42 year old Jerry Rice may be close to getting his wish to play with the Denver B's...the former Seahawk has been miles ahead of defenses, miles ahead of records, and miles ahead in conditioning, but maybe now, we will be a mile high...
Rice and Broncos coach Mike Shanahan, who worked together for three years in San Francisco, were scheduled to talk at some point in the past 24 hours about the possibility of working together again this season. Shanahan also conducted preliminary talks this weekend with Rice's agent, Jim Steiner. Now the question becomes: Can they work out a deal?
It sounds like both sides want to make sure this is the right match before moving forward. The 42-year-old Rice wants to be assured he will have a role in the Broncos offense, and the Broncos want to make sure Rice will be happy playing whatever role he does, even if it is limited. Rice is willing to concede he will not start this season, but he would like to play. Denver would not expect him to start, but with as many four- and five-receiver sets as the Broncos use, Rice might be able to get extensive time. Rice already has turned down one offer from another team, but now he will have a chance to talk seriously with another.
on yet another slow news day (or week)...anything Seahawk is hard to find...but hey, since we've been keeping track of any Seahawk who is released or not re-signed...might as well add the GOAT to the farm
my question to you guys, is...what is your personal opinion with Rice's situation? On one hand, you want him to get his wish just because of his royalty...but on the other, you have to be worried we may watch a legend fall before he retires, leaving us with the most recent memory of him struggling...
ADP, I don't think he'll struggle. I think he makes a fine #3/4 WR, and the Donko's could use him. He still runs a great slant. Plus Lelie seems like he could certainly use the extra mentoring. Honestly, I was a little disappointed when we released him, MNF proved he can still get it done. But no way he would make the team this year with the glut of talented WRs we have.
ReplyDelete"One more year! One more year!" or "You Seahawk fans are Number One!"
ReplyDeletePosted by vinny
Sorry, I'm stuck in 'caption mode'.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I hope he's successful in Denver, I think if nothing else he served to show thw Hawks Coaches what they were missing in the WR Corp...dedication and leadership.
Good Luck Jerry.
Not to start the whole debate again, but he should NOT be in that #80 Seahawks jersey!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, Jerry is going the way of Michael Jordan and Willie Mays, in that he's trying to play more years than he should.
Granted, he'll probably make the team and some spectacular catches, like he did with us, but overall he's just an average receiver, nothing like his glory days with the 49ers.
So, is there any truth to the rumor that if signed by the Broncos that he wants to wear #7?
Oh, alba let it go...it's over. Water under the bridge, a burnt bridge, a horse outta the barn....well you get the point. And remember he didn't ask for #80, the org, offered it.
ReplyDeleteAnd if you noticed no one asked Largent in his interview..."So Steve, how about that ass Jerry Rice!"
Let old wounds heal.
Posted by vinny
Agree with Vin, although LOL @ #7. I heard they retired 7 completely in Colorado, they don't teach it in schools unless you are talking about religion, its not on license plates, its bleeped out on Sesame Street, no mention of 7 unless you are referring to Mr. Ed.
ReplyDeletePosted by Josh from SC
"Not to start the whole debate again, but he should NOT be in that #80 Seahawks jersey!"
ReplyDeleteAgreed!!! LOL!
"Unfortunately, Jerry is going the way of Michael Jordan and Willie Mays, in that he's trying to play more years than he should."
Agreed again.
"So, is there any truth to the rumor that if signed by the Broncos that he wants to wear #7?"
I don't care who you are that's funny, that there is funny, I don't care who you are.
And Vinny, he did so ask to wear the number, you have your facts wrong. While it was offered to him (BOO!!! HISS!!!), by the fools in the front office who obviously have no understanding of what the word retired means, he also inquired about the number which is what led the front office to suggest calling Largent in the first place. So yes, Rice did ask to wear the number, which makes me dislike him even more than I did when he was a Niner or Raider.
Don't get me started man, LOL!
And as long as we're dredging up that whole debate again, Vinny, talk to me in 10 years or so when Green Bay signs some hotshot free agent QB (or kicker) who wants to wear the #4 immortalized by your beloved Mr. Farve!!!
ReplyDeleteWe'll hear the whining and crying all the way from Naches, WA...LOL!
"the fools in the front office who obviously have no understanding of what the word retired means "
ReplyDeleteWonder if NitWhitsit understands it now...
Posted by Josh from SC
good one, josh. if there's something we can all get behind, it's whitsett bashing!
ReplyDeletesorry to say it, but jerry rice needs to retire. it was too weird having him as a seahawk, much less wearing #80. montana and young bowed out gracefully. pretend it's not too late for you to do the same. give it up, man!
there was a poll (somewhere) that had the question 'Who should retire'
ReplyDeleteI saw Eddie George, and thought hmmm
I saw Emmitt Smith and thought ummm
I saw Jerry Rice and thought yeeeh'
Then I saw Vinny Testaverde...
thinking about clicking on the Vin Using the Refs To Hit Us In The Chin Meister...I saw one more option
All Of The Above...
and so I clicked it...
put it ths way for Rice...there is no way he can play forever, he needs to retire while he is on top...no matter what he is going downhill, I still think he can play, but its going to be 10 times more painful leaving on a sour note when his body starts wrinkling
Oddly enough, because we used to agree all the time, I think that the Number debate was the last thing Vinny and I really agreed on. I remember it as he did, with the organization offering it to him (however wrongly). I think it went something like this:
ReplyDeleteBob: Hey Jerry, you want to wear #80?
