Well, the question has been answered, and while the Seahawks didn't get the chance to be the team to do it, it should help them wrap up HFA on Sunday. Kudos to ADP for correctly calling the Chargers.
>>>>> original post from 10/12/2005 <<<<<<
As the last undefeated team left standing, I took a quick look at their schedule, and there's only a few teams left on it that have a shot of knocking them out of the ranks of the unbeaten.
Next week they got the Rams, so 6-0 should be in the bag.
Sandwiched between two sure Ws, the home and away series with the Texans, the next real challenge for them is the November 7th game at the Patriots.
However, the Pats seem to have lost a little of the luster from their championship runs, and the Colts are certainly due for a little karma in Foxboro, like we were in St. Loser.
At Cincy and home for Pittsburgh certainly aren't cake walks, but are winnable games, especially if Ben Bacon-Double-Rothlesburger doesn't bounce back from his knee injury.
December opens with a walk against the Titans in Indy, and then a couple more tough contests at Jacksonville and home for the Lightning Bolts, but the heats not so bad in Florida in December, and the clocks gotta strike midnight on Drew Brees at some point this season.
Their season ends at home against Arizona, but not before having to travel to Seattle to play the Seahawks.
Yes, ladies and gentlement, I believe that the 1972 Dolphins will be pouring the Dom Perignon on December 24th, and toasting the Seahawks for providing them with an early Christmas Gift (or a little late Hanakkuh gelt) as they bounce the Indianapolis Colts up and down the Qwest Field Flubber Turf, and perserve Miami's legacy as the only NFL team to go through a season unbeaten.
ReplyDeletePosted by Vinnyhawkalugi
i know i will get heat for this, but yeh...
ReplyDeleteIndy hasn't shown me anything yet...and Monday Night they will get a reality check...they shouldn't lose that game, and I do think they will win...but they will find out that against certain teams, their play won't work...
Rams, Seahawks IMO are the other 2/3 of the most dangerous offenses in the league, along with the Colts...they haven't played those two teams yet, and the matchup doesn't set well, especially against Seattle...our oline will contain their defense, and we will pick them apart...and unlike the Rams...our defense has a pulse
HORRIBLE matchups for the Colts...and just like with NE...they will learn that teams that can points on the board any day of the week will be a force against them
NE, Pitt, Sea, Cin, STL, SD, KC favor it...take out STL and KC for bad defenses (i consider ours average-good)...and there are 5 teams that the Colts are actually underdogs to.
What I think:
I would not be shocked if they lose MNF...but they should survive only to lose 2 outta 3 against NE, Cincy, and Pitt after they kill Houston
Houston has a much better chance of going 0-16 then Indy has going 16-0...Indy will lose at least 4 games by the time this season is over
Tennesee will beat them. I agree, they'll lose at least 4 games this season.
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
all about matchups, Irish...thats what im talking about, they haven't played a potent offense yet...
ReplyDeleteOurs is potent, the Rams...those are teams that will HURT their defense...that was my whole point with the matchups
Posted by adp
i apologize...i completely read over that part...i remember reading 'granted...'...Alba's Skim Disease must of spread to me!
ReplyDeleteBut yeah...thats why im not jumping on their bandwagon yet...kind of like I am with the Chargers and Steelers this year...for me they are under the 'do it again' category before I trust them...I thought SD had the better chance of the two, but Pitt is proving me wrong...but SD is making a good comeback
Josch - thanks for having the balls to say the Titans would get the Colts once...have no idea if you were humoring the world...but I honestly have them as the 'other' team that will take them down, just didnt say anything because im a lover and not a fighter-i dont feel like defending the Titans in an argument...great minds think alike...and then theres us :P
Posted by adp
Titans pick is just cuz of the division and McNair possibly willing that win. He was co-MVP 2 years ago.
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
K-Rob was a 1200 yard receiver two years ago...what's your point??!!
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
The NFL is too tough for the Colts to go undefeated. They are very good (probably NFL's best team), but they will lose a couple (I would expect 3 and NE, PIT, SEA are likely candidates...but anyone could beat them on the right day). Their defense is much improved. Freeney is a monster. I will love to watch him v. Jones. What a matchup. However, I don't believe an undefeated season will be on the line for the Colts.
ReplyDeletePosted by mfan
"K-Rob was a 1200 yard receiver two years ago...what's your point??!! "
ReplyDeleteMcNair isn't an alcoholic (at least not to my knowledge, I don't know what the cat does in his spare time), not on drugs, hasn't been suspended or cut, isn't on the woefull Viqueens, etc. Past performance does not guarantee future success, but it does prove at the very least it's possible. In division games anything can happen, see Seahawks, Seattle when they were in the AFCW. Not sure I understand your point honestly, comparing a talented turd to a talented good guy.
Posted by JoSCh
No point really. Just trying to provoke more conversation. Looks like it worked!!!
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
colts are starting hot, but they will cool off. and they will lose soon. we won't be the first. i bet they lose 4 or five.
ReplyDelete"K-Rob was a 1200 yard receiver two years ago...what's your point??!!"
ReplyDeleteThat was a nice, quick, and snappy comeback. BRAVO.
Posted by check
"That was a nice, quick, and snappy comeback. " It felt like a personal attack, I think alba may be trying to kill me. I want justice. WE MUST PROTECT THIS HOUSE!
ReplyDeleteSo alba, what do you think of the response, to continue the conversation. Do you think a guy like McNair can will a pretty bad team to win against a very hot and very talented division rival? Obviously a Karen Rob couldn't, not in the correct position, not to mention has no credibility, but a QB can. Is McNair a big enough leader there? I think he is. He is the franchise, and a tough sum-b that has the respect of his team.
