Seahawks D. Jackson does not Practice - from www.KFFL.com
Mon, 6 Jun 2005 17:37:28 -0700
Mike Sando, of the Tacoma News Tribune, reports Seattle Seahawks WR Darrell Jackson did not show up for the team's voluntary minicamp that started Monday, June 6. He missed the team's last set of voluntary workouts as well.
And from Seahawks.com "There were four players missing from the first day of workouts: Seneca Wallace was sent home sick, and Floyd Womack is in Mississippi attending to a family-related issue. Shaun Alexander has yet to sign his tender offer, while Darrell Jackson was a no-show.
And while camp is not mandatory, Holmgren feels Jackson should be in attendance.
“I’m disappointed he’s not here," Holmgren said. "He and I have talked about his reasons for not being here a lot. In his mind it’s a matter of principle. When he’s here he’s a good team guy. I’m hopeful he’ll come in."
To me this is simply inexcuseable! He has had FAR too many problems with drops to be missing any camp. Now with Koren gone, and more effort needed out of the recieving corps, we have a player pulling this crap? And after he signed a ridiculously large contract too? Stuff like this makes me want to scream obscenities!
"A matter of principle"?!? WTF are you talking about DJackass? It's a matter of principle to participate in your teams functions any time you can, especially after all your drive killing drops!
ReplyDelete"In his mind it’s a matter of principle. "
ReplyDeleteMine too, you were hired to do a job, so why dontcha do it?
I hope in the new CBA they can forget the whole voluntary/mandatory issue, these guys don't have other jobs, they are NFL players, and should be at work when work is being done. They already get good vacation. Criminy.
Posted by Josh from SC
ReplyDeleteThere, I did it for you!
Posted by alba
From the PI
ReplyDeleteJackson's absence stems from a promise made to him by former club president Bob Whitsitt that was not kept, and both sides are working to rectify the situation.
Maybe they aren't removing all the brown M&Ms or something.
I demand radishes at all practices, and you put out carrots!!! WTF!!! That's it coach, I can't come to these anymore, sorry. I need radishes and can't stand to be in the presence of brown M&Ms, look, they are melting all over the orange ones, it's disgusting. I gotta go.
Posted by Josh from SC
In D-Jack's defense he did set the franchise record for receptions last year and the mini-camp was voluntary. Who knows, maybe the ever contagious ball drops will follow Koren out of town. Lets go HAWKS!
ReplyDeleteI support DJ to a point. It's hard to let go "promises" given by the old management simply because a new management is in place. Haven't you all seen Rudy?
ReplyDeleteThat being said, get your butt in camp and prove you deserve those promises.
Posted by PaulieP
The problem here is that, promises or no, there IS a new president here who expects things done his way, (see the letter that was sent out by Ruskell regarding team first attitudes). I have been in the middle of several management changes in my lifetime, but no matter what the old bosses promised me, it was the new bosses to whom I was now beholden.
ReplyDeleteIt's precisely this kind of thing, that causes such a disconnect between fans and these spoiled brat athletes. Then they wonder why we expect so much from them or why we boo them when they drop tons of passes. Average middle America, doesn't get the chance to miss business meetings because the old boss said he could, and if average middle America man (or woman) happens to (figuratively) drop the ball to often, he is simply fired, not the case with these athletes.
that depends monkey, the other thing we're forgetting, is that these are (as profootballtalk.com puts it) involuntary VOLUNTARY workouts. technically, he doesn't HAVE to be there, as much as we all think he SHOULD be there.
ReplyDeletePosted by PaulieP
I do realize that, which is why I believe he said that it was a matter of principle.
ReplyDeleteIf that's true, then the first time that he drops a ball, (probably the first game knowing him) and the fans boo him vociferously, then he had better keep his stinkin mouth shut after the game, rather than making stupid statements about how dropped passes don't cost games. I still think it's funny how many people were so up in arms regarding Alex's back stabbing statement but had so little to say in the way of criticism regarding D Jack's ridiculous comments; which were, IMHO Alot WORSE!
How any reciever can say that dropped passes doesn't cost games is beyond me.
All I am saying is, the first time he opens his big yap, defending his dropped passes this year, I will be on him like stink on a pig, he has no room to say squat after not participating in these voluntary camps. Personally I hope that Urban flat out beats him out of his starting spot. That would learn him!
And that entire post I agree with wholeheartedly, and will be right there next to you screaming at him.
ReplyDeletePosted by PaulieP
Also, if this were a truly established player, someone like a Brett Favre, or a Jerry Rice, or even a MIchael Strahan, I don't think we would care as much, but he is all talk without any of the walk. Does he really believe that he's so good that he automatically gets to start? Talk about arrogance. This guy defends his drops with stupid statements, then misses chances that he has to develope timing with the QB and to work on his pass catching. It's CRAP!!
ReplyDeleteExactly, GOX!
ReplyDelete"but lets not forget most of his team mates are out there working their tails off to make the team better...so volantary or not...he should be as well!"
ReplyDeleteNow that's a matter of principle!
I agree. He should be out there, and will have no reason to say a thing during the season if bad things happen. But I can understand why he's not.
