I can't tell you how many great one-liners have blown through here, to be laughed at one minute, only to be recycled with yesterday's news the next. They have fallen into the blog machine and are forgotten.
Here is the remedy!
Available to all contributors, this will be a permanent 'sticky' thread, where you can post your favorite quotes from other bloggers and players. Treat it like a normal thread, but when the moment strikes you, post the quote, the date, and of course, the person who said it. After a while, we should have a collection of great material. This thread will have passed from the front page, but "the bucket" will always be available on the right hand pane.
One-liners are preferred. Old quotes can be included. Kudos, unnecessary explanation and other miscellaneous banter will be deleted. The goal is to have a bunch of simple, great quotes that would make an entertaining read to any visitor. Use your own judgement, just "have a quote and don't suck, or you will get run".
Have any "bucket-worthy" quotes? To get started, just add at to this thread, or click on the "Quote Bucket" toward the bottom of the right-hand pane.
Have fun, and
"and the blog site just keeps getting better!" -- albaNY Hawker (11/8/2005)
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
""have a quote and don't suck, or you will get run" " is a pretty good one... hey, was that a setup! Ok, I am going looking now.
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
11/7 - Vinnie to Alba in flooble - "I feel like T.O"
ReplyDelete11/7 - Check, re Rams message board in flooble- "It's like Steven Hawking explaining astrophysics to the Coalition of Downs Syndromes Sufferers."
11/7 - monkey, in his Banana Peel award - "Bryce Fisher, is week after week making the opposing teams RT look slow, weak and stupid." Edited to make shorter...
This is really pretty easy. Too many funny guys here.
Posted by JoSCh
if only someone could find that Arizona Rocky Horror Picture Show Thread I made a long time ago...
ReplyDeleteC'mon, Everyone knows that ADP is not that much smarter than Alba! - Alba, yesterday
(then again...maybe thats an insult! :P)
"yep, OJ did it!!!" Monster (11/8/2005)
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
"Whats not to love about this drive? It takes nearly seven minutes, it scores points, and it probably made Salisbury and Clayton cry." -- Alan's D.O.G. Post, 11/8/2005
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
"He's not a real flashy back, but somehow he gets 170 yards, 150 yards here and there. He's just a very disciplined back, and he sees everything very well. He cuts off what he sees. And pretty much 100 percent of the time, he's right."
ReplyDelete-Rams safety Mike Furrey, 11/07/05
Posted by Bluefoot
Just cuz I can't leave this alone...
ReplyDelete"Seahawks' offense hard to stop", headline to a Scott M. Johnson piece, Herald Writer. Linkage .
And I said it in flooble, but I think it bears repeating, I assume the above quote by Mike "I like women" Furrey was about SA? He's not a real flashy back? Meaning what, no gold teef? I don't understand that quote, not that I think flashy is that important, but WTF does a guy have to do to be flashy? Weekly spot on national show, check. TD and highlight reel machine, check. Offensive Player of the week, check, check, and check. Leading rusher, check and TD check. I guess cuz he doesn't have dreds?
Posted by JoSCh
"Joe Vitt looks like an extra in a porn film."
ReplyDeleteAlan, 11/8/05, Top 10 Reasons to Hate the Rams! thread
Posted by Bluefoot
"The St. Loser arch doesn't do ANYTHING. You can't even heat up a burrito with it. " - Bluefoot, Top 10 reasons... , 11/9/2005
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
"Sunday's forecast: NFC West reign in Seattle" Yahoo sports
ReplyDeletePosted by o-meezy
"Did the Hawks just go Zsa Zsa on the Rams for the second time this season?" "This One's On Check Award" (11/13/2005)
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
An alba classic...
ReplyDelete"Yea, like making it with Jennifer Garner isn't that much better than making it with James Garner!"
