On the 19th play of the NFC Championship game, left tackle Walter Jones put an epic block on Carolina DE Mike Rucker that will live forever - it only needs a nickname.
The moment is captured in 15 still vidcaps in my sub-blog.
Click here to see the show...
Awesome breakdown Bluefoot. You should include the link to the full running video of that play too, which I posted in the Flooble a little earlier today.
ReplyDeleteYou should also notice the seal block that Joe Jurivicus puts on Ken Lucas near the end of the run.
Rucker would have been better served to fall down at the line of scrimmage, which may have freed up Peppers to stop the first down!
It doesn't matter what we call it, since as Shakespear said, "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet!"
Posted by alba
Being that the block was against Carolina, maybe we should call that block "The Earnhardt Special".
ReplyDeleteJust kidding.
I know, that was cold
Posted by Bluefoot
BTW, the vid is up, too. Good idea.
ReplyDeleteEh? Throw me a bone here, I don't get it.
ReplyDeletePosted by Bluefoot
Har de har, folks. Laugh it up at poor ol' Mikey's expense. I know, I know, he's a "rich NFL player," and "privileged" and "Pro Bowl calibre!" Well I've got news for you: shut your pieholes, money's not everything...
ReplyDeleteDo you know what this here block has done for my special time with my wife? I don't do it for her anymore! All she can think about is that "Big Walt" (her words) making me looking like I'm running forwards but actually somehow going backwards. She's like "he was so powerful!"--only when she says "powerful" her voice goes all low and husky, like when I brought home my first six-figure paycheck. She's not into it at all--I feel like I'm doing all the work, (hmm, come to think of it, that's how it felt to go up against the perpetual brick wall that is Walter Jones, too...)
Oh well, I gotta jet. Our therapist told us to try some role playing. I get to be Jones, and my wife gets to be my wife. She bought me the entire uniform, so if people tell you they saw Walter Jones doing my wife, nope--it was me.
(Hi, folks--Jennifer Rucker here. I snuck this on at the end after Mike was too dumb to hit the "Publish Your Comment" button. Or too weak, I'm not sure. Anyway, pretty clever of me to buy him a Big Walter uni, eh? Now I can get off scot-free. And get of scot-free while I do it!)
Sorry, re: "JPWNED!" Bad form to post and run my first time out of lurkerdom.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, you know, 'OWNED' ['PWN3D' as the kids like to say it]. Only, er, it's "Joned".
As in "Mike Rucker gets Joned."
Posted by Manteo
OK, thanks, Manteo, I'll act like I'm 'hip' and understand how and O is a P and a 3 is an E!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how to tie it in, but I'd like to somehow join Mike Rucker's name with "Escalade "
Posted by Bluefoot
Bluefoot, that PWned thing comes from the gaming world, specifically text based gaming, where typing fast is a big thing to winning. People would type that so and so got owned or player owned, and it sort of became shortened into what he typed there.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds confusing I know but in the computer gaming world, that translates to absolutely bitch slapped, destroyed made to look silly, etc...
In other words Jones owned his guy.
Oh and welcome to the blog Manteo.
thanks for the breakdown on that monkey, i was clueless...
ReplyDelete...im almost 20...am I still techincally a kid? Im sure as hell not a man...(seinfeld people should get it)...anyways, coolness
as for the video, im gonna have to pick my spot to watch it, you know, cause i have DIAL UP and everything...being poor sucks! I highly recommend it you lucky ungrateful bastards so you can go across the world at no more then 10 seconds per page like me!
Sorry...: )...im not bitter...
...no really, im not...
Great work Bluefoot. This is precisely the sort of thing that commentators should show us during the game. Instead, we get Joe Buck saying, "WOW! It is LOUD in this joint!"
ReplyDeletePosted by Uff
Thing of beauty Blue.
ReplyDelete15 yards and a cloud of dust, eh?
Posted by Rockyseahawk
15 yards and a set of tire tracks on your back!
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
15 yards and a set of tire tracks on your back!
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
monkey's got it. I'm not actually a gamer myself - the whole "PWN3D" thing is one of a few bits of silly gamer slang that kind of gets parodied on various sites I like - Football Outsiders being one of them.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, great site here, I've really been enjoying the analysis you guys do on top of the other fun stuff. And that bock by Jones was a monster.
I could watch it over and over again.
Posted by Manteo
thanks Manteo...thats what the site is all about...fun, analysis, and rebellion!...feel free to stick around-we're growing by the second, and its only gonna get better from here
ReplyDeletePosted by adp
As far as names for that sort of domination, I think the simple one is best.
ReplyDeleteYou flatten a roadbed with a steam roller, and you say the road was steamrolled. You drive a nail into a 2X4 and you say you hammered the nail. You flatten your shirt with an iron, you say you ironed your shirt.
So when the defensive player gets driven back 15 yards, then flattened, why not just say he got Jonesed?
As in "That roadbed got JONESED by that steam roller!"
Posted by Highwatermark
We can say the recipient got "Jones" in almost every instance. We need something special for this block.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking that referring to it as "the Escalade block" might catch on. We'll see.
Posted by Bluefoot