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To sign up for this exciting new feature, just click external link above, or the image to the right, and send a blank email message to the prepopulated address. Anyone can sign up for email alerts...you do not have to be a Contributor.
Anytime new content is added to this blog site, or any of the Adopt-A-Seahawk, Contributor Awards, Crickler or other sub-blogs, you'll receive an email alert almost immediately.
So, if you ever find yourself without browser capabilities, but with access to your email (i.e. Blackberry or Palm Pilot) you will still be able to keep up with the traffic on the Street.
Don't let yourself be dead-ended, send a blank email message to 12SeahawksStreet-subscribe@yahoogroups.com and get on the free way and into the fast lane of Seahawks news.
Well, I'm in.
ReplyDeleteI have to say, this is one of the best innovations yet! Nice work, alba. Very creative solution.
Having said that, that email address do we want to have out notifiacations sent to if we have a sub-blog? That way, if we set it up right, the awards and AAS posts will be dispatched as well.
Again, awesome job.
HA! never mind. I just read my email.
ReplyDeleteI'm a big, blue, hairy dork.
for the record, the email address for sub-blogs is 12SeahawksStreet@yahoogroups.com
ReplyDeleteThis is a great idea. My boss will thank you.
ReplyDeletePosted by Vespa
I suspect that this, in the eternal words of Keith Moon, will go over like a lead zeppelin. It worked out pretty good for them. Thanks alba, you are an innovator of such magnitude, only those closest and farthest from you can comprehend you grandiose genius. Skimmer.
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
JoSCh - Keith Moon was the drummer for The Who.
ReplyDelete(I read the whole post sometimes!!!)
Posted by alba
Keith Moon was in fact with the Who when he made that comment, but was being recruited for "The New Yardbirds" (or possibly The New New Yardbirds), and because of the comment, the band eventually became Led Zeppelin, sans Moon of course.
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
And as Paul Harvey would say, now I know "the REST of the story"!! Man, I guess I've been a skimmer my whole life! (I don't have to go into another blogger time out, do I?)
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
Gooood DAY! And also, I gave you a fine ego stroke for your tremendous idea, and I get no thank you for that. Fluffing, skimming, praisewhore, liberal yankee, rock history ignorant, ungraciaous bastid! Good thing this is a (primarily) manly mens site (in the non-gay way, not that there is anything wrong with that), or people would think I didn't like you.
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
Seeing as I was rock-history challenged, I couldn't tell if you came "to praise alba, or to bury him!" Thus the lack of proper gratitude for my fragile ego.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Mr. JoSCh, I will now have to return my new fitted Seahawks cap as it will no longer fit on my overly inflated, yet void of 60s rock trivia, cranium!
Posted by alba
its ok alba...at least you know who Nirvana is!...thats all that matters to me
ReplyDeletePosted by adp
Funny thing is, I know way more about 60s, 70s and 80s music than anything after that! I just got lucky on the Nirvanna reference. That, rain and Starbucks are easy marks when talking anything to do with Seattle!
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
"to praise alba, or to bury him " gonna be pretty similar responses from me regardless, sorry buddy.
ReplyDeleteOh, and "Nirvana... rain and Starbucks are easy marks when talking anything to do with Seattle" man, that is some B.S there. Its way more than that, spotted owls, trees, Mt Rainier, salmon, Ivars, bumbershoots, Sound Garden, drive thru Starbucks, not to mention other coffee places, all kinds of stuff going on up there, not just cliches.
Posted by JoSCh
dont forget Pearl Jam, Heart, and Alice In Chains!
ReplyDeletePosted by adp
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