I want to boot his silly butt off this train but I must admit that this is funny.
Irvin joked and teased about having been on the bandwagon all season, then admitted that he picked the Eagles over the Hawks, and put himself on "Jacked up" because after making that stupid pick he got "Jacked up!"
I am not sure how much having his crack pipe taken away from him by the police has to do with this seeming smart move...perhaps it's just a coincidence?
Very soon now, there will be "Seahawks fans", who only last year were wearing a Patriots jersey, coming out of the woodwork.
Personally, I say jump on board all you bandwagon fans, there's PLENTY of room on this train (just don't ever try to convince me that you have "always" followed the team).
Some of those bandwagon fans might actually stay put and next year, maybe, when I look at a sports catalog, I won't see *not available in Houston, Arizona or Seattle* next to the product I want.
OK locals, where can a long lost fan from Albany get one of those foam hats?
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
I agree monkey. All aboard baby!
ReplyDeleteI just read a Don Banks piece at SI where he says that the media including him basically sucks for not heaping praise on the Hawks like they should have been. Finally! Of course that still doesn't stop me from writing my weekly " Peter King what are you smoking you ignorant red neck dumbass" etc, etc.
Posted by rockyseahawk
alba, I have been looking for a foam hat for about a year, they are hard to find... do they sell them local in stores or what?
ReplyDeleteOn that same vein, Blue, did you or did you not have a long dissertation on proper care and treatment of the foam hat? If so, it should be sticky somewhere, I read it on another site last year, and it was hilarious. If not you, but you know the story, by all means, copy/paste and claim as your own if you know where it is. If someone else here was the author, screw Blue, he ain't that funny anyway, and you should copy/paste.
Posted by JoSCh
Bandwagon. I hate bandwagoners they aren't true fans they like you when you win and they hate you the next day when you lose. I can't stand bandwagoners. Irvin gets on my nerves, but it makes me giggle inside with the hawks hat on.
ReplyDeleteAnyways back to the point I hate bandwagoners. It's okay if you jump on and stay on but to be the first one of after the ride starts to get bumpy that just pisses me the hell of. I hate bandwagoners. Bandwagoners piss me the hell off. I'll take a true Rams fan over a bandwagoner any day of the week, well maybe not but its pretty close.
Did i say that i hate bandwagoners.
We're fortunate to have tickets and sit around a group of knowledgable regulars. Last week the bandwagoneers showed up in the row behind us for the first time . It's great they're there, I just wished they didn't get tips from Salsibury and Irving. Here's some of their more pithy comments:
ReplyDelete"Hasselbeck is just good enough."
    --Dumbass #1 after MH's scramble for a first down
      on the opening drive.
"Boy, they're lucky that got that fumble. Otherwise this is a close game."
    --Dumbass #2 after the TD, that was set up by
      Lofa's fumble recovery...because a 11 point
      lead after one quarter is only a 3 possession
"What's Holmgren thinking? He hasn't made one this far before."
    --Dumbass #2 before the first FG...JB is 5 for 7
      outside 50 this year, 7 for 11 career.
"I still like watching 'em in Husky stadium more"
    --Dumbass #3...WTF? Ignoring the fact they don't
      sell beer at Husky stadium, there are high
      school teams with better stadiums. It's an
      antiquated piece of crap built in the 50's.
"I wish people would quit standing up"
    --Dumb ass #1 again...SF had the ball, 3rd and 1
Posted by bokonon
If you didn't have your heart broken last season rooting for this team...go away
ReplyDeleteI refuse to acknowledge bandwagoners if they dont go through the emotional rollercoasters we had to (moreso then ANY other NFL team)
The Jacked up segment was Jacked up...where was Boulware's hit on Hethrington (or whatever)
Bok - like someone said, "better to be silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
JoSCh, here is the cut/paste from the PI blog, when I went by the handle 'boomdiggydiggy' and used to be funnier:
ReplyDeleteDidn't you know? When you get a new foam head you have to 'train' it.
The foam head wants to watch the Seahawks play. It has the power to affect the outcome of games telepathically, but you have to teach it what to do. You need to use this desire to watch the game in a discipline/reward system.
First, make sure it has a good view of the game. When the Seahawks are playing well, cheer in an exaggerated manner so that the foam head understands that you are pleased and this is a good thing. If the 'Hawks score give it a Cheeto or something. Talk to the head and let it know how happy you are that the Seahawks are leading.
But you need to take the opposite approach when things do not go well. If there is a costly turnover, express your vehement dispeasure and set it to the side in a way so it can't see the screen. Don't put it on again until you get the ball back or the Seahawks score again. If the opposing team scores a field goal, act mad again, take it off and cover it with a jacket or a pillow or program or something. If the other team scores a touchdown, put it under your seat violently. Don't be afraid to yell or be abusive. It needs to know what is expected in order to get back on your head with a good view.
Keep using this discipline/reward system until you see results. I have heard of some people who got the point across in one quarter, but some have had a stubborn one who did did not get the hang of it for several games. Just keep after it. You may even have to shut it in the closet for several days, like I did with mine after the Arizona game.
If you can be conistent and diligent in the training the new foam head, it can bring you and the Seahawks years of winning streaks and playoff appearances. Unfortunately, not many know about the power of the foam head. Good luck and spread the word. We need the help this year.
Posted by: boomdiggydiggy at October 29, 2004 10:34 PM
I think one of the reasons that the media has been slow to embrace us is the fact that most of 'em picked the seahawks as the sexy pick to go superbowling and then got let down. Hey welcome to being a Seahawks fan.
ReplyDeleteBut not this year. Oh no, not this year.
Posted by rockyseahawk
You know BLuefoot, I remembered that post from all that long ago almost word for word, cuz I laughed so hard the first time I read it. Here I am now reading it once more and laughing all over again, that was truly a classic. One of my favorite all time posts.
ReplyDeleteand now you can own your very own Seahawks foam lid
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
That post is the main reason I am here... sniff ... beautiful. Now, how to get the foam head for me and alba?
ReplyDeletePosted by JoSCh
I want one too but they're kinda spendy darn it.
ReplyDeleteMuch like Shaun Alexander, the more we win, the more the price will go up! Get yours today!!!
ReplyDeletePosted by alba
they dont accept checks or money orders?
ReplyDeletehow crappy...I hate credit cards...in Maryland, or at least my area, (eastern shore), people dont use credit cards!!!
Posted by adp