Laying down Lamb smack is a big part of my semi-annual season ritual leading up to the big game. I will be updating this thread all week with links to smack threads (gotta have a haiku variation) useful derogatory pictures, and general vehement hatred for everything represented by the yellow and violet turd whip hat.
I know this isn't for everyone, but I thoroughly enjoy it. If you have any useful pictures, please post them.
THE RAMS ARE GOING DOWN. There is no reason, there is no choice. It is a fact. I am going to 'will it'. There is no way we are going to lose to these punks again, just as sure as Arnold Schwartzenegger is a robot. It's not even going to be a close game. They are going to wish they never stepped on the field. There is too much heartbreak in the bank that needs to be paid back for anything else to happen.
HELP!!! Everyone drop in to the "Haiku Smack Thread" in the StL Today forums. Get registered and wax it up. It's surprising fun.
Check out Mrs Doubtfire's horrific approval rating!
il move my post underneath yours, as it was a TWM fill-in
ReplyDeleteim scared to death to be honest...ignoring the fact we are playing them, this game is huge...
-the winner will be the only team in our division above .500
-the winner gets the division lead
-the media we will hear will be changed at least until the next meeting...i hate the media and could care less about them, BUT its still annoying when you hear the things they say...if we win...we earn respect (even though i dont want it anymore)...if we lose...for the next several weeks we'll be hearing it from EVERYONE and EVERYTHING
-we're on the road
-DJack and or Engram may be out, which hurts no matter how you look at it...and who knows how Stevens will play
-refs falling down field...grazing on grass like true zebras do...i cant help but think if we blow them out, the refs will help them...we know who America's team is in this matchup...we are clearly 'the ankle biting team' and they are clearly 'the nation loved arrogant team'...hopefully we get the refs from the Jaguars game
we're playing the Rams...oddly, im not scared of them at all, except if we dont have Engram AND DJack...they're a pathetic team...we have mirror offenses, but the defense clearly goes in favor...the drama is there...
this game should be on TNT! They know drama. Only thing left to say I guess is...
Remember Torry Holt's comments when he served as ESPN's anal-lyst during the 2005 NFL Draft?
ReplyDeleteWhen asked how the Lambs beat the Seahawks three times last season, he said, twice, "We out mentally toughed them".
Whatever that means.
Grant Wistrom was asked about this recently:
"Are you asking me if I think they're tougher than we are? No. I think Torry thinks a lot of things, and if you put a microphone in front of him, Torry is going to say a lot of things. That's just the type of guy he is. He likes to talk a lot and he backs it up with the way that he plays. It's just one more reason the stakes are upped this weekend.
"We take those things personal, I would be very disappointed in our team if we didn't come out and try to answer some of those criticisms or suggestions or whatever that he had about us last year."
Go git 'em, Wizzy.
If this team comes out flat in Saint Louis (with me in attendence, mind you) I will walk around for thirty years in a confused daze. The Seahawks are a perplexing team, but if they haven't been looking forward to this game since the schedule came out, something's wrong.
ReplyDeleteEverytime I say the 'Hawks will be fired up, they come out flat. But, I'll say it again. They will come ready to play, and have the intensity that comes only from being beat three times in one year by the team across the field.
Time to even the score boys. Lay down a beatdown so bad, all of last year gets swept away.
Posted by Alan
Bluefoot - that picture is SOOOOO appropriate.
ReplyDeleteThe Lambs are mere puppets pretending to be an NFL team, but they're famous puppets in the media's eyes, since they went to a couple of superbowls.
On the other hand, while they are puppets, the Lambs are larger than life in the minds of the Seahawks, having been owned by them in the last four meetings.
But here's the thing.
Our defense is young and with all the FAs that came in, there's not many on that side of the ball that remember (or were responsible for) the epic collapse of RAMS-1 last season.
Our offense is mainly in tact, but clicking on all cyclinders, and with Holmy's newfound commitment to the run, we should have the balanced attack that gives us the edge in this game.
Besides, what should football players do with a 50 foot Lambchop? Yup. Get a big-ass bowl of mint jelly and gobble that baby up and spit out the bones!
(and what kind of person comes up with a sheep-related sock puppet and then names it "lamb chop", which is technically slaughtered, filleted and prepared for consumption? Sherry Lewis apparently had a dark side that nobody really knew about...maybe she was a closet Seahawks fan all those years!)
Posted by alba
closet Seahawk fan lol...that explains why shes probably in a mental institute!
ReplyDeletePosted by adp
"this game should be on TNT! They know drama. "
and then
"Go git 'em, Wizzy. "
BWWAAAHAHAHAHHAHAAA. Although I don't think I'd say it to his face.
