In light of yesterdays very funny thread on the new Cardinal jerseys, and the incredibly funny descriptions of players walking around on a runway like a bunch of sissies, flexing their muscles and doing their "little turn on the cat walk", I just had to post this picture. When reading the article yesterday I had in my mind a picture of what it must have looked like, but even the mental image I had isn't as funny as the reality.

This whole thing reminds me of the New Kids On the Block's song about Hanging Tough. New Kids were so effminate that absolutely NOONE could possibly believe there was ANYTHING tough about them. Welll, along comes the sissy Cardinals strutting around on a runway, talking about how much they like the soft feel of the garment and busting out hand held mirrors and striking poses, then finishing by telling everyone that they feel so good in their new uni's that it's time for then to "get dangerous", this is just too funny.
All I can say is, after this, we had better kick their A$$ when we play them!
If you look closely at the way his jersey is folded on his shoulders, his name comes out as MCLOWN, which says it all!