Don't say I didn't warn you, I'm sure your flooding your blog sites with rediculous self deluded over optimistic hype about how a running back like the Deuce, and a high octane passing game, with one of the best D-lines in the league will certainly carry you to the playoffs. But don't forget, you all said the same thing last year, and look what happened.

I'm not ripping on you, I'm trying to comfort you, I understand the pain that you are still too optimistic to feel. So once again, I'm sorry Saints fans. I've seen it before, so I'll go ahead and quaff one with you, even though my 'Hawks whupped up on you, much like they did in the opener last year. So go ahead and gulp, feel the burn (ask your linebackers after trying to tackle Seneca Wallace on a scramble what a burn really feels like) and don't worry about the tab, cause this ones on me.
Ahhhh... Jack is my friend, my all-time favorite.
ReplyDeleteNice award. It exhudes a condescending message, while still holding to a gracious overtone, holding an alchoholic 'olive branch' to the recipient, sort of like your boss taking you 'out for coffee'.
LOL Blue. check, that glass is mildly offensive to me, I think it depicts palm trees poorly... and yet I am strangly attracted to it. Perhaps its the mash?
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
Irony of ironies, Jack Daniels is distilled in a dry county in Tennesee, so you can even get a free taste at the end of the tour!!!
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
If anybody's wondering, I really do take the drink as I say I will, and I plan on doing it the entire season. Those are real before and after pics!
ReplyDeletePosted by check
This is the funnest award ever!
ReplyDeletePosted by Bluefoot
God love ya check, we'll pray to the patron saint of livers for you.
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
New Orleans, Seattle, Cleveland...When one loser team trashes another, what does it say? Let everyone know when you have a football program. Until then, you should commiserate with the rest of the "have-nots" of the NFL and not try and pretend you actually have a program. 9-8 is not a program, nor is a .500 record with the "genius" coach you hired eons ago.
ReplyDeletePosted by realist
Realist, FireHolmgren, Bwil10...When one loser trashes fans of another team, what does it say? Let everyone know when you have a life. Until then, you should commiserate with the rest of the "losers" of cyberspace and not try and pretend you actually have a life. Trolling is not a life, nor is this charade of "realism" you claim to employ.
ReplyDeletePosted by diarrhealist
Nice rebuttal Blue.
ReplyDeleteAparently 'realist' just doesn't get it and is just out to spew his nonsense in an effort to stir things up. I thought the tone of the article was mutually condescending, and I clearly indicated that I understood that the 'Hawks going 9-8 was a let down given the expectations.
Oh well. Maybe I just need to spoon feed to these babies, rather than disguise my words behind well written articulate thoughts.
Posted by check
The Tennessee post was supposed to say "you CAN'T even get a taste.." oh well.
ReplyDeleteCheck, I'm not sure what it is about that glass, but it's haunting and enchanting, and I keep finding myself drawn to that image!
How about some befor and after pictures of YOU after downing that JD?
And you gotta add a little ice, brother, and a fine cigar...that's how I likes it!
Posted by alba
I reserve the ice for the Crown Royal. For me, I take my sour mash at room temperature. Now the cigar, there's an idea... But mayhap, I'll load up on Courvosier first. I think I'll make it a different alcohol each week as well....
ReplyDeletePosted by check