Yesterday I mentioned that John Clayton did in fact say that he expected Chad Brown to be cut no later than Tuesday and that Koren Robinson will not be with the team by the time training camp opens up, because Koren's participation in the voluntary camp going on right now is "spotty workout attendance". As a result, Ruskell and Holmgren have met twice in the last month just to discuss Koren Robinson.
Even after giving an interview with Seahawks.com where he once again said all the right things and talked about his mother and son moving in with him to keep him focused, it seems that K Rob is once again up to his old ways. (Don't say I didn't warn you).
I also used the shout out box yesterday to talk about some rumors and about an article that was posted at the .net site (available to members only) I thought it only fair that I should follow it up with the story itself since there were several questions asked which were not properly answered by me. The trouble is I don't have membership privileges there (and never likely will because I don't believe in paying for information that should be free to everyone, which is why I won't subsribe to espn insider), anyway, here is the article I referred to yesterday. (Don't ask me how I got it).
Time Running Out?
by Doug Farrar of Seahawks.NET, April 17, 2005 at 12:36am ET
Seahawks.NET has learned from Scout.coms Lane Adkins that the Seahawk future of WR Koren Robinson could be very much in doubt.
As first discussed by ESPNs John Clayton on his Saturday morning KJR radio show, the Seahawks are suffering through renewed distress with Robinsons history of indifference and with new Team President Tim Ruskell firmly in charge, the reaction to Robinsons antics may be changing. Claytons claim that Robinson has missed the occasional team workout in 2005 is unconfirmed by any other source at this time, but Adkins says that Ruskell and head coach Mike Holmgren long Robinsons staunchest defender have met on two separate occasions recently to discuss Robinsons fate. The team is reportedly on the verge of making a move. The odds of Robinson being released outright are very low, but it appears that the team has finally had enough.
Robinson has been benched several times over the last two years by Holmgren for missing practices and team meetings , and he served a four-game suspension mandated by the NFL last season for violations of the leagues substance abuse policy. Holmgren has said that Robinson spent some of the off-season in a rehab facility, although it is not known how this has progressed.
One move involving Robinson that has been discussed by many is the possibility of a trade involving Washington Redskins WR Rod Gardner. Adkins says that Gardner either does not want to ink a new deal/extension with Washington or he is seeking #1 receiver compensation, which he is not going to receive. Gardner caught 51 balls in 2004, but dropped 9 more which would make any Seahawks fan, long weary of their own receivers issues in the drop department, wonder why Seattle would wish to make what would amount to a one-year deal with Gardner. The two possible upsides are that Gardner would essentially be playing in a walk year situation, and that unlike Robinson, hed at least show up to practices and team meetings on time or at all.
I think the picture is funny, it looks as if he's got his mouth partly open as if he's really struggling to catch the ball and as if he's saying to himself, oh my God, I think I've got it.
ReplyDeleteI'm indifferent if he stays or if he goes, especially if we trade him outside of the division.
ReplyDeleteI just hope that this doesn't become a bone of contention between Ruskell and Holmgren, and cause and impass to develop between the two.
I'd hate to see Mike throw his support behind Koren and have it lead to his relationship with Tim R. deteriorate.
"I'd hate to see Mike throw his support behind Koren and have it lead to his relationship with Tim R. deteriorate."
ReplyDeleteTwo years ago I would have completely agreed with that statement, and in truth I still partly do, but I am also at the point where I feel that Holmgren has had 6 years now to get this team to where he wants them. He has had MAJOR influence on which players have been taken in the draft and who has been cut and who has been brought in. Yet, as of last season, we are still nothing more than a mediocre team. As far as I'm concerned, this is Holgrens last opportunity to do something with this team, if his defending a punk like Robinson leads to bad feelings between him and Ruskell then Bye Bye Holmgren, you did NOTHING at all for us while you were here. This team, as of last season was not one bit better than the team he took over 6+ years ago. I am at the point with Holmgren where he had better get it done NOW or no more Holmgren. Ruskell, you hire a coach who will coach the types of character players you like and let's see how far we can go.
