I'll keep this thread up all week so we can get all the Jaguar news we didn't need.
BTW, You never know it, but I like to make fun of the Jags by overpronouncing their monniker, like Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), ("Jag-you-awhs").
Also, I you're probably wondering why there are panties on this post. I'm just giving them back. Your mom left them in my truck.
So are you my new dad? If so, I need some money.
ReplyDeleteI like to say it "jag you ay are's", where you pronounce the last three letters as they are said in the alphabet.
So Fred Taylor is the only thing worth worrying about, IMO, Leftwich has a cannon but isn't mobile, Smith and Williams are good/great WRs, but I think we get enough pressure.
I think our advantage is me at the game, screaming my head off.
Posted by JoSCh
im more worried about injuries, personally (knock on wood)
ReplyDeletetheir offense is anemic...we seem to be decent at holding teams in the redzone...and they suck there anyways...
Josh- to ease your worries about Taylor..how does this sound? TUBBS DARBY...oh yeh...im loving this game ; )
Posted by ADP
Personally, the thing that worries me most about this game, is the Jags ability to make our offense one dimensional. The jags (when healthy) have one of the best DLines in the league. They have the ability to take away the run completely if they stack the line, which could either work for them or against them. If they stack the line and take away SA, it could backfire, they could be opening themselves up to a brutal whoop ass from Hass and company. But if we continue having problems with drops on third downs etc...it could prove to be ingenious.
ReplyDeleteBlue - love the Seahawks logo panties icon and the obvious "news from teh front" tie in. Thank god you didn't get some "backdoor" information, cuz I didn't want to see the nicotine skidmark in these babies!
ReplyDeleteI took some grief at the PI site for the boxing gloves chick being too thin and ugly. Talk about overly critical!!!
Can't wait for Sunday. Friday DTV gets installed.
Yeah ME!
Posted by alba