“It’s really disappointing,” Hasselbeck said Wednesday. “When you sit in the meetings and coaches are talking to you, the thing they’re saying over and over again is to let the guy next to you know that he can count on you, and commit to one another.
“I don’t know how much more clear the coach can get when he says that. To have less than 100 percent attendance is really disappointing and it hurts a little more for me because it’s guys on the offensive side of the ball.”
IG - great pieces and I LOVE the graphics you choose for your articles...very unique and always related to the stories!
ReplyDeleteFigures that K-Rob would miss practice the day that Largent is visiting. Is that kind of like a vampire not being able to handle the sight of a crusafix?
Posted by albaNY Hawker
All I can say is, he's got a big job cut out for him if he's trying to become the leader of this dysfunctional group. It never ceases to amaze me that it's the recievers who always seem to have issues in this league. On this team, with the incredible number of drops they have had, our recievers should never miss or be late to anything, ever.
ReplyDeleteWhich brings me to a point I have long wanted to bring up, why are we so hard on KRob but not on DJack? After all, fair is fair and DJack has ad just as many problems with drops as KRob, and now with him missing this voliuntary camp what is really the difference between these two? We just LIKE DJack better? If it were up to me, both of those two idiots would have been cut or traded off long ago. DJack is just as, if not more responsible for the drive killing drops, and by missing this camp, he is showing to me that he really doesn't care. Hey, he got paid so why should he?
Can I ask you a question? Your blog is relatively new, but you have had a ton of hits/visitors. Other than having an interesting site, which you do, did you do anything else to give you such a high traffic count?
ReplyDeletePosted by Ron
On the final play of practice Wednesday, Hasselbeck scrambled away from defenders and side-armed a seemingly desperate pass over linebacker Tracy White. It was the kind of throw a quarterback doesn’t make unless he trusts the man on the other end.
ReplyDeleteThat man was the previously unreliable Stevens, who sent his 6-foot-7 frame high into the air. With Hall of Famer Steve Largent watching from the sideline, Stevens came down with the reception on a play that had little business producing positive yardage.
“That’s the kind of stuff I’m hoping comes my way next year,” Stevens said. “The biggest thing is me trying to build confidence in our relationship on the field so Matt is confident going to me when he’s in trouble.”
If this stuff isn't cause for celebration I don't know what is! Of the guys who keep saying over and over that this will be the year they turn things around Stevens is (so far anyway) the only one actually walking the walk. Last season after he quit drinking, he still needed time to get caught up with the offense because of all the time he'd wasted. This year, after leaving the note for Hass about playing catch with him, he has participated in the 7:30 am workouts, and has been working consistently with Hass all through the voluntary camp, came in (honestly) in the best shape of his life to this mandatory camp, and because of Mili's problems and Hannam's knee, is taking all the snaps at TE in camp. Almost rwo years now of no stupid drinking, and he has taken these workouts and camps seriously.
Dare I get my hopes up? Could this finally be the year? I am starting to believe, I really am.
ReplyDeleteno we didn't really, we just decided on who our target audience was and stayed true to what we set out to do.
We also had a slight advantage in that we already were connected to people within the blog world, specifically other Seahawk fans who were also bloggers.
monkey, the biggest difference to me is attitude. DJ has dealt with more, and in a more positive way than K-Rob. I know he dropped balls too, but he didn't get suspended and miss games, he even made it to the game after his father died (and had a heck of a game to boot)
ReplyDeletePosted by PaulieP
PP, I agree to a point, but monkey's got a point, his ball dropping problem is as bad as Koren's. And with Koren's admitted dependency problems, at least he has an excuse, what's D-Jack's excuse? None, he just doesn't concentrate, and now he's above coming to camp? I'm all for faulting D-Jack just as much as Koren.
