Sunday, April 17, 2005

Thanks for the invite!

I've been watching this board for a while and it seems like a good group. I just wanted to thank everyone for giving me the honor to join your board! I'll do my best to live up to my reputation...what ever it may be.


  1. Welcome to "the street" GOX!

    Good to have you move into the neighborhood.

  2. Wow, it's good to have you aboard, are you the same Ghost as the one I see on the P-I blog site? Anyway Welcome aboard!

  3. Hey Ghost, Glad you moved into the neighborhood. Glad Alba brought ya in. Seems I've created a monster by introducing him to the guys, he's kinda taken over.

    J.J.* Alba. :)

    *Just Josin'

  4. Vinny - you knew what I was like when you invited me, so I hope you didn't expect me to change when I got here!! :-)

    Ghost, I always wondered if that was you on the PI site too. Is it?

  5. I had to get ya over here so I'd have someone to help force feed Monkey his Kool-aid. :)
