Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Alan's D.O.G. vs San Francisco

This award gets more and more fun to hand out. Plus lots of colorful pictures depicting what happened to the 49ers.

For how the ownage went down....

[Read Full Story]


  1. Alan - didn't get through the whole piece, but as you see from your pictures, they're OWNED by someone else, and they're indicating that they don't like you trying to OWN them yourself! (which is funny as I think I'm the only other contributor to get slammed for sapping band width...with a Helen Reddy picture of all things!!)

    My week is complete though, now that I see a Corny Bronze Racecar on the blog! 

    Posted by alba

  2. OK, my wife took another call so I went back and read the whole thing, and seriously was LAUGING OUT LOUD!!!

    I love all the illustrations provided throughout the piece, and now am dying to know what the two missing pictures were all about.

    Don't tell the others, but I think the D.O.G. is my favorite contributor award!!! 

    Posted by alba

  3. The two missing pictures were more ownage pics. This shall be fixed! 

    Posted by Alan

  4. Nice, I also like *served*, as in, "You got served" And *It's on* is good too. But *owned* is the word of the day, week, and season basically. Good call on the Stevens, I actually called that play prior to getting too snockered to see anymore. Man, my wife is pissed...  

    Posted by JoSCh

  5. Alan I really truly laughed out loud. That was your best one yet, seriously funny!
    I love the Winnie the Pooh one, mildly disturbing but hysterical.

  6. I'm pretty sure this will be the style the D.O.G is written in from now on. Maybe some other posts too.

    Yeah, the Winnie the Pooh one is kind of disturbing, but it wasn't as bad as the 49ers and Eagles were. 

    Posted by Alan