ReplyDeletePosted by PaulieP
I agree with most of you that state that with D-Jack not participating in these camps there is no excuse for dropped balls this year. However, it seems from the reports that I have read that his starting position is not in jeopardy and I think this is following an eerie similar path as the K-Drop fiasco. There can't be seperate rules for players Holmgren consider "special". The Patriots win because when one player doesn't do his job he is yanked for someone who can. I have no doubt that Engram can be just as an effective receiver as D-Jack given the same opportunities. It's time to start using the players we can depend on and those are the guys that show up and do the extra work.
ReplyDeletePosted by SF Hawk
"he is all talk without any of the walk. Does he really believe that he's so good that he automatically gets to start? Talk about arrogance. "
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm gonna have to disagree with you there.
Who is the franchise receptions leader?
Has anyone else on the team has been a starting WR in the NFL? Maybe JJ, but it was prolly due to injuries.
Who on the team has more receptions/yards/tds per season than he in any season he played in?
Who signed a big ass contract and didn't slack off?
I want an arrogant man as my #1 WR. Not an TO type a-hole, but confident to the point of arrogance, sure.
Comparing middle America to elite NFL atheletes is apples and pliers. They are so far apart they aren't even both fruit. A better comparison is the athelete to a movie star. Or a congressman.
Besides, if your boss said there is a volutary picnic this weekend, but you were mad and didn't go because they promised you a new mop/promotion/corner office with a view that you didn't get, should you be fired?
He should be in camp. No doubt. He has his reasons, he has talked to the coach, they are working it out. There is no real problem, yet. He said he will be at mandatory camp. Heck, he may show up to this camp if they deliver on the Whitsett promise.
Although you have the right to rant my simian friend. Just my POV. Also note the Office Space quote... yeah.
Posted by Josh from SC
I disagree. DJ is a better receiver than Bobby. I do think we're looking a bit to hard into this as well. DJ will be in training camp, he will not hold out. Guys, whether we like it or not, these camps are voluntary, and if DJ wants not to go, it's his right.
ReplyDeleteDJ does show up and do his job, we can depend on him. I think he proved that last year in Minnesota. And the simple fact is that he has earned his starting job. Why would anyone think his starting position was in jeopardy? He shows up to every game, plays his heart out, and contributes to our wins. Is it the drops that should lose him his starting position? Bobby dropped balls as well. Should a free agent come in and take his position away? not when the free agents haven't proven themselves to be above and beyond him. Or is it all coming down to the fact that he is exercising his right to object to what he legitimately sees as unfair treatment by not going to a voluntary camp? I would say that it's Ruskell's responsibility to have a good sit down with Darrel and discuss exactly what was promised to him, and then they can work out something that is beneficial to each of them. We all would like him there. But to compare him to Koren is just wrong. DJ will be in camp. He will play hard, and he will help us win.
Posted by PaulieP
Ok guys, ponts taken, but I still hold that I will be all over his a$$ the first time he drops a pass! My point is that (while he may have caught alot of passes) he is nowhere near the elite level of athlete that I would let slide for missing voluntary camp. If you take away all those drops, then we're talking about something different, but until he cures that dropsies problem he damn well ought to be ineach and every single stinkin camp. Expecially when both his head coach and his QB are calling him out for missing, that's not what being a team player is about!
ReplyDeleteI agree that he should be there. ESPECIALLY with the team atmosphere we're trying to build. But I think he sees it as his only bargaining chip to get something that was promised to him. I can't say I wouldn't think about acting the same way.
ReplyDeletePosted by PaulieP
Maybe Nitwhitsit promised him something that may help with the drops? Some nice lotions, manicures and hand massages perhaps. Oh, if that were the case he'd be on one of the other teams in the division...
ReplyDeletePosted by Josh from SC
link to story
ReplyDeleteEach week there is a new cause to rally around. Next week it will be a matchup against AFC East rival New York, also 5-0. Yesterday, Rodney Harrison took a few words from usually quiet Seattle receiver Darrell Jackson, who said among other things the Patriots were "beatable," and he turned them into what Harrison called "fuel for the fire."
"Two losses in a row [for the Seahawks]," Harrison said. "Breaks my heart."
The fiery Patriots safety, who had another strong game in the 30-20 win over the Seahawks at Gillette Stadium, said the team plays too hard to accept what he terms "disrespectful chatter" from the opposition. Harrison believes New England's opponents should respect "a bunch of guys who work hard every week to prepare to play football as a team." He claimed he turned to Jackson at one point and said, "Why don't you just shut up and play?"
"We don't have a bunch of clowns in here," Harrison said. "We have good, quality people. It's a tough locker room if you're a prima donna. There's not one guy who singles himself out as being better or different than anyone else."
This is exactly the sort of thing I was referring to when I said he talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. DJack seems to have an overly high opinion of his abilities.
Now wait a minute. Harrison is hardly a person I want anyone on my team taking cues from. The guy is known as one of the biggest talkers, and one of the dirtiest players in the NFL. While Darrel may talk alot, Harrison is hardly a saint. Anything he says I discredit.
ReplyDeletePosted by PaulieP