What I want to do with this thread, is give people a chance to predict what story will come out of this game that will have the media talking.
Be creative, witty, clever, or just plain funny, I don't care...just have a take and don't suck. If you think that they will be talking about Jerramy Stevens, (because he blew up against the Panthers, having a huge game) then tell me that.
If you think the big story will be the number of turnovers we forced against the Panthers then tell me that, etc...
Just to give this thing a jump start, here are the two things I think are most likely to be talked about next week, and one story that (may be a bit of a stretch), but would be very cool and could happen, you never know.

Here is the story I think is most likely to happen, the media will be forced to talk about the maturation of Hasselbeck into one of the leagues elite quarterbacks, after he throws for nearly 300 yards and two touchdowns, with no picks.

I think the second to most likely story will be how the Seahawks defense, led by the smartest MLBer in football, completely dominated the Panthers, taking away any pretense at a running attack and severely limiting Steve Smith, to under 100 yards and no touchdowns.

This is my, "hey it could happen", storyline. Next week the media will be talking about how Mike Holmgren is a genius for making the switch to Peter Warrick in the punt return game, after Peter Warrick returns a punt for a touchdown and has two others that almost go for touchdowns giving us terrific field position all game.
They will be talking about why he wasn't used as a punt returner earlier (a question I myself would like an answer to and have complained about for a long, long time).
They will be talking about what the AFC team (I picked Denver) will have to do to stop Peter Warrick, even going so far as to say that they just need to kick away from him, not letting him get a chance to get his hands on the ball.
So what do you guys think? What will "they" be talking about next week?
great idea monkey.I think the warrick one will be true.
ReplyDeleteHolmgren is a genius once again. He has taken two seperate teams to the Superbowl.
Alexander is super in seattle after scoring two touchdowns and rushing for 150+ yards.
Seahawk secondary slaps Panthers back to Carolina after forcing two picks, and the front 7 did a great job of containing the run and pressurin Delhome who must go home.
Best wide reciever in the game is not Steve Smith but D-Jack after he torched Ken Lucas for two td's and 100+ yards.
Overall Seahawks Sore High with nearly 500 yards of offense.
Monkey your funny the only thing the media will talk about is our easy schedule, how we don't deserve it, and theat the AFC team will murder us.
Posted by o-meezy
I forgot about this one but i think it will be true
ReplyDeleteBend But Dont Brake Is Brilliant: Delhome wastes time marching down the field just to turn the ball over or kick/miss field goals
Posted by o-meezy
my top story prediction?
ReplyDeleteMonkey will continue to question things the Coaches do no matter what. ;)
Monkey, it's well documented that the reason Warrick lost his return job was his love for heading to the sidelines looking for the "breakout return" instead of following his wedge, thus being too inconsistant for the Coaches.
(sound familiar?)
Posted by vin
"only thing the media will talk about is our easy schedule, how we don't deserve it, and that the AFC team will murder us. " Ding ding ding. Winner.
ReplyDeleteVin, why man? Why? Be happy, we can all be right by being fans.
That said, I think they are stunned by the amazing balance, Shaun runs for 100 and a touch, Matt throws 250 and 2, Josh kicks one or two, nothing special... the D holds them to 2 TDs (Smith, possibly rushing? Carter long ball), 2 FGs, and a 2Pt conversion (late, on the Smith TD). How did this 17th ranked D hold down the best offense of all TIME!?!
Posted by JoSCh
Headline: Superfluky!
ReplyDeleteThe Seattle Seahawks somehow pulled off a miracle victory. I mean a team at full strength was able to defeat a team battling injuries, and 3 straight road elimination games!...in their own stadium! The fluke of the playoffs moves on to the Bizarro Bowl, or in terms of Superman, the opposite of 'Super' Bowl.
AD: Have a cockroach that just wont die? Buy Raid's new 'Ospray'...rids yourself of all blemishes and inferiororities!
Headline: Fluke Of The Loom
The poopstain on the underwear of football managed to pull off another upset. I have no reason how they managed to win again, as shown by my lack of paragraphs! The Carolina Panthers were trying to win a 3rd straight road game, something very impressive in the football world. More impressive is that the Seattle Seahawks seemed to squirm through another upset as they continue their march to Detroit...The bad news: They're going to find themselves down 54-0 in the 4th quarter against Denver...the good news: I can scalp my Super Bowl tickets!
AD: Watch Wrestlemania 22 this March on PPV. A special bonus match has been announced where Hulk Hogan will take on Hawk Bogus in a retirement match! At the press conference, Hogan said "Im gonna turn you into my personal action figure, featuring a Kung Fu Grip! Either way you'll still be fake"...Hawk Bogus responded by saying "Listen you queer cross eyed has been gorilla monkey...I---(media cuts him off)"...After the media put tape on the mouth of Bogus to keep him in a locked state so he can't retaliate and has to deal with the verbal abuse once again, Hogan said "Im gonna make you lick my ass after I beat you like the media beats the Colt's dick, brother...and don't be afraid when you see more hair down there then whats on your head, Hass---I mean Hawk Bogus!"
Headline: The Late Great Kurt Cobain Arose From His Grave To Leave A New Song He Wrote Based On Previous Written "School"
