I've got a few other cool Seahawk things acquired over the years. I've got a old logo pin/tie tack; a fitted cap, of course; a geeked out cell phone; some old ticket stubs; a new logo coffee mug; two jack in the box antenna balls w/helmet, one old logo, one new; a Dave Brown b&w autographed picture; I used to have a Zorn jersey when I was a kid, it kills me now, not knowing where it went.
That's about it. It's not much to brag about, but I've got a feeling some of you have some pretty cool stuff. So it's time for show and tell, guys. Watcha got? Any cool autographed stuff? I'd like to know.
While we're at it, I might as well throw out my wish list:
Retro Largent Jersey (I'd like it signed, of course, but what are the odds?)
Shot glass set
Beer Mug Set
Logo polo shirt (for work)
Mouse pad
Boxer underwear (with glow-in-the-dark message that says, "The Rams Suck - do you?")
Koren Robinson signed gloves
A Seahawks logo barbeque.
That's all I can think of for now.
sadly, i dedicated all my money on the Mariners...
ReplyDeletebut i did get my one prize thing---my Dakota #17 Seahawks jersey...ahhh a look in the future
whenever i plan on signing a contract with AFL or College...(aka whenever i get money and a start on a career)...im planning on having a huge room similar to me and one of my ex-g/fs makeout room...which will be dedicated too all things Seattle Sports
maybe even have a Nirvana wall too
but in it...im gonna get a Seahawk Pool Table, complete Seahawks cue sticks, and pool balls...and also some nice bar lights all over the place...and of course a bunch of essential stuff (jerseys and stuff)
im actually starting to plan out my 'dream house' now...but i wont get ahead of myself
i got some work to do...and a long road to travel...so, ill take it a day at a time (starting with working out like no tomorrow)
why is the picture for my profile by my post?
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of cool stuff out there...
ReplyDeleteSeahawks Monopoly
Seahawks Hair Scrunchies
Seahawks House Key Blanks
Man, a complete Seahawks billiard setup.. now THAT would be awesome.
ReplyDeleteBTW: Profile pics have always showed up on the comments screen, ADP.
You'll need this for your pool room, Ayedeepee.
ReplyDeletewhoa that thing would be cool...id like a darker feel to the room, kind of like a bar...that would fit well
ReplyDeleteon a side note, i just saw a seahawks video on sale, and you can also package it with a rams video...wtf
how do you make a link without typing the whole address?
ReplyDeleteanother words...'click HERE'...here being the link...?
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteADP - somehow you're getting two http:// in your link, which is why they're not working.
ReplyDeleteSeahawks stuff I own:
* lapel pin
* "Top Gun" Largent poster
* "Monter DB" Boz poster
* Old Logo sweatshirt purchased at the pro shop in the Kingdome
* variety of hats (try to get a new one each season) but can't find a fitted cap out here in Albany!
* two stuffed Blitz dolls for my kids
* Seahawks clock - where I used to write teh team's record on the back each year, but then that got too depressing
* New logo black T-shirt
* latext Seahawks Facepaint mask (bought for me as a gag gift)
Wish List
* Head Covers for my woods
* Fitted Cap
* Bumper Sticker for my new riding mower
* Logo Polo Shirt for golf
* Official SuperBowl Champion hat, T-Shirt and Ticket Stub!!
I have every season Topps Largent football cards and I got one signed when I met him in Tulsa a few years back. I have two very cool throwback jerseys, Largent home and Zorn away. I also have a big bowl and mug that my monster made for me. A while back she really got into pottery, she started asking to borrow some of my Seahawks stuff, didn't know why, then on Christmas she gave me this huge very cool bowl and mug painted beautifully with Seahawks new colors and logo. You would have to see them to understand, perhaps I will have my monster take a pic, so I can post them here. She told me that the bowl should be used for chips etc...when I watch the Hawks first superbowl. My monster rules.
ReplyDeleteI am trying to talk monster into flying to Seattle with me for either the Rams game or the COlts game, we would wear my two throwback jerseys I suppose, but recently monster hinted that it might be cooler if we got two jerseys that say monkey and monster on them. That would be way too cool. She has the best ideas.
ReplyDeleteI fogot my Seahawks necktie (old logo) which I wear every Mon. after a victory!
ReplyDeleteVideos I Never Knew Existed
ReplyDeleteThis is the really Cool Stuff ...the bottom left is the one in particular...
This is going to be in my house
Thanks Alba! that should of been common sense, but i never noticed my mistake
no fair...
ReplyDeleteyou guys can afford this stuff...
man i need a job...Alba ill cut your grass with the new riding lawnmower!
I'd love to take you up on the offer ADP, but I couldn't afford the weekly round-trip expenses to get you up here from Maryland!
ReplyDeleteDon't forget too, I've been following this team for 30 years, so I've amassed these items over time!
#37 Home and Away Jerseys.
ReplyDeleteBunch of T-shirts
Old fitted hat that is now a visor...
NFC West Champs sweatshirt
Want - Foam Head. Where can you get em? I tried googling "Seahawks foam head", mostly comes up with Ray Rhodes articles...
Also, someone wrote on a blog (PI?) a long time ago about proper care of the foam head, I think it was you Blue, is that true? If so, that post needs to go in the HOF. If not, I'll see if I can find it and post, it was very funny.
Posted by Josh from SC
"I tried googling "Seahawks foam head", mostly comes up with Ray Rhodes articles... "
Posted by albaNY Hawker
Oh yeah, I forgot about that! It's from when I was 'boomdiggydiggy'. For all you new acquantances, here's the post (it was hard to find):
ReplyDeleteDidn't you know? When you get a new foam head you have to 'train' it.
The foam head wants to watch the Seahawks play. It has the power to affect the outcome of games telepathically, but you have to teach it what to do. You need to use this desire to watch the game in a discipline/reward system.
First, make sure it has a good view of the game. When the Seahawks are playing well, cheer in an exaggerated manner so that the foam head understands that you are pleased and this is a good thing. If the 'Hawks score give it a Cheeto or something. Talk to the head and let it know how happy you are that the Seahawks are leading.
But you need to take the opposite approach when things do not go well. If there is a costly turnover, express your vehement dispeasure and set it to the side in a way so it can't see the screen. Don't put it on again until you get the ball back or the Seahawks score again. If the opposing team scores a field goal, act mad again, take it off and cover it with a jacket or a pillow or program or something. If the other team scores a touchdown, put it under your seat violently. Don't be afraid to yell or be abusive. It needs to know what is expected in order to get back on your head with a good view.
Keep using this discipline/reward system until you see results. I have heard of some people who got the point across in one quarter, but some have had a stubborn one who did did not get the hang of it for several games. Just keep after it. You may even have to shut it in the closet for several days, like I did with mine after the Arizona game.
If you can be conistent and diligent in the training the new foam head, it can bring you and the Seahawks years of winning streaks and playoff appearances. Unfortunately, not many know about the power of the foam head. Good luck and spread the word. We need the help this year.
Posted by boomdiggydiggy at October 29, 2004 10:34 PM
Blue -
ReplyDeleteIs this training regimin only successful at the stadium, or can it be applied remotely during a telecast?
Also, is there any way to effectively train the foam head if all you get to see of the Seahawks most weeks is the 27 seconds of highlights during Chris Berman's NFL Prime Time show?
I'd love to give a good home to a needy foam head, but I don't want to commit if I cannot properly raise it and train it.
Posted by albaNY Hawker
They have unlimited range, which means it works fine via telecast.
ReplyDeleteI've been trying, but I have not yet been able to affect the outcome of game highlights. Maybe someone else has some pointers in this regard.
Posted by Bluefoot