Jerry: Isn't that retired?
Bob: Yeah, but I'll give Steve a call and see if he's ok with it
Jerry: Ok, yeah, I would love to wear it, if Steve's ok with it
Bob: Done
I agree with everyone who says that jerry should retire, but I also think that if he thinks he can play, let him play. I have a friend who was a huge 9ers fan back in the day ( I know, I have Raiders friends, Niners friends, don't worry though, I won't sink to the level of a Rams friend) and he never got to see Jerry play. But he was able to go to a game last year and see him live. True, he didn't have the skills he used to, but my friend didn't care, he was just happy to see him play. Besides, I get the feeling that Jerry, much like Michael, will have no regrets about when he retires for good. He would have regrets if he retired early, but if he gives his all, and can't make a team, or decides he doesn't want to do what the team wants him to do, he'll retire with no regrets. And hopefully come to coach the Hawks receivers. (I'm still holding out for that dream.)
Posted by PaulieP
Alba....as we've discussed you and I are different fans in regards to the numbers thing.....if someone in GB wears Brett's number and he is one of the greatest QBs to ever play the game and he's only there for a season or two, then I say "It's only a number."
ReplyDeleteAgain it's only a number. It's not like he's going to the Hall Of Fame in a Hawks #80 jersey.
Posted by vinny
But Vin, there are many many fans accross the country who just don't feel that way. Why shouldn't the Seahawks front office respect the fans feelings? Just because you don't care, and you are definitely in the minority on this one, does that mean that something other people hold in honor should be trampled on just because you don't think it's a big deal? I don't believe the Koran, but I don't run around desicrating it either, because it DOES mean alot to others.
ReplyDeleteTo each his own, I just can't get my blood pressure up over a number, no matter what demi-god it belonged to. My sincerest apologies to all those Largent fans I've insulted. As I said, I'm not that kind of fan.
ReplyDeleteAnd I really would like to get this straightened out, who's right, P.P. and I or you guys....was he offered the number or did he request it? I seriously doubt he requested a retired number. Rice seems to me to have too much class for that.
And it's funny that while all of you guys were up in arms over this the entire team was lined up to get his autograph on his way out.
Posted by vinny
I'll just go over here and stand in the corner......Bad Vinny!
ReplyDeletePosted by vinny
I am on yer side on this one Vin, its just a number. But I am also a practicing apathist.
ReplyDeleteI had heard that the Rice/Largent discussion about the number was forced by the evil one himself, basically both were put on the spot, neither wanted to have the discussion, and IMO both handled it as gracefully as they could.
That being said, the FO should care about the fans, and I think this new one does. All blame for everything goes to the old FO, particularly Nitwhitset, Hawks related or not. Stupid Bob is responsible for traffic, Palestine, warm beer, spotted owls, etc.
Posted by Josh from SC
It's basically an Old School thing.
ReplyDeleteFirst, if NUMBERS truly were just NUMBERS, then teams wouldn't retire them and post them in their Ring of Honors.
The actual facts of HOW and WHY Rice ended up wearing #80 is irrelevant, the fact of the matter is that it should have never been offered, and once offered, it should have never been accepted.
No ONE person is at fault, and Whitless, Rice and Largent are equally to blame.
Here's the OLD SCHOOL version of how the conversation SHOULD have gone:
Whitless: Hey Jerry, if you come to Seattle, and can see if Largent won't mind you wearing #80.
Rice: No man, that number is retired, I could never ask that of Steve out of respect to what that number means to Seahawks fans and this organization.
Whitless: (ignoring Rice's magnamity, calls Largent anyway) Hey Steve, we got a chance to sign Jerry Rice, any problem with him wearing #80?
Largent: (being the kind, courtesy god fearing man that he is) No problem Bob, it's just a number, and Jerry is the best receiver of all time. I'd be proud to see him wear it.
Whitless: (calling Jerry with the good news) Hey Jerry, I took it upon myself to call Steve anyway, and he's cool with it.
Rice: Bob, you just don't get it. When you retire that number it becomes bigger than either Steve or myself, so while I'm honored, I just won't do it. I expect my #80 to be retired by the 49ers some day, and don't want to see some broken down receiver who was once great parading around the field in it someday, after they do.
Whatever dude. I just had a crappy burger from Hardees, and I blame Whitless. Yesterday got a rock chip on my brand new windshield from a dump truck with no mudflaps, Whitless' fault. All blame for all things... Whitless.
ReplyDeleteBut I see your point. It just doesn't bother me. Going to stand in the corner with Vinny :-)
Posted by Josh from SC
Rice: No Bob I don't think that's the right thing to do. The number's retired.
ReplyDeleteLargent: Take it Jer. heck ya broke the records I set. And even I concider you the greatest WR to play the game.
Rice: No, no Steve I couldn't.
Largent: Seriously Jerry, it's only for a season or two right, you aren't retiring here right?
Rice: But Steve....the fans, they'll come unglued!
Largent: Jerry, I love the fans you know I do....but it's just a number. Use it in good health, hope it brings you luck.
Jerry: (Choking back a tear) Thanks Steve, I can see why the fans love you so much. Can I offer you something for the use of it?
Largent: Yeah let's go get a latte and you can buy.
Both men hug and flip off Whitsitt on the way out the door.
Please do not respond to this post.....for it's all just to get alba and monkey's goat. (and monkey, I doubt Monster cares for having that goat in the house)
Ah you can feel the love.
Posted by Anonymous