The song goes like this:
Won't you believe it, our Hawks must suck
Won't you believe it, our Hawks must suck
Won't you believe it, our Hawks must suck
Won't you believe it, our Hawks must suck
No respect (x7)
You're all fools again (x7)
Thats what the media SAIIDDDDDDDD
No respect (x8)
AD: Are you a small media member? Feel too tiny to get noticed at press conferences? Come to the Shovelface Inn on Saturday, February 18th to meet Peyton Manning. In doing so, for a small charge (almost free!...erm except the 50 dollar part), you can unbuckle his pants...and go down on him...then you will never ever again have to worry about being asked 'Got Milk?'...
*Please note this was all sarcasm
**I love that Nirvana song, I would think looking at Kurt's personality, he would of found that funny, but if it seemed disrespectful, im sorry Kurt, wherever you are
Posted by adp
***Please note I spelled Osprey as O-SPRAY on purpose
ReplyDeleteGood responses guys just what I was hoping for.
ReplyDeleteHere's what the media SHOULD have been talking about all week, and what SHOULD be said next week:
ReplyDeleteEvery sportscaster and media pundit picked the Seattle Seahawks to make it to LAST YEAR'S Superbowl, and after the team was descimated by injury on the defensive side of the ball late in the season, that dream died the way most Seahawks seasons expire, with a gut wrenching loss in the the first round of the playoffs.
After being publicly embarassed by their pre-season snafu, NO sportscaster or media pundit in their right mind would go NEAR Seattle in 2005, instead choosing to throw their faith and hope behind Denny Greene and the Arizona Cardinals, which blew up even more so in our faces.
While we were too distracted by the promise of an undefeated season by the Colts, or too busy trying to portray the Chicago Bears in the image and likeness of the 1985 Monsters of the Midway, no one was paying attention to what they did in Seattle, to fulfill the proficy of 2004.
On the defensive side of the ball, they cleaned house of all the deadwood, free agents too expensive to retain, or griseled veterans too brittle and proud to accept a lesser role on the team.
What they brought in appeared on the surface to be rookies too small or obscure to make a difference, and a pack of Loompa Loompas, second stringers from other teams who appeared to be as wide as they were tall.
These became the building blocks of a true "no name" defense that never jumped out as dominating a game, but talented, hungry and energized enough to provide 13 victories during the regular season, and the first playoff win in 21 years.
On the offensive side of the ball, the team remained pretty much in tact, which is probably why nobody in the media decided to take them seriously.
Anyone who remembers the disappointment of 2004 knows that Seattle was where passes when to be dropped, and in a curious move to improve their wide receiver squad, they released the talented deep threat with the most potential of the bunch. Then brought in an aged possession receiver with a history of back and leg problems. But if there was every a case of "addition by subtraction" this was it.
The Seattle Seahawks did something nobody expected them to do, which is catch virtually EVERYTHING that was thrown their way. And while the team's top two remaining receivers lost significant time due to injury, not only did they get major contribution from the wiley veteran, but also from rookies, perennial practice squad guys and their second and third string tight ends.
And what is the most obvious benefit to the improved efficency of the Seahawk wide receiver crew, beside a berth to Superbowl XL? That would be the quarterback that one ESPN analyst said would be the first one benched in 2005 in favor of his backup being named the STARTER in the 2005 Probowl.
And what about Shaun Alexander, the disgruntled ball carrier of "stabbed in the back" fame, who was shopped during the draft and begrudgingly signed to a franchise tender before training campm?
The man, the ego and that quote was supposed to sound the death knell for the Seahawks for the 2005, and instead he became the bellweather for the success of the season.
Instead of dancing around in the backfield trying to make a spectular play on every run, Shaun Alexander adjusted his style, running hard between the tackles on short yardage, which not only contributed to a near perfect conversion ratio on 3rd and short, but provided the drive extending plays for the team that lead the league in scoring marches of 80 yards or more.
So, instead of doubting this team and trying to undermine their success at every juncture, pointing out lucky wins, soft schedules and the weakest division in the league, we the media should have been standing on our desks, shouting their praises as we reached around and patted ourselves on the back.
Afterall, in retrospect, we ALL saw this coming....LAST YEAR that is. What nobody wanted to admit, even after it became as apparent as the ugly duckling developing into a swan, is that with VERY MINOR ADJUSTMENTS on offense, and a major ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT on defense, the Seattle Seahawks proved every media pundit right.
They proved they have the talent, coaching, heart and will to make it to the big show.
So thanks to the fine coaching job done by Mike Holmgren and the rest of his staff, and the outstanding play of the most balanced team in the league, we, the media have the unique opportunity to say these three phrases at the same time, and be accurate.
(of course, like Monkey said, it will be all about the Panthers running out of gas, and what we need to do to have a glimmer of hope to contend with the much more talented and powerful AFC representative!)
Posted by alba