The latest Page 2 piece by Skip Bayless is so egregious that we must post the link to it here, and then urge not only Seahawks fans, but all football fans, to write this dork and let him know that he's a waste of the earth's oxygen supply.
It's one thing to take pot shots at Seattle's history. It's been grim.
But to fly in the face of the most balanced team still in the playoffs, the best offensive line, the hottest QB, the MVP, a HOF coach and most improved unit in the league is unconscionable.
Read this drivel, click the link at the end, and then let him know how you feel. Be brief, as I had to cut my response into 3 parts just to get the Submit button to work. But most of all, be literate and avoid insults and vulgarity, so your opinions are not written off as hot-headed homerism.
Before submitting your reply, copy and paste it into the Comment section here.
Skip -
ReplyDeleteWhat ever happened to the saying "better to be silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt?"
First of all, unless I missed the announcement of the deal on NFL.com, they are not YOUR Panthers and YOU do not own the Superbowl, so spare us the "MY" references.
Second, why not take a gander down the schedules of the nearly undefeated and now vacationing Colts, as well as the ruse Mime-sters of the Midway pulled off.
If we beat a good team, like Atlanta and Philly, you say they were hurt. If we destroy a bad team, like Houston, you say they were bad. When we dispose of the "mighty" Redskins, you say we were lucky and got away with sloppy play.
Coach Holmgren says he'll never apologize for a win, yet you still make it seem like we owe you 14 "I'm sorrys."
We have the GENUINE League MVP, even though the East Coast media insists on running "The Real MVP" headline over stories about every other Tom, Dick and Manning.
We've got the HOTTEST QB in the past month, that you'll never know about, since you don't bother to watch our games.
We have the MOST DOMINATE O-Line in the league, bar none.
And we have the best and most clutch set of receivers, although most "pundits" still think Seattle is where passes go to be dropped.
I won't even go into the best Front Office in the league that brought us two rookie linebackers and a slew of free agents that have turned this team around.
While everyone is talking Ware and Merriman, Lofa Tatupu has been leading one of the best defenses in points allowed.
While everyone is talking Freeney and Burris, Joe Jurevicus and Bryce Fisher are by far the biggest impact free agent signings of the year.
So go on, keep disrespecting this team and organization. Sure, we don't have the storied history of the Packers, 49ers or Steelers, so maybe we deserve it.
But the Patriots were once the laughing stock of the league, until a committed coach, overachieving QB and bend-but-don't break defense took them to 3 out of 4 Lombardi trophies.
And it all started with them doing what nobody said they could. Stand back and throw all the tomatoes you want, just keep your sorry ass off our bandwagon when we prove you wrong.
Posted by alba
bravo alba!...ill get mine in a sec, im jus trying to cool off for a moment...this whole bashing thing is starting to get to me...its taking the fun out of our season...
ReplyDeleteWhat a piece of crap. A bet Skip's dog even hates him.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if his dog has a human name, like Kevin or something? It would be a fitting twist.
Posted by Bluefoot
"I'm not writing this in a fit of anger, but one of sadness. Your atrocious writing makes the world a lesser place. I sincerely hope you get fired. You are the absolutely worst thing about sports media. If Carolina loses, it is because you are rooting for them. You are an awful person, and God hates you."
ReplyDelete...sorry guys, I got a little carried away at the end, but I figure it's true.
Posted by Uff
I just went with a short response aimed at his criticism of the Seahawks after Shaun went down, when we played harder without him, or in spite of him.
ReplyDelete"As for the Seahawks playing harder when Shaun Alexander went down, well, what do you want a championship caliber team to do? Roll over and die? the Seahawks adjusted and get no credit, and other teams don't and its called an excuse."
He should really just admit that he never watched the Seahawks play, outside of the Giants game, and write a column about how if Eli Manning can get his football skills on par with his skills in bed he'll be a decent quarterback.
Posted by Alan
They're damned if they do, and they're damned if they don't... (Do the Bartman!)
ReplyDelete("Where's your sense of humor, man?")
Posted by Bart Simpson
Skip how many Seattle games have you watched this season honestly?
ReplyDeleteThis team has overcome everything that has come their way. when the Patriots overcome injuries and win games its because they are an elite team, but when the Seahawks do it there is some sort of excuse you media guys make up.
