Monday, November 07, 2005

This One's on Check Award (SEA @ ARZ)

It's that time again. That time to determine which poor schmuck got pummeled so ruthlessly that they need little old check to buy them a drink, so that they can forget their woes.

The obvious choice would be...

[Full Story]



  1. Every week this award makes me laugh out loud every week! The biting wit, sarcasm and humor of these awards makes the author of these awards, truly worth a drink of his own, on me. You always crack me up check, nicely done!  

    Posted by monkey

  2. well done. although I thought you might buy SA a shot of Pepto-Bismol or Kayopectate!!!

    Posted by alba

  3. Not to go all sissy, but wouldn't wine go better with lamb next week? I don't know, I only drink milk or soda (pop) with food. I would also think a nice brandy would be better for medicinal alcohol abuse. Cheap domestic light beer man myself... regardless, another great post, you are indeed the man. 

    Posted by JoSCh
