Took the afternoon off to play golf, and actually won my match to put me in the championship round for our Wed. night league. Then stopped into my favorite watering hole for a few pints, and what should be on ESPN than a recap of the Rams 2004 season, and I walk in right at the clip of the blown 4th quarter lead.
Thankfully, I'm a regular so they understood when I demanded they change the channel!
After dinner at a friend's house and putting the kids to bed, I sit down to read the paper, and one of my favorite comic strips almost hits a home run with a great Misouri crackback.
The only thing that would have made it better would be if THIS were the final panel!
That is pretty funny.
ReplyDeleteNow that I'm livin' in Portland, I hear alot of Widmer brothers beer commercials and it reminds me of those a-holes that tried to raid the PI site when they were trying to advertise "the largest brewery in the US" as on of the main attractions to the St. Lois area.
An excert:
"See our Hefeweizen, it's cloudy because it's unfiltered"
"This other Hefeweizen is cloudy too, but that's because it's got pudding in it."
"Other Hefeweizen's put many things in them to make them cloudy. We've even heard of one brand putting a small kitten in their hefeweizen"
"Drink Widmer, cause we were the first to make hefeweizen."
"And the first not to put kitten's in our hefeweizen."
Sorry, I just had to share that. The pudding and kittens in the beer just seems to fit with the Lambs area.
Posted by check
And if I may be allowed to continue on this tangential path....
ReplyDelete...that story is a little like the old Bob and Doug McKenzie brothers bit, which was teh centerpiece of their Great White North movie, which was to put baby mice in Molson bottles and then let them grow, and then turn the bottle into the Molson brewery and get free beer for life for not reporting such an aggregious breakdown in quality control!
Posted by alba
There is nothing wrong with kittens in the hefeweizen, they help fermentation. You have to be sure to get them out of the wort at the right time though. And any brewer who allows those kittens to die is not only mean, but also inefficient, you can reuse the kittens at least 3 times if they are still alive...
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
Now that's how you take a joke and run with it.
ReplyDeleteKudos to you Josch, Kudos to you.
Posted by check