Wednesday, October 19, 2005

If I Had A Hammer

With all the news circulating over the Hamlin incident, anyone remember that we had a game on national TV last week? Click on the image or external link to access this week's crickler titled "If I Had A Hammer".


  1. Not as tough as normal. You be slipping comment ho. Tough week? But I still got a 26... wtf? 

    Posted by JoSCh

  2. Don't anger the Crickler gods, if you ever want to get that score any lower!!! 

    Posted by alba

  3. im more surprised with the TWM not getting too many replies...Alba youre a victim of your several recent topics! You've done so many lately, you've knocked some of your others off the page! lol

    ill do the crickler in a lil while...last weeks was good, by the way