Chad Johnson is possibly the only WR I can think of that leads his team, maybe Holt, none of the others come close. Moss and Owens can lead a team the wrong way, Harrison is quiet and doesn't need to lead, Peyton has that covered. Our own D-Jack is like Marvin, quiet and effective and lets Matt lead. I can't think of another WR with that much respect and credibility with the coaches and the players. Did you see him on NFL network? He was so pissed they lost last week, saying any loss is unacceptable. I thought he seems a little whiney, but at least he had passion. I can see the Bengals not losing many (if any) more games this season.
Posted by JoSCh
Sorry JoSCh - didn't mean no harm, and certainly don't want to start dissing fellow contributors!
ReplyDeleteYes, McNair is a stud, and possesses the metal to put his team on his back and will them to a win. I just don't think so against the Colts. The Titans are that bad and the Colts with their new defense is that good.
But this IS the NFL, and as they say, "on any given Sunday...", so I also don't think the Colts make it through the season undefeated, and probably will have a couple of L's by the time they come to Seattle.
I also agree with your take on Chad Johnson. He seems to have all the flash and showmanship of a Moss or TO, but the heart of a true football player.
I was impressed to see he was almost in tears after the loss on Sunday, and kept saying "4-1 is not good enough. That's the OLD Bengals. This team is not supposed to lose." He really meant that, and that's good leadership, as long as he doesn't start pointing fingers at the other guys as to why they lost.
There, has that helped your bloodpressure and are we once again one big happy family??!!
Posted by alba
I'm sorry to ruin a perfectly goor thread, but I was looking at the picture and something hit me. See the little horseshoe on Payton's handwarmer? It looks like someone drew a dangling pud on his uni.
ReplyDeleteHey, I already said I'm sorry!
Unlike my first post in this thread...i have to say
ReplyDeleteIndy has shown me something now
It also shows my brain size when talking matchups...as it specifically shows that I said the Rams would give them a reality check...which they did until injuries gave way for Indy to come back, and dust them
Anyways...Colts go down against San Diego...
even then, they will probably bench their starters against Seattle...and as much as some people say they have depth...you DONT want to go backup vs. backups with us... I think they lose if they bench their starters either way
as for the game...ima little intimidated now...pittsburgh was a pretty bad matchup for them...but SD is even worse...the 3-4 scheme could be what stops the 12 yard passes...the question is...can SD get enough offense in this game? (their offense stats come from huge blowouts over the FEW weak teams they have faced)
Seattle will have trouble if our secondary doesn't get healthy quickly...and don't step up...and Walter...please get better from whatever hurt you this past weekend! (lets face it...he HAD to be injured)
ok enough rambling and breakdowns...
Indy goes down against SD...Titans might give them a run, though I doubt it (McNair looked pretty good last week, granted against a bad team)
i want the colts undefeated when they visit seattle. We'll put a woopin on them making a perfect christmas present
ReplyDeletePosted by o-meezy
Who would have thought there would be tlak of the Seahawks resting their their starters at that point, too?
ReplyDeleteThis is goin to be a great game. I'll be sure to bring back pictures of Manning laying on his @$$!
Posted by Bluefoot
I'm sticking with the Titans... I remember them in fact.
ReplyDeleteadp, your big brain is exceeding your head size, you are starting to look like Clayton. Speaking of Clayton, does he not look just like Mr. Mackey? C'mon now, he does. Can't believe I am the first on that one... m'kay.
Re our matchup with them... I don't know, I have been clamoring for weeks for a big game from our O, and still haven't seen it. I don't think we can win a grinder against them, or a straight shootout. I think we'd need a fine 27 to 20 type of win, holding off their final comeback drive with a terrific pick by Manuel... wait, no, by Boulware. Commence the victory V play.
Re Manning on his tail, maybe, he's pretty hard to sack. And with our soft *bend don't break* corners, I see him getting plenty of completions on the 1 step drop.
Posted by JoSCh
I'm gonna say it again....December 24th in Seattle...the weather is absolutely gonna suck! It will be a factor.
ReplyDeletePosted by bokonon
good point Bokonon...
ReplyDeleteand Josch...go bold if you're gonna go at all!
Posted by adp
I guess I was wrong about the clock striking midnight on Drew Brees...this kid's for real.
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
Indy goes down against SD...Titans might give them a run, though I doubt it (McNair looked pretty good last week, granted against a bad team)
ReplyDeleteI remember saying that like yesterday...thanks for giving me credit! I told you im smarter then the 'experts'...the world should be listening to me instead of ESPN! (not trying to be cocky there)
Its all about matchups people...the Colts dont match up well against a 3-4 defense...3-4 defense is better against the pass, and does well against the run...not to mention the combinations of LB blitzes you can come up with from a 3-4 (remember, LBs are faster and harder to block then linemen when blitzing)
My brother tried to say it was fluke...I told him the game wasnt even as close as the score...I said i watched it...he said he watched it too...funny because he doesn't have cable, and his antenna only lets him get ABC (which doesnt air NFL games right now)...AND we're in the same area---Colts game wasnt on local channels...you could pretty much watch it on ESPNNEWS though...
Seattle on the other hand, will be easier to beat (mainly because of secondary injuries)...but the Colts already said they will rest their starters at some point...they better not be ignorant and let them play 3 quarters...
And for the record...I also called them 'major injury'...Mr. Diem went down didn't he? He MIGHT be back for the playoffs (told you Colts...SB is more important...you play with matches...you will get burned)
And Check...get an award ready for Arizona...cause if Indy rests their starters and find themselves sleeping like Dick Cheney at a rock concert...they're going to wanna take their 2 straight losses out on Arizona at home...
Posted by adp