"if they haven't been looking forward to this game since the schedule came out, something's wrong"
There it is, I'm not too worried about our WRs, DJ, JJ, and Pete should be able to handle the lambs DBs. O line should be able to handle Little. The question is our D. Fisher should handle the greatest RT in the universe, our DTs and backers should handle Jackson, But Holt and McDonald? Curtis? That is gonna be the problem. There cannot be any letup from start to finish. Were I in charge, there would be fines for celebratory dances before, during, and after the game, not even in the locker room. I want them tackling people in the airport on the way home, even on the plane, the focus is that intense. Celebrate back in Seattle. I suspect I'll be watching in the sports bar again, will probably get the Atl and TB games on TV. We almost got kicked out last week, silly yuppies, my 4 year old boy was making too much noise in a sports bar with direct tv when he yelled whenever somebody else cheered.
Posted by JoSCh
This team will prove they absolutely have no heart if they come out flat for this game. They should be so hyped for this game that they roll them easily. People will say that there is such a thing as being too fired up, but I can't remember that being a problem for the 'hawks.
ReplyDeleteI hate sounding like Mr. Negative about this team all the time, but somehow it seems to come with the territory.
The Rams are dangerous, especially at home. If you give Bulger the time they gave Brunell last week he'll slice and dice that defense. The Rams O-Line is pretty bad though so if we can some how get pressure without blitzing I think it'll be a long day for Mr Bulger.
They have a pretty good running game, although Marts seems to get Holmgren syndrome at times and totally abandons the run for no good reason. Hopefully that trend continues.
I live in Southern California so I have to deal with all the leftover Ram fans down here talking smack about my team every week. Unfortunately there hasn't been much I could say after we went 0-3 against them last year. I hope that after this Sunday I'll be able to give them some of thier own medicine.
"I can't spell haiku let alone write one,"
Ladies and gentlemen, thats what a Missouri education will get you!
Posted by Alan
Where is everybody in that smack thread? You are all hangin' me out to dry?!?!?
ReplyDeleteThat's OK, they're only lamb fans. I can handle 'em.
Posted by Bluefoot
Wizzy? Isn't that Onterrio Smith's nickname?
ReplyDeleteBlue, I'd love to get in, but it won't accept hotmail addies and I don't want to put my work one on the site. You know I always love a good haiku smack thread.
ReplyDeletePosted by PaulieP
pretenders in wool
ReplyDeleteare pretentiously posing;
lambs before slaughter
I can't believe they don't allow Yahoo email addresses either...freaking Lambs.
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, I used my Earthlink account so I'm in over there now.
Posted by alba
I tried to sign up with hotmail, not allowed, so I signed up with a bogus address (sorry if any of you are noneofyourdamnbusiness@msn.com, but could you activate it for me?). That didn't work because you have to activate. So I emailed the webmaster, see below, he provides a way to fax in your request to use hotmail, yahoo, etc...
ReplyDeleteTo: gharden@stltoday.com
Fm: JoSCh
Ok, I understand. Actually I was signing up to be abusive to the Rams fans
(but in a nice way) on your message board prior to the Seahawks game.
To: JoSCh
Fm: gharden@stltoday.com
Subject: Re: Hotmail
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 20:49:19 -0500
Hi Josh,
We have a temporary moratorium on many of the free email domains like
yahoo.com, hotmail.com, and a number of other free email systems, in place
right now. Sorry, but there were several people who were being abusive and
getting ban. They would then turn around and get a new free account,
re-register and continue the abuse.
Please register using your ISP or business email address.
If this isn't possible because the e-mail address you tried to use is the
only one you own then please fill out the following:
First choice for username:
Second choice for username:
password you want to use:
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
Zip Code:
Work Phone:
Home Phone:
and fax this information back to: 314-436-2640 along with a copy of a
picture ID.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Fm "JoSCh"
To "Webmaster"
10/05/05 07:43 PM cc
Subject: Hotmail
Why wouldn't you allow hotmail accounts to register for your website?
Posted by JoSCh
Thats just funny, instead of being smart and just banning IP's, they just restrict email addresses. Just goes ot show you how sweet St. Louis really is.
ReplyDeleteRAMS SUCK!
P.S check out the link
Posted by gumbostu
My humble hiaku offerings:
ReplyDeleteBig ego Mike Martz
Human target Marc Bulger
Jamie Martin next
Alexander right
Lamb D gives four per play
Alexander left
Torry Holt mouth runs
Draft comment chalkboard fodder
Like diarrhea
Rush Winstrom rush Tubbs
Bone break meeting at Bulger
Rush Fisher rush Darb
Big week five match up
Talons slashing lamb jugular
Division winner
Posted by bokonon
Great link Gombusto, and awesome Haiku Bok!
ReplyDeletePosted by alba