Mike Sando confirms the rumor that Seahawks right tackle Sean Locklear is in King County's Seattle Correctional Facility on a domestic-violence assault charge. He was booked at 3:03 am Sunday.
Other parts to the rumor, but not substantiated, are that the alleged incident occoured in Pioneer Square, to which Holmgren expressly approved "antiquing" trips.
"I think common sense plays a role," Holmgren said, as stated in an article in the Seattle Times. "You shouldn't be down there after a certain time at night. To go down there at 4 in the afternoon and look at antiques, I'm not talking about that."
With a certainty, if the alleged location of the incident is true, Locklear is in violation of team directive. If he is guilty of the alleged crime, he is in violation of law, conscience, and the respect of legions of Seahawks fans.
This is bad news. The team is flying high, and is building a different team image and substance based on character. In my opinion, the team has little choice but to discipline Locklear, if it is indeed found that he is guilty of domestic assault and/or piss-poor judgement.
More Details: According to the Seattle Times, a team spokesman said that police were called regarding an incident in which Locklear and an unnamed woman were shouting at each other in a Seattle restraunt.
"Police responded and in accordance with domestic abuse laws, Locklear had to be taken into custody even though the woman asked police not to arrest Locklear, the spokesman said.
Locklear must see a judge for a bail hearing before he can be released, and since it is a holiday, no judge can hear the case today. A bail hearing is expected for Tuesday, and the team said it expects Locklear back for practice on Wednesday."
This may just be very embarassing. Please post more details to this topic as you see fit.
There's a saying that goes "character is what you do when you know nobody is watching you", and it appears that on some level, the anti-Heather failed this litmus test.
ReplyDeleteSimilarly, all eyes will now be on the Seahawks organization, to see how they respond, knowing they have the biggest game of their franchise history staring them in the face.
They can take the Florida State or "the U" perspective and do nothing, solidifying the public perception that stars, athletes and politions are held to a different set of rules than the rest of society, and that winning is more important than the rules and values of an organization.
I don't see the Ruskell, Holmgren, Allen lead Seahawks organization taking that stance. At the VERY LEAST, Sean Locklear has just lost his starting job in the NFC championship game. I fully expect him to be activated for the game but benched for the entirety, unless Pork Chop, Walt or another O-Lineman goes down.
I will lose a lot of respect for the Ruskell, Holmgren, Allen lead Seahawks organization if they do not do anything, and take the chicken's way out, deferring action until after the court case is settled.
I'm a long suffering fan of this team for 30 years, and want nothing more than to see them in the Superbowl. However, I'm so sick and tired of the "haves" getting rules bent for and blind eyes cast at their indiscretions, that I'm willing to risk it to stick by the team rules and to prove a point to the rest of the squad.
Posted by alba
Likewise, Alba.
ReplyDeleteWhile I beleive in the principle of "innocent before proven guilty", I still think he needs to pay a price for the poor judgement of the situation. The team has to put it's stamp of disapproval on the situation in order to maintain it's values of class and integrity.
And before someone asks, "would you feel that way if it were Hasselbeck, Alexander or Jones?", Let me say YES. I'd be very pissed off, but a principle is a principle.
This is why I'm not, and never will be, a Raider fan.
Posted by Bluefoot
alba, I concur with your thoughts on character... there's simply no gray line. In the Marine Corps we'd call turning a blind eye to this sort of thing a "slippery slope" -- i.e. the fall from DV arrest to sex-boat scandal can be precipitous.
ReplyDeleteHowever - and I'm not just saying this because I want Peppers neutralized - we don't have the full story, and without sounding too much like a smarmy lawyer (or TrailBlazers fan), an arrest doesn't necessarily mean he was actually beating his wife.
That said, I don't have too much naive faith this is just some big misunderstanding.
Posted by Uff
At this point, I think he should be benched just for breaking the team "recommendation" about avoiding Pioneer Square in the wee hours of the morning.
ReplyDeleteI don't care if he was just checking what time the antique stores opened in the morning, HE DIDN"T BELONG THERE!
And let me tell you something, while I don't condone D.V., if a BIACH gets my AZZ thrown in jail for 72 hours just for causing a scene at a late night establishment, she should sleep with one eye open for the next several weeks!!!!
Posted by alba
Yeah, if he didn't actually hit her that night, she definitely deserves a little what-for as payback for two nights in the hoosegow.
ReplyDeleteI'm just sayin'.
Posted by Uff
I'm not sure what Locklear makes, and a dude should never hit a chick, but he could drop a couple hundy on some Panther's cheerleader wannabe and have her mess with this chick that got him thrown in the pokey.
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
alba...dont ever compare my precious Seahawks to Florida St...
ReplyDeleteGATORS RULE!!!
ok, ill get on this topic in a lil bit, i did glance at the first comment
The incident took place in Belltown not Pioneer Square as earlier reported. They're pretty distinct areas separated by a substantial distance. Belltown is a fairly tame area. I'd say he didn't break the team rule. It'll be interesting how it's handled.
ReplyDeleteThe PI is also reporting that the girlfriend isn't cooperating with the police and refused to let them photograph her for evidence.
