The picture to the right is a perfect example of the type of graphic that would result in some pretty humorous captions. However, I'd like to use this thread for people to weigh in how we can do this, without overdoing it!
The issues to be considered are:
* how often to do it, and when
* who gets to create it
* how to advertise it around the different forums
* how to monitor it and remove off-color or enemy-fan posts
To take a page out of the newspaper mentality, why not choose Sunday as the day for these posts to appear, and call it the "Sunday Funnies"? Newspapers usually go all out on their comics in the Sunday edition, printing more of them and in color, so we could highlight our comic feature on the same day.
My only concern is that once the season starts, this will be a distraction to game day news and information.
Who gets to create the post is a tough one. How about we "call dibs" using the Floogle, and then one of the site admins will create a right side nav that says "This Sunday's Funny: ADP" for instance. If several people call "dibs" at the same time, we can give priority to the one who has not posted one yet, so that one person doesn't monopolize this feature. We could also require the link to the picture to be sent to an Admin for prior approval, but this sounds too "official" to be practical.
The poster should then create a simple topic on the other fan forums, such as .NET, ST and PI, with a link through to the Sunday Funny. We've done this in the past and nobody has complained, so this should work. This will also be a great way of introducing new people to the blog, and teaching them how to comment.
We'll all have to monitor the Comments to make sure nothing crosses "the line", and those without Admin privledges will have to notify an Admin (Blue, Monkey, check, myself) to remove any truly tasteless reply. Again, once the season starts, we're bound to get interloping Lamb fans to respond, so we'll have to keep them corraled.
I'm only throwing out these recommendations to facilitate discussion, and have no problem if anyone has different, better, easier ways of doing this.
Use the comment section of this topic to post your responses to these recommendations.
Good idea alba! I also agree wholeheartedly that this picture is worthy of lots of captions.
ReplyDelete"After going through rehab...this is the only 'good sh!t' I'm allowed to have!"
ReplyDelete"I've found God, but unfortunately, I still haven't found my ability to catch a freakin' pass..."
ReplyDeleteOOoooo! That last comment did NOT sound very positive, Paul! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI ass-u-me you're reffering to everyones favorite Seahawk reciever whose name begins with a K?
"Coach wants us all to stand like this so Lofa doesn't get a complex!"
ReplyDeleteMonkey, we're providing our own captions to the picture...
ReplyDeleteCoach! Someone put Super Glue in teh Stickum'!
ReplyDeleteI kknow that, but the way it was wroded, he could have been... nevermind. The joke was funnier in my head I suppose.
ReplyDelete*how often to do it, and when - Weekly, and I'd say Friday, Sunday is gameday, Friday there shouldn't be too much going on. My other suggestion would be Tuesday, often a day off, but there still might be game news.
* who gets to create it - Agree with the dibs and the rest of the process you detailed. I doubt there would be too much fighting anyway, the fun isn't the posting, the fun is the commenting.
* how to advertise it around the different forums - Probably just do it monthly, and have monkey do that since he loves linking.
* how to monitor it and remove off-color or enemy-fan posts - remove off-color, those are the funny ones, e.g. your caption for this pic. And enemy fans, hey, as long as its funny... freedom of speech I say. Unless it really stings.
And finally... "Mike... uhhh, I mean Coach Holmgren, can I come out of timeout now? Please? How bout now? Well how much longer? No, I don't want to go in the corner."
Great feedback JoSCh.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a fan of censorship either, but there's funny, which most everyone here seems to be, and then there's stupid funny, like when the language gets too graphic, racial, pornographic or otherwise "over the top" offensive.
Kind of like the old Supreme Court comment on pornography, "we can't define it, but we know it when we see it!"
We'll have to reserve the "over the top" comments for private e-mail!
first...thanks for using my name as an example, and for calling my idea 'GREAT'...ill send your cookie in the mail, Alba...
ReplyDeleteI like the proposal altogether...the only problem is the 'go to the other sites and post a link' thing...I never go to those sites, and obviously i dont have a membership...consider that with the whole 'im too lazy to get one'...and yeah...
amazing how live this place is now considering 18 hours ago it was as dead as Saddam Hussain's sex life
As SJoshC (Josh in SC...get it?) pointed out, Monkey is our de facto PR man, so he'll probably have no problem posting links in other sites for this. I also participate in a couple other forums and can help with this.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I don't want to disagree with you ADP, but I'm HOPING that Saddam Hussein is experiencing a FULL and REPEATED sex life during his incarceration, ideally with a bunch of guys the size of Chris Spencer, or those chicks from GOX's post!!!
"Damn... I'm gonna have to change my routine... Pray for a catch, THEN apply stickum."
ReplyDelete*About what day of the week: I would suggest Tuesday, and making every Tuesday forever a 'Caption day'. Our site typically has a major dip in traffic on weekends during the off season. This would give the opportunity for the most participants, and we would never have to move the day to make room for other stuff during the season.
During the season, Monday will be usually full of post game material. Tuesday is usually a slow media day for football because a lot of teams have Monday off, so there is little to report. Then beginning Wednesday and Thursday things really begin to get active previewing the next game.
As far as out-liniking, I would just wait until there are a couple of posts up, and then advertise on the other sites that it's Tuesday, caption day and just link to the main site address with a brief explanation. Then they could see all of them, and not litter the other boards with several threads for different user's captions.
Since it's usually a slow news day in other areas, too, it would probably be welcome, as long as it didn't become spamulous.
About the decency standards: I'd like to address this in another thread. It's a topic all its own.
alba...im sure hes getting his...someone probably makes like a donkey a JACKs that ASS...(insert fake laugh here)
ReplyDeleteblue...after reading that, you're right...Tuesday actually does seem like the best day for the idea to beomce routine...on weekends (my original suggestion)...people wont be coming around much anyway...regardless of whatever we have going...theyll just wait until the week to check out the new captions...
im for Tuesday now...the most ignored day of the week
Does that mean I can ignore tomorrow and skip work?
ReplyDeleteTuesdays work for me too.
Now we need a snappy name for this feature.
Tuesday Toons?
Title Tuesdays?
Tuesdays with Morons?
Ruby Tuesdays...You Provide the Gem!
Sunday Funnies...but on Tuesday...Since it a slow Newsday
"Tuesday Toons" is cute, appropriate, but "Tuesdays with Morons" makes me laugh, and only an un-stuffy blog could get away with it.
ReplyDeleteIt has my vote.