ReplyDeletePosted by vinnyhawkalugi
But the difference is that D-Jack was at least there to have a chance at catching the ball. How many games did Koren miss last season due to discipline problems? I'm not saying Darrell is blameless, but I respect someone who's there and tries more than someone whose mistakes, even those that are to a small degree understandable, keep him from being on the field. D-Jack drop some balls. But he caught some as well. Something Koren didn't give himself the chance to do.
ReplyDeleteIf Koren turns it around (and I'm praying he does) I'l be one of his biggest supporters. I'm all for the guy that learns from his mistakes and turns his life around. Heck, i'm doing that in my own life, ot a point. But I do feel that for last season at least, Koren should shoulder more of the blame than DJ.
Posted by PaulieP
"But the difference is that D-Jack was at least there to have a chance at catching the ball."
ReplyDeleteI agree with that, and I agree that DJack seems to have a better attitude in general, however, him missing camp after all the dropsies the last couple seasons puts him firmly in my doghouse. To my way of thinking, and apparently to Matt Hasselbeck's as well, this is simply unnexceptable.
If guys like Mili and DJack are going to miss camp, they can be replaced. This year we have brought in too many recievers for these guys to be given a pass because of talent, or because they signed a big contract. Our recievers have been our most dysfunctional group for several years now and it's about time they wake up, DJack KRob Mili, all of them. IMHO if they miss camp, they should start the season lower on the depth chart, and should have to earn their way back up. We now have several receivers on this roster who WANT to be here and WANT to practice and play hard. I have said it many times and I firmly believe it's true, I would rather go to war with 30 people who want to fight than 100 who are good at fighting but don't really care. As far as I am concerned, I would rather start the season with Jurivicius, Pathon, Engram and Urban as our starters since they apparently WANT to play.
"Jurivicius, Pathon, Engram and Urban as our starters..."
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't be surprised in the least. From a size/speed perspective this is about ideal, this group covers the whole spectrum. Joe @ Z, Pathon @ X, Engram @ Y, Urban as the 4th.
I do agree with that. DJ missing camp thoroughly disapoints me. I'm careful to judge until I hear a reason, but unless it's a good one, I agree with dropping him in the depth chart until he earns his way back up.
ReplyDeleteSide note. Is anyone else worried about Urban's place on the team? most teams keep 6-7 receivers, and we have a TON. In my opinion, as of now the team will keep:
1. Koren
2. Darrell
3. Engram
4. Bannister
5. Vicious
6. Pathon
7. Urban
8. Wallace
9. Willis
10. Hackett
Pretty much in that order. Any thoughts?
Posted by PaulieP
I would say that's about right except for Bannister, who I don't think is being thought of as a reciever per se, he is looked at more as a special teams guy than a real reciever. Keeping him on the roster IMHO does not really count towards the number of recievers we keep.
ReplyDeleteGood point. I'm really pulling for Urban to make it. I love Wallace, and Hackett is interesting, as are Willis and Marques Davis, but I see them on the practice squad.
ReplyDeletePosted by PaulieP
Oh, and its great to see Hass continuing his leadership tendencies. It seemed he was going the Aaron Brooks route, who is the default leader but just won't lead.
ReplyDeletePaulie, I think they'll keep seven. Keeping X number of players per postion isn't mandated by the league anyway. I think they could keep 53 QBs, but I could be mistaken.
Or they could reclassify Bannister, he rarely goes out on routes anyway, they could call him an OG for all I care.
It isn't mandated, just a general practice. In fact, didn't the Rams team that won the superbowl play without a punter for a while? I like the 7 idea, specifying Bannister as a special teams guy.
ReplyDeletePosted by PaulieP
Yep! Now i'm getting all worked up about the season.....Damn, it's only May!
ReplyDeletehere's a big reason why robinson gets more flack about the drops than jackson:
ReplyDeletejackson 87, robinson 31
that's total number of catches last season. yes, jack was in the dropsies contest, but his positive contributions far outweighed the negatives. can't say that about robinson. (which is why i'm pretty skeptical about him making the cut.)
i say that urban has a much better chance of making the roster than robinson.
looking at the 10 receivers listed earlier, it appears that there will be lots of competition and difficult decisions around the end of august.
