletealba, you're one sexy proctologist
Posted by adp
" guess I picked the wrong day to get out of bed this morning! " I guess I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue! LOL, love that movie.
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh