In this vein, I'd like to offer up the things I'm thankful for at this point of the 2005 football season.
* I'm thankful that it's Thanksgiving, and not only do the Seahawks have a shot at the playoffs, but we could be the first team to clinch a spot if things go well on Suday.
* I'm thankful that people are talking about the Seahawks and home field advantage throughout the playoffs, and it's not a punchline to some joke.
* I'm thankful that our team has avoided the rash of injuries they suffered last year (knock wood) and that guys have stepped up huge when key plays have had to miss games.
* I'm thankful that the Seahawks hired Tim Ruskell and that the free agent acquisitions and draft choices we made have paid dividents so quickly.
* I'm thankful that Ray Rhodes and Ken Hamlin seem to be recouperating on schedule, and look forward to having them both back on the team next season.
* I'm REALLY thankful that the Seahawks beat the Rams twice this year, won a game after the bye, and have won a couple of close matches, showing that this is not "your father's brand" of the Seahawks.
* I'm thankful I got to see them play in San Francisco last week, and that I just got a nice Seahakws logo tie from my sister today, as a belated birthday gift.
* And most of all, I'm thankful for this blog, which has really given me a place to feed my Seahawks "jones" and given me a great group to "watch" the games with on Sunday.
Keep up the good work boys, and let's here what you're thankful for.
Oh yea, I almost forgot, I'm REALLY thankful for that chick in the Docker's commercial!!
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
I'm thankful for this blog too. To be honest with u the other Seahawks forums suck. I just go there and read, i never post because most of the people there r nuts who just want to cuss each other out instead of having a good debate or argument. This blog makes you feel like one big SeaHawk family, where u can come and talk about our beloved team with out feeling offended or anything like. To be honest i look forward to coming to this blog several times a day every day, and thus i am very thankful for this blog.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that we are number one in the NFC and will probably get home field advantage through out the playoffs.
I'm thankful for evrything alba said to keep it short.
But what would really make me thankful would be if the Seahawks gave Shaun Alexander a long term contract today, it would make it the best Thanksgiving ever.
I'm looking forward to feasting on G-men on Sunday i think it will taste better than the Turkey dinner
Posted by o-meezy
I also would like to express my 'Thanks' for this Site, it's been very entertaining sharing my love and enthusiasm for my team with my new freinds here.. It's been a great season so far, and I'm sooo glad we got to share a season that's gone this way.
ReplyDeleteNow, here's to the rest of the season Holiday & Football.
And my we all have a very very 'special' Christmas (eve).
Happy Holidays
Posted by vinnyhawkalugi
Im thankful for God dragging me away from some of my problems ive delt with over the last few years
ReplyDeleteIm thankful for this site, as it gives me a place to share my unlimited thoughts, and to get sports things out of my system so i dont drive everyone around me nuts. It also helps alot in calming the pain we go seem to go through alot with sports...and of course the people here are great...fun as always...and pretty flexible for what you can say and stuff...
Im thankful for meeting a great chick recently, whom I have gotten close to already, as its hard sometimes to find time for something fun when all of your friends have moved on to college and stuff (remember, im very young)...so its great to find something to take place of what ive lost since graduation...
Im thankful for Mountain Dew
Im thankful that I wasn't born a mindless zombie, making my mind flexible and open to things that most don't even know exist (such as my own opinion)
One of the main things im thanful for, is having talent in Football and Baseball, and I can only hope I will get the chance eventually to showcase it, hopefully I can get to college soon...I know I sound cocky about it sometimes, but in all honesty, I worked hard for this stuff, I have a right to enjoy it...so im thankful I was given so much motivation to exploit it as much as I can.
So thanks to God for everything!...and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone else
Posted by adp
* I'm thankful for the pic you used for this topic, it's the funniest holiday pic I've ever seen!
ReplyDelete* I'm thankful for Tim Ruskell. With his insight, we are able to say, "get well" to Jackson and Sharper, and get ready to welcome them back and then REALLY start kicking some football arse.
* I'm thankful for you guys, who make up the intellectual substance of this blog. Without your contribution, this blog is a waste of electrons. With you, it is one of the best sports blogs on the internet. (BTW, you might check out Forbes' list of the best sports blogs. I think we kill www.yankeefan.blogspot.com, even in traffic. But I think a lot of places just aren;t aware of our site yet. We're not respected, overlooked and under the radar, in true Seahawks form!
* I'm thankful ADP has found a chick. I'm happy for you, man. Give her all the respect and attention she deserves, you'll have a friend you can %&$@ for the rest of your life.
* Right now, I'm thankful for elastic waistbands.
* I'm thankful that I start a new job next week, so I don't have to spend 60+ hours a week away from this blog.
* I'm thankful I got Seahawks-Colts tickets just before they sold out.
* I'm thankful for my wife. If you knew her, you'd know why.
thanks man! lol
ReplyDeleteyou know I stared at that pic several times, but never noticed the turkey was something 'else'...ahh brings back childhood memories...as thats exactly what i wanted to do to BB! (Cookie Monster and Oscar rule!...screw that homosexual Big Bird and his 'partner' snufflelufucus)
Posted by adp