ReplyDeleteso i think that will be where we see ruskell effect in full bloom. we've all seen the kind of players he goes after in free agency and the draft. and we've all seen the kind of players he lets walk.
so my point is this: when it comes down to making a choice between the underachiever with more talent and the overachiever with more guts, he's going to go with guts almost every time.
and that's why urban is more secure than robinson.
I would agree with you if it weren't for the Holmgren factor. Mike really wants to keep Koren around. Koren has done everything asked of him this offseason, including a rehab for an alcohol problem. I think that Koren deserves more of the flack for last year than DJ. But in my mind there is no way he's not a Seahawk through this season. Besides, it just makes sense to give him a shot in this, a contract year, and if he doesn't work out, we let him go with no cap casualty. If he does great, we consider signing him back up.
ReplyDeletePosted by PaulieP
Brett, one problem with your' numbers...Jackson 87, in how many games? Robinson 31, again, in how many games, if you go by a per game avg, I'll bet it's a lot closer race than you portray.
ReplyDeleteJackson started 16 games
Robinson....8 games
I think they both sucked last season, and only one is showing up in camp...so which one am I more disappointed in at this point? D-Jack defeinitly. He's not here now .
Posted by vinny
Why do I come up anonymous when posting with the tools at the bottom of the threads?
ReplyDeleteVin, not to burst your bubble but, (hehe he said bubble butt) KRob has not exactly been putting in the time either, he was also one of those guys who missed soem (not all) some of the voluntary camp. I know what you're saying but truth is Robinson hasn't really BEEN here either.
ReplyDeleteVinny, i'm with you to a point. At the moment, at least until I hear a good explanation (which I'm guessing he won't have) I'm more disappointed in DJ. I blame Koren more for last year (even counting the games off, DJ averaged a catch more a game. or, 125% of the catches Koren had) but I think he's going to put a real effort towards this year. Be it for the team or for himself (contract year) he will be working his gloves off.
ReplyDeleteBy the by, you post anonymous anytime you use the tools at the bottom. The only way to not be "anonymous" is to use the "comment now" link above the comments.
Ahhhh, thanks.
ReplyDeleteAnd I get the point about K-rob, guess I'm just hoping I won't wind up eating crow all season for backing him. Hopeful thinking I guess. :D
Now....what was teh subject again....oh yeah, Matt our fearless leader. One of the best QBs the Hawks have ever had. (Zorn #1, Matt #2?)
ReplyDeleteit's hard to believe you overlooked your own important stat:
ReplyDeletejackson 16, robinson 8
not only did jackson have triple the catches, but double the starts! whose fault is it that krob only started 8?
I realize all that...but that was last year, so far this year Koren's been absent on a few occasions* in workouts and mini-camps, but he's been here, Mili and Jackson have been no-shows.*I'm assuming it has to do with his probation.
ReplyDeleteSo in my book looking ahead at the up-coming season, Jackson's kept himself on the bubble with Robinson and Wallace and Hackett. I think Urban will get a good hard look this off-season.
All I do know is things are looking up for the Hawks!
Posted by vinny
Zorn #1, Matt #2, Kreig #3, Moon #4?
ReplyDeleteAnd Vin, if you eat crow for backing Koren, I'll be right there with you, because I think he will have a breakout season this year.
Posted by PaulieP
Do you guys sniff glue regularly? KRob is brutal, DJack is inconsistent and Stevens is one of the worst picks that Holmgren has ever made. Typical "Pigeon" fare.
ReplyDeletePosted by realist
When you're a Ram fan Koren, Jeremy, Matt and Engram rock. Keep it up Pigeons. clear sailing to another title.
ReplyDeletePosted by realist
Rams Fans...Can live with 'em, can't shoot 'em.
ReplyDeletePosted by vinny