Not only is Dan McGwire the biggest bust in Seahawks history (We picked him and passed on Brett Favre), but his **AUTOGRAPHED** card can't get a bid at 50 cents!
But there's more - check out the dude's drawers! I didn't know there were ever any Seahawks guilty of growlering.
All I can say is that this seller owes me money for the advertising. I expect this card to sell for over a dollar, just for the lark.
P.S. Maybe I should have saved this for TWM!
reading that we took him over Brett Favre sucks...
ReplyDeletebut i will look on the bright side...Brett Favre is close to retiring, so as for us now...its better we never got him (though we could of used him in the late 90s/early millenios)
for a buck, id take any card autographed
but not by a curse (busts are curses...automatic doom for the first season after drafting one)
does anyone remember when a fan put Howard Lincoln (Mariners FO asshole) on ebay for a few bucks? wish we would of sold him...
I remember that ADP very funny. McGuire was 6'10" and couldn't figure out how to throw over the defenders hands. How the heck does it happen that the tallest NFL QB got so many balls batted down? What a moron.
ReplyDeleteI remeber all the hope we had that Mcguire was the answer to all our problems. It is almost as bad a memory as mire
ReplyDeletePosted by hamhawk
HAH! Less than an hour left and still no bids at 50 cents...
ReplyDeleteHow's it feel, Dan?
I wonder if it's really Dan selling it. Probably fairly hard up after his amazing career.
ReplyDeletePosted by PaulieP
Is it just me, or is the graphic of this card getting larger every time I log into this site??!!
ReplyDeletePosted by albaNY Hawker
Howdy all! I've been lurking here for a few months, and just had to comment on this one.
ReplyDeleteWhile Dan McGwire was certainly DD bust, I wouldn't call him the biggest bust in Seahawk history.
I was cleaning out a bunch of my old stuff from my Parental Storage Unit the other day, and came across a beautiful, near mint condition poster titled "The Land of Boz!" with none other than Brian Bozworth, Monster DB, and a sexy young Dorothy. On the ground at his feet is a scarecrow in orange and blue (#7, if I recall) and a tinman in silver and black.
I figure there can't be many of these things that weren't torn off the wall and burned after a certin monday night "showdown" game between the Seahawks and the Raiders that ended with the Monster DB having Nike marks all up and down his back thanks to Bo Jackson.
Think I can get anything on E-bay for it?
Posted by Highwater
I was flipping through the channels last night and who do I see but The Boz, in one of his old movies, WEARING A SEATTLE SEAHAWKS BASEBALL CAP!!
ReplyDeleteThe hat was tattered and had a really bad crease in the bill. I just thought that was pure comedy!!
I'll bet you could get something for it. I used to have that same poster.
Posted by albaNY Hawker
Dissing my Seahawks on the Silver Screen!!!??? That's it, I REALLY hate Bosworth now.
ReplyDeleteBut I would still say Diaper Dan is the bigger bust from a pure contribution perspective. Bosworth at least made a few tackles for a season. What did Dan do?
From a hype perspective, though, the supposed 'Second Coming of Butkus' was by far the greater flop.
BTW, welcome to the fray, Highwater!
ReplyDeletePosted by Bluefoot
To Boz's credit, our gear was the #1 selling logo for the NFL during his brief and injury plagued tenure.
ReplyDeletePosted by albaNY Hawker
Highwater, I'd probably give you a couple bucks for it. I still think that Boz being labled a bust is unfair, injuries killed him, otherwise he would have been great for us.
ReplyDeletePosted by PaulieP