Bottom line, I like Holmy, I really do, and I don't think there's a better coach available right now, but this is it! This is his last chance! And if he, by going to bat for a punk like Koren, ruins his relationship with Ruskell, then I say get rid of Holmgren! It's not like he's done anything for this team, cuz so far he hasn't.
Here's the thing, 'Mr. I told ya so.'
ReplyDelete1) It's an unconfirmed rumor, and rumors are for women at the beauty parlor. It's been unconfirmed by anyone.
2) IF in fact it's true theres' nothing to worry about with Holmgren and Ruskell, Holmgren will be the first to cut the cord.
Alba, always the pessimist down deep. :-)
ReplyDeleteBad Monky!
ReplyDeleteMike hasn't done anything with this team? What the hell are you talking about!!!!!
He has put together a team that has a shot at the big show every season, and has gotten to the playoffs teh last two. How many playoffs had we been in the five years prior to his arrival? Ten years prior?
You need to pull you're head out, or at least take off those stupid George Burns glasses!
You're right Vin, it's unconfimed, by the F.O. anyway. But it was also reported by fairly credible sources whose butts are on the line if they say something that is untrue. Vinny, if John Clayton reports that Koren has been missing camp and he hasn't been, he can be sued for libel. Clayton probably has a source within the team who won't be identified. I seriously doubt he's making it up Vinny. Also the fact that Ruskell and Holmgren met twice this last month to discuss this situation ought to tell you something. Put two and two together Vinny, besides, how can you really believe K Rob over anyone? That's just being naiive.
ReplyDeleteVinny, this team had a shot every year before Holmgren took over. In fact, it finished with just about the same record every year. 6 BLOODY YEARS VIN! 6 years!!! That's how long he has had to get this team even one game into the playoffs and NOTHING! We are no better now than when he took over. We aren't any worse mind you, but we still really aren't any better even by Holmgren's admission.
ReplyDeleteRemember last season when Holmgren criticised all the preseason hype the team was getting, and even after the season said that fans had gotten their hopes up too high? That's because after 5 years, he knew that this team still had no shot.
You said"He has put together a team that has a shot at the big show every season" Holmgren himself said that that just wasn't true and that it was wishful thinking on the fans parts. He admitted that we had no shot last year and already this season has made some similar comments about fans needing to temper their enthusiasm.
So from your own guys mouth Vinny, you're wrong. He hasn't built a team that has a shot and he admitted it. Maybe this year will be different, we'll see. But if what Holmgren said carries any weight, I wouldn't count on it.
And Vin, until we win ONE SINGLE BLOODY PLAYOFF GAME, don't even try to tell me that he's done anything for this team. Until he wins one playoff game, JUST ONE, he hasn't done JACK!!!!
ReplyDeleteBTW VInny, I really missed our spirited discussions! LOL! I really and truly did! This site is soooooo much more fun with you involved! I cannot emphasize that enough. I am truly glad you are back! What's a site if everyone agrees with one another? I love the way you and I always seem to be on opposite sides of an issue.
ReplyDeleteDon't take the things I say personally Vinny, they aren't meant that way, I really love the debate!
Glad you're back bud, I missed you!!!
two meetings about a player that has been having problems is not unusual, I'm sure they've had a couple meetings about several players on the team. So to assume that Koren's the only one being discussed is silly to me. How many workouts and such did Koren miss? A couple, a few? My point is Clayton could say that and be perfectly safe in his insinuation. But ity doesn't mean he's not getting it done or that Ruskell and Holmey have him on their shit lists.
ReplyDeleteAll I'm saying is that it's a rumor that to this point has no basis other than ONE guy's word.
New's is slow so why not make some, they do it all the time on ESPN.