Posted by bokonon
Like Emily Latella used to say on SNL, "Well now, that's very different....NEVERMIND!"
ReplyDeleteSince no team rule is broken, all you have is a late night incident and no real facts. I still think he should not start due to this lapse in judgement. But we'll get him into the game in the second series, or if Pork can't handle the assignment.
Posted by alba
"I still think he should not start due to this lapse in judgement. "
ReplyDeleteThe following is not a fact, just a way to spin this. Locklears and his girl are out at dinner/drinks/dancing, her ex-boyfriend shows up and starts messing with her, Sean tell's dickweed to blow, his girlfriend loudly takes the stance that she can handle herself, the ex leaves, someone called the cops because of HER yelling at both Sean and the ex, who do YOU think gets arrested?
Judge not lest ye be judged hippie!
Oh, and I read "But we'll get him into the game in the second series, or if Pork can't handle the assignment.", and believe that one or the other was sarcasm, I've assumed the earlier, I just wanted my position to be clear. As far I anybody knows, he did nothing and the law is designed to save women, if they need it or not. This will almost certainly end up being nothing IMO, although "The PI is also reporting that the girlfriend isn't cooperating with the police and refused to let them photograph her for evidence. " is pretty interesting. Why not let them take a pic if you don't have a black eye? Maybe she looked haggard after a late night out?
Posted by JoSCh
Umm, if this is true.... never mind my last. Dipshit.
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
If Sean is found guilty of a crime he should be benched and fined but right now he isn't guilty of anything. The onlything we know is that he was yellin at a woman sometime in the early mornin.
ReplyDeleteA person is innocent until proven guilty, and if there is no trial or anythin like that before the game then he shouldn't suffer any consequences.
I wonder how this will affect the teams focus. Good thing we have Porkchop as a backup, he can handle himself if sean can't play.
Posted by o-meezy
I can't wait for a topic to bump this one down. I've been waiting for a team and situation like this for 22 years, I'm not going to let Locklear give me a sour taste.
ReplyDeleteThis is just too good, too special.
Posted by Bluefoot
If she didn't allow pictures, and won't testify or cooperate, then I bet he walks, especially considering he has no history of such things.
ReplyDeleteA mistake, sure, and an embarrassing one for him and his girlfriend, to have their dirty laundry aired so publicly. Made all the more unfortunate because of a holiday allowing the story to fester without any evidence for so long.
It�s primarily a byproduct of our legal system that sets out to protect women from domestic violence. The price for that protection is that occasionally men go to jail for getting into arguments with their spouses or girlfriends. The police HAVE to arrest someone if they get called.
But from what I've read, the assault was him grabbing her by the neck. He claims to have grabbed her by her shirt. The evidence is limited to 1) redness on her neck, which a lawyer will argue could have been from grabbing her shirt, and 2) a few witnesses on a dark and cloudy night who saw it from a distance, and the lawyer will claim that it's very difficult to tell the difference between neck and shirt in the dark at a distance.
Without photos and her testimony and cooperation, the case won't go anywhere.
He's a 24-year-old kid, probably a bit drunk, and high on adrenaline after a tough-fought game. He made a dumb decision, and now he's paying for it, both with jail and the negative publicity. I don't think the Seahawks need to do anything more. Let him learn from his mistake. And if he doesn't, and have the police called on him again, for whatever reason, then consider benching him or maybe even trading him.
Just because the President doesn't understand what "innocent until proven guilty" means, that's no excuse for us all to forget it
Posted by Highwatermark
Hey, H2O, are you a hippie like me??!!
ReplyDeleteI agree that you have to let the courts decide this case and then decide on discipline, if any. I originally thought it was in Pioneer Sq. which is why I called for his benching.
Must be tough to get paid handsomely to manhandle anyone who gets in your way for 60 minutes each Sunday, and then spend 3 days in jail when you forget and do it to a woman an a Sunday night.
Posted by alba
SEATTLE -- Seattle Seahawks starting right tackle Sean Locklear was released without bail after an initial court appearance Tuesday for investigation of domestic violence assault.
Locklear was not charged at the hearing at a King County Jail courtroom, but Municipal Court judge Edsonya Charles ordered him to have no contact with his girlfriend, with whom he lives. He must also abstain from alcohol and other drugs while the case is pending. A second court date was set for Feb. 13 at 9 a.m.
1. how are you supposed to have no contact with someone you live with?
2. when the Seahawks win the NFC, is getting dowsed with champagne going t break the "abstain from alcohol" rule?
And let me tell you something, while I don't condone D.V., if a BIACH gets my AZZ thrown in jail for 72 hours just for causing a scene at a late night establishment, she should sleep with one eye open for the next several weeks!!!!
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
At 1/16/2006 04:33:36 PM,
Yeah, if he didn't actually hit her that night, she definitely deserves a little what-for as payback for two nights in the hoosegow.
I'm just sayin'.
Posted by Uff
Damn, y'all are some misogynistic cobags.
Posted by Yosef
Rumor has it that the girlfriend is a cheerleader and that would explain the anonymity. Has anyone heard anything about this?