So far I have been nailing these pretty well. I have been calling out names like Lofa, Stevens, Tubbs and Jurivicius and have been nailing them (at least in my opinion anyway); so it will be hard to go away from these guys as I think they are the real deal and will continue to excell. Those four guys are just darn good plain and simple and will continue to put up great game after great game. Still I gotta try to mix it up a bit, (don't want to be predictable) and I will say that this week we will see M.O.P. performances from someone other than those four. Alexander and Hass always have the potential to be a M.O.P. just because of the number of times they touch the ball, but this week I will go out on a limb and call out Ken Hamlin as the defensive M.O.P. I think that he will force at least one turnover and will make some absolutely bone jarring hits, that will leave the Tards recievers scared.
I will say that the offensive M.O.P. will be Darryl Jackson. I just get the feeling that he's about to blow up on somebody, and that this team is just the right one to do it on. The Tards secondary is very beatable, and since DJack is the primary reciever, I think he will torch the Tards for a bunch of yards and at least one T.D.
So what do you guys think? Will it be Hass or Shaun? Will it be Wistrom or Boulware? Give me some names and tell me why you think they will be the M.O.P
Oh im drooling over a certain player...
ReplyDeleteMy guy will have a great game...aint dat da truth!
Thats right...Marcus Trufant...
Why...as you, monkey, have pointed out as a monKEY...they need to run the ball a bit to throw us off...reality is, they're too stupid to know that...the Cardinals will play this game pass happy as can be...
Trufant will probably screw up a play...but hey, they're going to try to pick on him, theyll be passing alot...he has plenty of chances to screw up, especially against their good receivers (all two of them!)...BUT he will also have plenty of chances to make plays...
Warner is a pocket passer, especially at his age now...their oline sucks...put two and two together and you got pressure pressure pressure (whoa that rhyme was AWESOME...im proud of that one...haha)...he wont be able to run, so its either make stupid decisions...or take the sack...
hmmm...I think after last week we all know which Warner is willing to make...he will probably throw balls off target, off balance, and in a frenzy...Trufant is overdue for a pick, and this game has turnover potential for US...we know he is capable of going off with interceptions, too...I seriously think this is the worst possible matchup the Cardinals could have in the nfl this year, I really do...
they have a pass rush to rely on, and one of those two keys will be sitting on the bench during each play after Walter makes him his bitch (please be Okeafor)...they wont have that...Warner is too stupid to be effective against our good secondary...and their receivers are dangerous...they simply wont be able to do enough against us...
this has blowout, turnover, beatdown, slobber knocker, and for the Kurt Warner fans...Hari Kari written all over it!...
Trufant has potential to hurt some Retardinal fans feelings...
just think, the shiek pick this year will be 0-3 while the shiek pick last year was 3-0 before rams, injuries, and refs hit
if we lose this game, im heading to pessimism and personally give out all the chicks phone numbers in my black book...im as confident about this game as much as Brenda Warner is confident about being a true Retardinal
Cross posted from Mon-KEYS to the game thread:
ReplyDeleteAnticipated MOPs for this game: Shaun Alexander, Peter Warrick, Marcus Trufant and Grant Wistrom. SA will get his carries and get his yards. P-Dub will catch some balls and contribute on STs.
On defense, the Cards are going to get sucked into going after Tru as an easy mark, and after his meeting with Holmy, will come out with a chip on his shoulder, getting 2 picks. And Grant Wistrom is the type to take Okeafor's comments personally, and he'll get 2 sacks on Warner and one recovered fumble.
I love these picks guys, they make sense given the reasons you've stated. Trufant will likely be the guy the Tards try to go after, so he really has a chance to do something special. Wistrom may very well take Okeafors comments personally and run rough shod over the Tards OLine. I hope your right!
ReplyDeleteHaving said that, I'm stickin with my picks, I like DJack to eat up the Tards secondary, and Hamlin to lay da SMACK down and cause a turnover, either a pick or a fumble.
Gotta agree with monkey, D-Jack is the O-MOP, with mad props going to Shaun and Matt. Frankly, in my opinion, those three are always the MOP unless the game plan goes to pieces, and then it's not their fault they aren't moppish.
ReplyDeleteFor D-MOP, I am going with Clutch, we ain't heard from him yet, and with the pass rush I am expecting, Warner is going to throw picks aplenty. Why will Mikey B get them and not Tru, Dyson, or Herndon? Cuz they'll be next to the WR's, Mike will be playing center field, and Warners passes will be soooo misguided they'll go directly to him. For the CBs to get picks the ball will have to be thrown near the receivers... definetly going to sports bar for this one.
Posted by JoSCh
Rhodes: Hey Marshall, what was that crazy play with the new kid?
ReplyDeleteMashall: It was a sack by a blitzing 'backer
RR: We should do more of that.
JM: Been doing it for years.
RR: I've never seen that before.
JM: You've just never seen it work.
MOP will be Lofa. Let's get some more of that blitzing stuff going and put Mr. Brenda into next week. Lofa will also be key in containing their running game.
Posted by bokonon
Sounds like someone may be setting up a Lofa Tatupu Adopt-a-Seahawks page soon!
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
im somewhat embaressed i wrote a book report in this thread while everyone else has short essays...
ReplyDeleteoh well...the real MOP will be every starter we have...we're gonna beat the Retardinals senseless...
Posted by adp
Correct me if I'm wrong, But won't Walter be lined up oppisite Chike. If so extra motavation to mop up abit.
ReplyDeletePosted by Anonymous