Vinny, it was obviously relayed to Clayton what the meetings were about. He's not just guessing or he wouldn't have said it. Again, news is slow so make some up is cute, but very inaccurate. They can get sued for doing that Vinny. Clayton can get taken to court and could end up losing a lot of money as well as his reputation adn job for making stuff up. I fhe said it, he undoubtedly has sources to back up his statements. I'm not sure you really understand how this thing works Vinny, but he CAN'T make it up, he has too much to lose. Someone told him what the meetings were about, probably Ruskell and or Holmgren. The report said that the FO was keeping silent about whether or not K Rob was missing pratice sessions, it didn't say they weren't talking about anything at all Vinny. Just about that that one particualr topic.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I must've been writing my response while you were submitting yours. Otherwise I'd have been a little less harsh on the response I gave, just the the good ole days at the PI, everybody talkin' outta turn.
ReplyDeleteBy the way....thanks, it's good to get back into the fray, I tried to cut my time down so I'd be less apt to go off, but hey passion is the key to being a fan. I've always enjoyed our little banter. You're a great sport,a and fan.
And to clear this up a little, what I meant was that the house cleaning and hand picking Mike has done has made this team better(for the future). They're young and therefore will grow together at the talented core, and leaders, like Matt, Walter, Tobeck, Strong and now Sharper and Herndon will add some more leadership on defense(very much needed last season). I just think that what Mike's put together here, with several key guys signed to multiyear deals, is a team that will be in the top five for some time once they hit they're stride and finally gel as a team.
Seahawks the New Sweethearts of the NFC BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Say it with me!!!!!!!!!!!
Super Bowl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vinny, I wanna believe man, I wanna believe!
ReplyDeleteI do agree with you when you say that the young players on this team are the ones that will take us to the promised land. Guys like Tru, Hamlin, Boulware, they are the kind of players that will get us to that next level. Problem is, I have been waiting a lifetime for this team, A LIFETIME Vinny. That's a lifetime of getting my hopes up only to see them dashed to pieces, a lifetime of drinking the team Kool-Aid only to find it poisoned and bitter. You gotta understand that I am NOT an anti Holmgren guy, remember how I jumped down the throats of fire Holmgren Now and Bwil when they were being stupid/ But I am a Seahawks fan. That means that I wnat a Superbowl NOW damnit, not three four years down the road. I have heard those promises b4 and Holmgren was brought in to deliver. This is it, he MUST deliver this season! If not, I will not wait any longer, I will start screaming for his head and a new coach who CAN get us to the promised land. It's not personal against Holmgren or anything like that, it's just that after a lifetime of disapointment, I will not wait any longer, I have had enough. With parity in the NFL I shouldn't have to.
Sorry monkey but the Hawks will at least get to the playoffs again, this year with a win but even without a NFC championship win Mike's here for the duration, then when his contract's up he'll move on. So get used to his face for two more seasons. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I know you're hurtin', I'm hurtin' too, but Mike's my guy, he'd be the guys I'd adopt. It's been tough for me being a huge supporter ever since he arrived in GB. (easy now! Hawks were AFC when I was cheering the Packers on.)
Anyway, it's been great chattin' nicely with ya the Monk, now go smoke a banana and clean yer cage.
Later bro.
I never thought I would say this...but I want KRob to stay...
ReplyDeleteWhy ADP? I am curious as to your reasoning. I sometimes waiver on that myself knowing the type of athlete he is. But I also think he's a cancer that ouaght to be cut off and radiated.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to say that when he was a first rounder and has skills like he does.
LOL! Like spreading a deadly virus! Brilliant! Usually I hope that the guys we trade away go to another division, but I gotta agree with you Shonuff, whatever team he ends up on will regret it big time and I for one hope it's a team within our division.
ReplyDeletepolishing a turd? im sure there are better examples then that lol...
ReplyDeleteI seriously dont know why I want him to stay...i was all for him leaving, and now that its almost time where he could be going to a different team...its like nooooo
I sure as hell rather have him over Gardener...maybe thats why...because thats the only possible deal we know could happen...
the weird thing is, I dont have any remorse for Bobby Taylor or Chad Brown leaving