Posted by bokonon
"we have one of the greatest players of ALL TIME in Shaun, and Big Walt" -- mathmatically challenged ADP commenting on Shaun's run to 2000 (11/14/2005)
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
"I'll wave and hold up 12 fingers if the camera is on me." - JoSCh, 9/9/2005
ReplyDeletePosted by Bluefoot
"Have fun in Madagascar, Jack." - BlueFoot, 9/7/2005
ReplyDelete"I only eat Lamb to reunite it with the rest of the turds" - ADP 10/1502005
ReplyDelete"Call our operators now! 1-800-LAMBS-GOT-THEIR-ASSES-KICKED" - Bokonon 10/9/2005
ReplyDelete"...but if he gets hurt again, cut him like a sandwich." - JoSCh, 8/09/2005
ReplyDelete"...(The Seattle Times site) has been swimming like an axe without a handle!" - albaNY Hawker, 8/09/2005
ReplyDelete"I'd much rather see someone who is going to knock the beans right out of Bulger's burrito!" - Bluefoot, 8/16/2005
ReplyDelete"JJ is like an unlucky hooker - - - he catches EVERYTHING!" - ADP, sometime in November 2005
ReplyDeletePosted by Bluefoot
Not related to the Seahawks, but still a good quote that I'm sure would fit somewhere here:
ReplyDelete"And then he gave me the peace sign, except he didn’t use two fingers."
--John McGrath, referring to a previous conversation with Ken Griffey Jr.
Posted by John McGrath
"I love this plase!"
ReplyDeletevinnyhawkalugi, 11/18/2005, It's the Blocking!
Posted by Bluefoot
Just to prove that I'm a good sport and can laugh at myself. This is from my monster.
ReplyDeleteYes Bluefoot, your suspicions are correct about Monkey's rants. It's sad really when I met him he was a blubbering idiot collecting Garbage Pail Stickers...but I got to hand it to him he is catching on. My sports lessons have paid off (we started with flashcards....had to keep it simple). Now he is a brilliant blogger thanks to the big breasted rube who he married. *wink*
* Right now, I'm thankful for elastic waistbands. --Bluefoot in the Thanksgiving Day topic
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
I apologize for the error. At press time I was under the impression that Joe Vitt was a total retard.
ReplyDeleteCan I put my own quotes in here? Oh well, I did it.
Posted by Alan
"Well...Seattle defeated the Philadelphia Eagles, 42 - 0."
ReplyDeleteADP, after... Well...Seattle defeated the Philadelphia Eagles, 42 - 0.
That quote is so quotable that I used the quote in the quote, quote unquote.
Posted by JoSCh
"But we're 10-2, so we can't be that bad." Joe Jurevicious , post Iggles slaying. BWAHAHAHAHA. Awesome quote.
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
"Knew a girl from Ireland one night with hairy pits...actually found it sexy, but that's probably TMI. "
ReplyDeleteAlba in the flooble, Tue, Dec 06 2005 (05:53:53 pm)
Posted by Bluefoot
"Citizen K likes D.J. Hackett, who showed us yet again why his rap stage name is "40 Yard"--(apparently "DJ Hackett" was already taken...)"
ReplyDeleteCitizenK in Citizen K Likes Resting The Starters (and he likes Lofa Tatupu), December 05, 2005
Mike: Gosh darn gee golly Saint Nick!
ReplyDeleteADP quoting Coach Holmgren's version of a profanity laced tirade in the TWM post, 12/6/2005
Posted by alba
Two comments, first this site is sweet and thanks for starting it. It'll take me awhile to get used to the posting setup but I think this will be a great place for me, at least until you guys kick me out for being me :)
ReplyDeleteVin's debut post...2/8/2005
Posted by adp
You may be right, IrishJames, but let's not trash Cindy Crawford as the "ugly girl" just cuz she's got a mole on her face!
ReplyDelete-Alba, 5/06/05, on Irish's catching ball techniques
"Hey Jerramy, the door is wide open for you... "
Sorry Mr. Mili, that door is too small for you, wide open or not. You could try the service entrance around back.
-Josch, 5/06/05, on Itula Mili reporting to camp at 290 pounds
How does the offseason affect me? Well, when I'm really down, I pull out my Sea Gal cheerleaders uniform, and my pom poms, and......
-Check, 6/20/05, on MaxHawk's offseason bordom
Rather than addition by subtraction, would that be addition by inaction?
-Paulie, 8/17/05, on not signing Boulware
i have yet to be worried about the Cardinals and Rams this offseason, and im still not...I dont think either one wins more then 8 games
ReplyDelete-ADP the genius, 8/23/05
You may be right SHO but once again this is a HUGE reach! Two terrible picks, so far we have BY FAR the worst draft day in the entire stinkin' NFL!!! BY FAR!!!