How many other teams do you think could have lost there starting 2 recievers, Free Safety and Outside Linebacker for an extended period of time and put a 11 game win streak together. Tell me one team that you think could have done the same.
In the playoffs we lost our best offensive player weapon and still won. Do you think thin the Patriots would win a playoff game without Tom Brady, wait they did have Tom Brady and they still lost.
Everyone is a hater but atleast you realize that we will be going to the Superbowl and if we win do us all a favor don't apologize or anything just go off the air.
P.S: Good thing you know not to come back to Seattle.
Posted by o-meezy
He reminds me of a writer we had here up until this year.....Anyone remember Les Carpenter?
ReplyDeleteNice job alba, as always.....I'm saving my rant for Sunday evening after the win.
Posted by Vin
check - you have to cut it up...it wont send a huge paragraph...split it into halves or 1/3s, and send each...
ReplyDeletePosted by adp
the newest column at caffeinated sports is a response to Skip.
ReplyDeleteIt can be found here.
As always, feed back is welcome.
Posted by Alan
My bad. Just go here.
Posted by Alan
I just called him a moron and criticized his style. Comapring us to an un-adopted 17 year old and them to a drunk college guy. Do sportswriters even try any more?
ReplyDeletePosted by Alan
After reading his first paragraph, this is what I had to say.
ReplyDeleteAs the father of two adopted children, I take severe offense to your use of the 17-year old kid in an adoption home metaphor.
It's more ignorant that your supposed football analysis.
If you ever want to graduate from no-talent internet hack to a big boy sports journalist, you should learn to be a little more responsible with your analogies.
Posted by alba
I tried sending him a response but I am not sure that it worked, apparently he doesn't want to recieve any more emails regarding his obvious lack of football knowledge. Any here is what (I may or may not) have sent him, depending on whether it worked.
ReplyDeleteSkip, have you even watched one single Seahawks game this season?
No, don't answer that, because I KNOW the answer, you obviously have not.
Otherwise, there is simply no way that you could have said the aggregiously stupid things that you did about the team.
You label them boring, yet they have won 11 in a row this season, (similar to the supposedly mighty Colts) by using a balanced, relentless, disciplined offense, which all season long has put up terrific numbers.
The Seahawks offense has established a trend of taking drives (just watch the very first drive) for over 80 yards for a score.
How is that boring?!? a team taking the opening drive for 80+ yards to score is far from boring. A team so loaded with offensive weapons is far from boring.
On Cold Pizza you referred to the Seahawks as an arena league team, funny...but the team left in the playoffs that BY FAR most resembles an arena league team is the Panthers who are a one trick pony offensively, designing wierd and goofy ways to get the ball into the hands of one reciever, who is the only guy on the team capable of making big plays. That is far more "arena league" than a balanced offense featuring the leagues most dominant line.
If you like to watch close games, the Seahawks have been in several this season, some so exciting they were nearly heart attack inspiring, ala the Giants vs. Seahawks game that ended in overtime.
If you like to see dominant teams, the Seahawks have obliterrated opponents as well, ala the Eagles on Monday night, despite being picked by all the media (who like yourself obviously have never really wathced the Seahawks play) to lose the game.
The reason I write this is to let you know that, if you write an article prior to the Championship weekend, ripping one team out of the four, you should get ANY of your characterizations about that team right. You really couldn't be more off base, and it is painfully obvious that you actually know nothing about the team and that you have never seen them play.
Next time, write about something you do know, or about a team that you actually have seen play, otherwise your articles come across as pure, made up drivel.
I have often said that there are two jobs in America that I would love to have, weatherman, and football analyst; because you can be dead wrong half the time and still keep your job.
This was unquestionably, the single worst football article I have read this season.
Here is what I wrote:
ReplyDelete" would rather eat fish eyes than see Seattle's Seahawks in my beloved Super Bowl."
Skip, your hate filled column, full of intellecually inexplainable possessives ("MY Carolina Panthers, MY Super Bowl, MY tough, smart little overachiever") and abject homerism, is an unwelcome insult to sportsmanship, and a perfect example of the occasional journalistic sewage that takes the fun out of sports.
You are a bad example to any youth who would like make a future in sports media. I refuse to ever read another article of yours, and will never watch Cold Pizza as long as you are part of the program. Your idiotic vom has no place in my house.
Have a nice day,
BF in Kennewick
ReplyDeletePosted by vom?