For as long as I can remember, Seattle fans have complained about not getting the respect and attention of the national press, and even after completing the best season in franchise history, leading to home field advantage and a first round playoff bye, it still seems to be a major issue.
Well, in order to solve a problem, you have to first identify the source, and I believe the responsibility for the underwhelming esteem held throughout the NFL for the Seahawks organization squarely rests on the shoulders of this one man.
Yes, you read it right, THAT Steve Largent.
Oh sure, he racked up yardage and receptions while playing for the Seahawks alright. Broke a few records too. Even tried to cover up his true nature by winning the Man of the Year honors a time or two.
But the true character of the man was unfortunately revealed once he hung up the cleats and walked away from the game.
The organization did the right thing by Steve. Ring of honor. Retired his jersey. Even helped get him into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
But what did this selfish individual do in return?
Did he get a job with ESPN? Sports Illustrated? Fox?
NO, this self centered former Seahawk great goes and runs for Congress of all things, under the thinly veiled guise of "helping the constituents of his home state of Oklahoma".
So, instead of positioning himself as one of the premiere talking heads in a network landscape full of nattering nabobs of negativety, Steve takes the "easy" way out and runs for public office.
Can you imagine if it were Steve Largent sitting there between Boomer, TJ and Steve Young? Can you imagine the education that he could have provided to the football masses explaining intricacies of the game, such as Washington is a part of the United States, and Seattle is a vibrant city with more than coffee, rain and grunge music.
Can you imagine ANYONE sitting in a studio and spewing the half-baked, uninformed, based on things that happened 20 years ago garbage opinions if they had to look across the table into the steely blue eyes of the ONE AND ONLY #80?
Can you imagine using his intellect and nack for public speaking to call out on the carpet all the donut eating free buffet trolling hacks from east coast media outlets for not paying attention to one of the up and coming premiere organizations in the NFL?
No, Steve Largent pretends he had a "higher calling" and instead snubbed the opportunity to be the face of the franchise within the hostile confines of the national media, choosing instead the safer, less contentious floor of the US House of Representatives.
So don't let NFL Films sell you a bill of goods on this guy, showing his awesome moves, great hands and outstanding character.
When Steve Largent stopped at that proverbial fork, with two divergent paths jutting out into the forest, we all KNOW which one he chose.
Of course the Seahawks get no respect.
And for that, I blame Steve Largent!
Spiffy way of lookin at things...
ReplyDeleteProblem is, there are two different kinds of respect people believe the Seahawks fans are talking about
The popular consensus is the lack of recognition, which is a crock of crap and truly shows why people dont know jack about this franchise/fans...
The real respect problem is the constant bashing...no need for an article to go over a bunch of teams, and have some ignorant comment in paranthesis next to ours---the only one that got such treatment...the treatment this team gets rivals the weak teams in the NFL...the whole world reads these articles...so people need to understand we aren't whining because every article doesnt sing our praises
Just wanted to make that clear again, as I prolly will in every respect topic we see on here
With Largent, the consensus would prolly be a real analyst who never played any football (like John Clayton)...people need to understand he is easily the 2nd greatest receiver to ever play the game, and held every major record until Rice broke them all
Hey, I can add sarcasm too, right? : ),...nice stuff alba, you almost sounded like a real journalist for a second there
oh, and my last comment wasnt sarcasm (at the bottom)...you did seem somewhat professional there, normally i wouldnt say anything, but I know you're still a feedback whore at heart
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you saw through to the sarcasm, ADP. I figure this would give us all a little something to chew on until game time.
ReplyDeleteIt'll Probably mess with the visiting Deadskin's heads too, when they see something like this on the main page.
But there's an element of truth to it too. If our greatest player of all time went into broadcasting, perhaps folks would be a little more well informed about this organization, or a little less quick to kick it in the balls every chance they get.
Posted by alba
nice piece.. enjoy all your comments on the seahawks forum..
ReplyDeleteHey in a few years we'll have Mack Strong speaking up for us. He can go into journalism, he already rights the Strong report on Seahawks.com. Mack won't let us down like Steve.
ReplyDeletealba, would you be sayin the same stuff about Steve Largent if he were a liberal and not a conservative.
Posted by sacaja-weezy
Clever, however, put up with too much for too long to become the flavor of the day now.
ReplyDeletePosted by Duke Snyder
Tongue-in-cheek at it's best. Nice work, Dr. A.
ReplyDeletePosted by Bluefoot
sacaja-weezy - good call on the political differences. If Steve ever ran for President I would be one conflicted vote caster to be sure!
ReplyDeleteAnd I hope you didn't change your handle due to my liberal bias. I do really think sacaja-weezy is laugh out loud funny though!
Posted by alba
alba, 'Skins fans actually had to deal with a similar situation. Hell, we're still dealing with it. Former Virginia governor George Allen founded his political career on the fact that his father was the second greatest coach in Redskins history. The moron is a senator now! He's probably going to run for president, I kid you not. He's also very fond of attacking the laws those of us who actually LIVE in the District of Columbia pass for ourselves, like banning handguns so we can try and avoid the ignominy of being a murder capital again. His first big political victories were based solely on the name recognition he got when Virginia hayseeds thought "George Allen? Didn't he used to coach football?" I'm just glad there isn't a massive Seattle diaspora, or I might have to worry about beating an Allen/Largent ticket in 2008!
ReplyDeleteAll the best from Southwest DC!
Posted by lt_mandrake
I've been pretty quiet lately, but just had to say, fantastic article. Kudos to you sir, kudos to you.
ReplyDeletePosted by check
LOL funny, great one alba, and easily your best yet. Was pointed to it from Sandos blog actually, its my first read.
ReplyDelete"alba, would you be sayin the same stuff about Steve Largent if he were a liberal and not a conservative. " Also LOL funny, way to jump on that hippy meez.
LT, everybody I know in VA/DC hates that guy, and they are all conservative. He is apparently quite a whack. Must be tough living there, they do have odd laws, I know when I visit I'm usually pretty confused. Driving there sucks, at least for me, unless I can see the white house or the capitol, I'm lost.
Posted by JoSCh
i always got lost in DC...
ReplyDeletePosted by adp
No actually sacaja-weezy is a much cooler name than redskin-skinner
ReplyDeletePosted by sacaja-weezy