Worst draft day I can ever remember for us, the very worst!
I can't believe we traded up for this guy. What the HE11 is going on here???
Monkey, the ex genius...4/23/05, on drafting Tatupu...for the record, Shonuff called that pick, and I myself was only mad because we could of gotten him in round 3...but yeh...boy does monkey look bananas!...and so does the anonymous who said the FO was drugged in the draft room after that pick lol
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteFitzgerald looks like hes got a little belly growing...and McCown looks like he just got done smoking a dooby
ReplyDeletemight be a great year for us in the West
-ADP, on the Rocky Horror Show, 4/20/05...
That has to be my favorite thread of all time, and it definitely made the site feel a lot looser, and more comfortable to chat on...God that was funny...way too many quotes, but heres the link to keep around as a memory...
The Legendary Thread
LITTLE TRIVIA: Our very own Josh Scobey was part of the fashion show, as a cheerer
Posted by adp
Legendary Thread Main Page
ReplyDeleteFor those who want to rehash old memories, by looking at the pictures...if you weren't around here then, you missed out...that night was insane
Posted by adp
"The line that couldn't get a sack at the grocery store is now breaking the huddle with, 'Paper or plastic'" -- Bokonon, commenting in the IT IS ALIVE topic, 12/14/2005
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
"unless you have actually looked at their opponents and realized that in 2005 the Colts have matched up against as many pathetic weaklings as a Las Vegas streetwalker during Comdex, and they've faced as many effective defenses as has the U.S. military since 1991"
ReplyDelete-- Citizen K Likes This, December 18, 2005
Posted by alba
everyone is rating Hass the worst QB left...that tells you either they dont watch us, or just dont like us...and i think its a combo of both...i hope Denver and Seattle make it to stick to those asswipes!...oh and by the way...we're real, and spectacular!
ReplyDelete-adp January 19th, 2006...(sorry guys but i liked that last part too much!)
Posted by adp
Wow, the replay angle on that TD make Chris Gamble look like Corky solving a second order differential equation
ReplyDelete-check, in gameday Chat vs carolina
Posted by Alan
""In a couple short days, the NFL has gone from the Combine and turned into Columbine!!! ""
ReplyDelete-albaNY Hawker. Bloody Thursday Has Begun, March 1,2006
Posted by o-meezy
A year ago, our linebacker corp was a mix of surgically repaired frankensteinmen, young but slow, 100% effort but 0% talent turnstiles.
ReplyDelete-- Bluefoot commenting on the Julian Peterson signing, 3/20/2006
Posted by alba
two good ones from the "What Would You Say to Hutch" thread, 3/20/2006...
ReplyDeleteDon't let Koren pick you up at the airport."
-- Bluefoot
"Hey Admiral, remember condoms on any fishing trips with yer teammates."
Posted by alba
(Man, I'm on this thread a lot. I feel like Alba on almost every other thread...) ;-)
ReplyDelete-Citizen K on And then there was One post
"I hit people so hard they stutter when they say my name" -- Former Seahawks Linebacker Fredd Young explaining why he spells his name with two Ds!
ReplyDelete"Jeremy Reed and Adrian Beltre swung at third strikes so far out of the zone that the Olympic rain forest needs another couple of hundred years to produce a tree big enough for a bat to have made contact."
ReplyDelete- Art Thiel, "Mystery of Meche . . ." Seattle P-I, 5/25/06.
I don't know if that's truly bucket-worthy or just a heavy-handed attempt at humor, but I thought it was clever.
From Video Hits From The Hammer.
ReplyDeleteAlan on 5/14/2006 03:44:49 PM
Why I love this site...
Bluefoot drops the line, "Birth canals rule," and no one blinks.
ReplyDelete-TC Senn, 2/12/06 (SeahawkBlue.com's birth)
Quotable: Receiver Joe Jurevicius, on team camaraderie: "I don't think you can underestimate camaraderie on a football team. The years I've been to the Super Bowl, it wasn't just on the field, it was also off the field. What happens off the field translates on the field, and I think that's what helped make us successful. I see it in our locker room right now."
ReplyDeleteClevelan Plain Dealer 07/28/06